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Chapter 1

A test. My fate hinging on a single evaluation at 18 years old. The test occurred two weeks ago when I ventured to Wolf University for a two-part examination: a written test to assess knowledge, and a field test to evaluate strength and ability.

The field test, surprisingly, was less daunting than expected. A combat challenge unfolded, and fortunately, my extensive combat training, thanks to my dad who's the Alpha's second, paid off. My dad's protectiveness has always ensured I was well-prepared.

Today, the results are in, an envelope heavy with anticipation in my hands. The test offers three outcomes, but for me, it boils down to two possibilities: Beta or not. Luna is a distant third option, as Alpha and Luna pairs are rare. There's typically only one pair per pack, and new pairs forming new packs are exceptionally uncommon.

A knock interrupts my thoughts. "Come in," I call from my bed.

"Well, what's the result?" My mom and dad, vibrating with excitement, enter. I open the envelope before them.

I unfold the letter, my brown eyes catching the first word in bold: CONGRATULATIONS. A wide smile breaks free—I passed! A breath I hadn't realized I was holding escapes.

"I passed!" I exclaim, jumping up from the bed. My long jet black hair bounced with the movement. As I continue reading, my joy falters at the unexpected revelation.

"What's the matter?" My mom looks at me with concern as Dad retrieves the paper from my hands.

"Luna?" he reads and smiles. "I knew it!" That snaps me out of my stupor. Luna's are graceful, beautiful women that are the face of the pack. I'm an average girl with boring black hair and brown eyes. My skin in a plain tan. Nothing that stands out in a crown. I'm the total opposite of the picturesque Luna.

"What are you talking about?" I inquire, puzzled by their reactions.

"You were always too strong-willed for your own good," Dad states as if it's obvious.

"That's wonderful, honey," my mom beams with pride.

"No, this means I'll have to go to a new pack." Tears roll down my face uncontrollably.

"When you find your mate, that could mean a different pack anyway. What's the difference?" Mom wraps me in a comforting hug.

I lack an answer. Unexpected results have shattered my plans, and being a Luna wasn't part of them. "I don't know how to be a Luna."

The only redeeming quality of a Luna is that they are the healer of the pack. I've always been interested in learning medicine, but that is not an option for Betas.

"That's what school is for," Dad chuckles. "Now let's start packing. We leave in the morning!"

"What about Justin?" I slump into my pillow, realizing our plans for Wolf University together might need adjustment.

"Everything happens for a reason. You'll be an amazing Luna," Mom reassures, holding me.

The next morning, we embark on the journey to Wolf University. During the car ride, Mom and Dad share nostalgic memories of their time at Wolf U.

"What's it like for Lunas?" I question, having never heard much about Luna experiences at Wolf U.

"We don't know much about their time," Mom trails off. "They have their own building in the back of the school with a dining hall and classrooms," she adds, as if it's a perk.

"They keep to themselves and don't interact much with other students," Dad contributes.

"Why?" I'm puzzled. Why wouldn't Lunas want to know their pack?

"It's a rule," Mom says nervously. "Lunas must avoid Alphas until they are seniors, staying in Luna Hall to prevent accidental encounters."

"That's absurd," I remark.

"It's the rule. Follow all rules; they won't hesitate to expel rogues," Dad warns sternly.

"Got it! I'll be on my best behavior." I hold up my pinky.

Mom and Dad continue sharing Wolf U stories until we reach the wooded path leading to school.

"WU" adorns the gate as we enter the campus grounds. Students move in with jubilant smiles, likely receiving the expected results.

We arrive at a smaller building, "Luna Hall." I grab my luggage and head to the check-in table.

"Name?" the girl at the table beams.

"Claire Stone," I reply, glancing at her clipboard.

"Great! I'm Melony. Here's your welcome packet with your courses, dorm number, and the school handbook." Melony hands me a black folder.

Yes, I must read all the rules; Luna rules apparently surpass Beta rules. Mom and Dad help me settle into my room, and after goodbyes, I'm left alone.

My roommate hasn't arrived, and hunger drives me to explore. Direction signs guide me to the dining hall, where vibrant Luna conversations fill the air. I overhear tales of mating, described almost magically. Yet, I know it's not the fantastical tale humans tell.

I finish my meal swiftly and venture outside. The woods behind the building beckon me, and soon I discover a tranquil clearing with a waterfall—the perfect sanctuary. I relax under a tree, savoring the peace until a snapped twig disrupts the serenity.

A tall, muscular man emerges, chest puffed with arrogance. Shocked by his striking appearance, I gasp. "What are you doing here?" he demands, breaking my trance.

"What are you doing here?" I retort, defiantly crossing my arms.

"Oh great, a Luna? You can't be out here!" He scans the surroundings with concern.

"Why not?" I challenge, holding my ground.

"First, it's not safe alone in the woods. Second, Lunas aren't allowed to leave Luna Hall."

"So we're prisoners inside a building forever?" I ask, not really wanting the answer.

"No, you stay safe until you're ready to be mated. Education comes first; every Luna knows that," he states matter-of-factly.

"Well, I guess I'm not very good at being a Luna," I say, rolling my eyes.

"I like your honesty. I'm Alex Winter," he introduces, extending his hand. I shake it, eyeing him skeptically.

Alex embodies the epitome of physical fitness, his tall and well-built frame a testament to his dedication to staying in shape. His tanned skin carries a healthy glow, glistening under the sun's gentle caress. His brown hair, tousled and effortlessly styled, adds a touch of rugged charm to his appearance. But it is his piercing green eyes that truly captivate, sparkling with a mix of intensity and mischief.

I'm instantly drawn to the tribal tattoo on his arm, a bold and intricate design that tells a story of strength and heritage. It weaves its way down his arm, showcasing a fusion of symbolism and artistry that perfectly complements his confident and enigmatic aura.

"Do you like what you see?" He asks arrogantly. I look away quickly, rolling my eyes. "You're not like most Lunas," he observes.

"Yea, I've figured that out myself, thank you," I reply, irritated. I start walking away from him quickly.

"Be careful, little Luna! See you in three years," he calls after me.

Stomping through the forest, annoyance lingers until halfway back to my room. Climbing the stairs drains the anger, and upon entering, I find a girl in all pink.

"Hi, I'm Annabelle, but you can call me Anna!" she greets with enthusiastic bouncing.

"I'm Claire, just Claire," I reply, waving awkwardly. This, I suspect, is the beginning of a challenging four years.

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