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Monday brings with it a fresh start to the week and the presence of a new Alpha to contend with. I can only hope that the news of Alex and I mating will divert the attention of the Alpha's away from me.

Anna and I walk together towards the fields, engaging in lively conversation as we catch up on all the Alphas we have encountered so far. Anna confesses her crush on Paul, a fair and admirable Alpha who would undoubtedly make a great match for her.

As we enter the field, a wave of awkwardness washes over me. I find myself torn between standing with the Lunas, where I feel a sense of belonging, or by Alex's side. He watches me intently, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. Finally, he takes the decision out of my hands by confidently striding over and draping his arm around my shoulder, making it abundantly clear where I should be. In that moment, I can't help but feel an exhilarating mix of uncertainty and excitement, knowing that I have someone like Alex by my side.

"Good morning!" Coach's voice resonates through the air as he makes his way onto the field. We have all settled into our respective roles as betas and Alphas, and now Coach is about to announce the Luna pairings.

"Coach!" Alex's voice rings out, catching Coach's attention as he glances at his clipboard. "Claire and I are mates," Alex declares confidently. "I would like her to join my pack for the remainder of the year."

A warm smile spreads across Coach's face as he extends his congratulations. "Congratulations!" he booms across the field, his voice carrying a sense of pride and joy. "I hope there will be a ceremony soon?" Coach phrases it as a question, his gaze fixed on Alex with a mix of sternness and curiosity.

"Yes, sir!" Alex nods with a sense of determination and finality.

Coach adjusts his board, making the necessary changes, and proceeds to call out the Luna pairings. As everyone divides up and begins engaging in conversations with their respective packs, the day unfolds with ease. Alex and Mitchell spend the day discussing strategies for the week ahead, their shared bond and camaraderie evident in their interactions. It's a day filled with promise and excitement, as we prepare ourselves for the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.

After class Alex walks me to my dorm making sure I get back safe.

"You know I was walking around campus just fine before I met you, right?" I tease as he looks around protectively.

"How you managed without me is a mystery." He joked back and I shoved his shoulder. We said our goodbyes and I went up to study for my Medicine exam.

That night, As the moonlight bathed the world in its soft glow, I found myself drawn to the allure of the night. Stepping outside, I was pleasantly surprised to see Alex standing there, his presence a comforting beacon in the darkness.

Confusion danced in my eyes as I looked at him, unable to fathom how he knew I would be there. "How did you know I'd be out here?" I asked, my voice laced with curiosity and intrigue.

A playful smile played on his lips as he shrugged, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Just a lucky guess," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. But there was something more in his gaze, a knowing look that hinted at a deeper connection between us.

Leaning in, his warm breath tickled my ear as he whispered, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" His words hung in the air, carrying an invitation filled with a sense of adventure and romance.

Without hesitation, I nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Yes, I would love to," I replied, my voice filled with anticipation.

I nodded, my hand finding his without hesitation. We ventured into the peaceful darkness of the surrounding woods. The moonlight filtered through the branches, casting a soft glow on our path.

As we walked, hand in hand, a comfortable silence settled between us. There was no need for words. Our connection was deeper than that—a silent understanding that had blossomed into something beautiful.

We found a secluded spot, a small clearing bathed in moonlight. Alex turned to face me, his eyes filled with a mix of tenderness and longing. He gently cupped my face in his hands, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

"Claire," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You've brought light into the darkness, and I cherish every moment we spend together."

I couldn't help but smile, my heart swelling with affection. "Alex, you've become my rock, my guiding star. I'm grateful for your presence in my life, and I can't wait to see where our journey takes us."

He leaned in, his lips brushing against mine in a tender kiss. It was a gentle, sweet gesture, filled with promises of a future yet to come. We stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, lost in the magic of the moment.

As we pulled away, our foreheads resting against each other, Alex spoke softly. "Claire, I want to be the Alpha you deserve. I promise to protect and cherish you, to be there for you in good times and bad. You are my Luna, and together, we will create a bond that nothing can break."

Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I responded, "And I promise to stand by your side, to support you in your endeavors, and to love you unconditionally. You are the Alpha my heart has always longed for."

With those words, we sealed our commitment with another kiss, the passion and love between us growing stronger with each passing moment. Our hearts beat as one, and in that serene clearing, surrounded by nature's embrace, we knew that our love would withstand any challenge that crossed our path.

As Alex's lips gently brushed against my forehead, a sweet and tender kiss, I felt a rush of warmth and affection enveloping me. His affectionate gestures continued, his lips moving softly across my cheeks, leaving a trail of delicate and loving kisses.

The sensation of his lips on my skin sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me. As he traced a path of kisses down to my neck, a mixture of anticipation and desire coursed through my veins. Each touch, each caress, deepened the connection between us, intensifying the bond we shared.

At my collarbone, Alex hesitated, his lips lingering for a moment as he planted a gentle and loving kiss. In that fleeting moment, I could sense the depth of his love and devotion, a silent promise of protection and commitment.

But then, something unexpected happened. As if a primal instinct had taken over, Alex's teeth grazed against my flesh, a mixture of pain and pleasure intertwining in a whirlwind of sensations. In that moment, I realized the significance of this act, the mate claim, as it bound our souls together in a profound and eternal union.

The pain subsided, quickly replaced by an overwhelming surge of pleasure, as the mate claim took hold of me. It was a merging of two souls, a connection that transcended time and space. With each passing second, I felt the bond between us grow stronger, intertwining our destinies in a tapestry of love and passion.

In that moment, as I surrendered to the intensity of our connection, I knew that I had found my forever in Alex. Our souls were forever entwined, bound by a love that would withstand any challenge. And as we embraced, the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us, united in a love that would endure for eternity.

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