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It was the weekend, and the senior Lunas were getting dressed up for a night out at the main campus. The campus was throwing a "Welcome Back" party, and it would be our first time attending such an event. All the Lunas were wearing summer dresses, and I chose a floral dress to fit in. Keeping up with the expectations of being a Luna hadn't been easy, but the other girls had been incredibly supportive.

As the day progressed, I noticed that I was feeling warm. I was grateful that we were all wearing short dresses, as I would probably be sweating in any other outfit.

When we arrived at the gym, we could hear the music pumping from outside. I looked around nervously, wondering if I should just go back to my room and hide. But before I could make a decision, Anna grabbed my hand and pulled me into the gym. Any hope for an easy escape vanished.

The dance floor was filled with Betas having a great time, while the Alphas loomed in the corners, watching us. It felt creepy and unsettling.

As soon as I entered, my eyes landed on Alex. He was hard to miss in a crowd, with his muscled arms covered by a black button-down shirt. He wasn't paying attention to us at all; instead, he was laughing with the Beta he had chosen for the week. I found myself smiling at them before quickly covering it up.

I looked around the dance floor, hoping to find Justin, but I didn't see him yet. I walked over to the punch bowl and noticed someone hovering next to me. I turned and found Alex waiting for his turn to get punch.

"Hi, little Luna," he greeted me with a smile.

"Alex," I acknowledged him, taking a sip of punch. He moved around me to grab his own cup.

"Are you having fun?" he asked, looking around the room. His gaze shifted, and I followed it to the dance floor.

There, I saw Justin dancing intimately with a girl I didn't know. They were all over each other, kissing passionately. The warmth I had been feeling turned into an inferno of anger.

"They are having a little too much fun," Alex commented with disgust. I looked back at him, unable to find any words. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I rushed out of the room before anyone could notice me.

I ran outside and into the woods, not stopping until I reached a clearing. Leaning against a tree, I let the tears flow.

Suddenly, a twig snapped behind me, and I turned to see a shadow. I covered my face with my hands, hoping the person wouldn't notice me.

Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a firm chest. I inhaled his minty scent and felt myself relax.

The heat inside me intensified, and his touch made it harder to concentrate.

"What's wrong, little Luna?" he asked, releasing me slightly to look me over.

"Nothing. It's stupid," I shook my head, wiping my tears away.

"Claire, it's not stupid if it's upsetting you this much," Alex said, looking at me like I might break at any second.

"Justin... was my boyfriend. He was the one dancing so intimately," I shivered as I spoke the words. I couldn't be mad at him if he had imprinted on someone else. We had made a plan that we would only pursue it if we didn't imprint on others.

"I'm sorry," Alex sighed next to me. "He's a Beta. Lunas can't mate with Betas," he stated matter-of-factly.

"We were going to run away. I know it's stupid," I shook my head, looking away from him.

"You are so different from all the other Lunas," Alex said, sounding confused.

"Yes, I know. You say this every time we talk," I replied, rolling my eyes.

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