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Alex POV

Under the light of the full moon, Claire and I stand side by side, our bodies transformed into magnificent wolves. The night air is crisp, carrying scents of pine and earth that invigorate our senses. As mates, a bond deeper than any other connects us, and we share a knowing glance, our eyes reflecting the love and devotion we have for one another.

Claire stands beside me, her smaller frame contrasting against mine. Her sleek black fur glistens in the soft moonlight, casting an ethereal glow around her. Despite her petite stature, her presence radiates strength and grace, captivating me with each subtle movement she makes.

With a gentle touch, I run my paw through her velvety fur, savoring the sensation of its smoothness against my own. Her beauty and strength adding to her Luna aura.

With a shared surge of energy, Claire takes off, her powerful muscles propelling her forward with grace and agility. I follow close behind, matching her stride as we navigate through the dense forest. The ground beneath our paws is soft and forgiving, the rhythmic sound of our footsteps creating a symphony that harmonizes with the rustling leaves.

As we run, our bodies move effortlessly, synchronized in both pace and purpose. The wind rushes past us, caressing our fur and carrying the scent of wildflowers that dot the landscape. The moonlight casts ethereal shadows on the forest floor, illuminating our path and guiding us deeper into the heart of nature's embrace.

With every stride, an exhilarating freedom courses through my veins. I feel the wildness within me awaken, blending seamlessly with Claire's untamed spirit. Together, we embody the essence of the wolf, untethered by the constraints of human existence.

As we continue our journey, our senses heighten, attuned to the symphony of the night. The distant cries of nocturnal creatures echo through the forest, harmonizing with the steady beat of our hearts. We weave through the trees, our bodies moving as one, navigating the twists and turns of the familiar terrain.

In the midst of our run, Claire veers off the beaten path, her instincts guiding her towards a hidden clearing bathed in moonlight. I follow her lead, captivated by her intuition. The clearing opens up before us, a tranquil oasis amidst the wilderness. The sweet scent of wildflowers fills the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of moss and damp soil.

We pause, our chests heaving with exertion, and take a moment to bask in the beauty of the clearing. Moonlight filters through the canopy above, casting a soft glow on our fur. In this moment, time stands still, and we are fully present, connected to the primal energy that surrounds us.

With a playful glint in her eyes, Claire pounces, initiating a game of chase that echoes through the clearing. We dart between trees, leap over fallen logs, and revel in the freedom that comes with embracing our true nature. Laughter fills the air, a joyous symphony that rivals the sounds of the forest.

As the night wears on, we eventually find ourselves lying side by side, our breaths slowing, and our bodies savoring the tranquility of the moment. The moon casts a gentle glow, illuminating our contented expressions.

In this shared solitude, as mates under the moon's watchful gaze, we discover a deeper connection, a bond forged through the freedom of running wild together.

As we lay in the tranquil clearing, where our paths first intertwined, I feel Claire's breaths gradually becoming calm and steady. With a gentle sigh, she nuzzles her head against my chest, her face adorned with a serene smile that warms my heart. Mesmerized by her peaceful slumber, I find myself captivated by the graceful rise and fall of her chest.

However, the tranquility is momentarily interrupted as tiny droplets of rain begin to delicately caress our fur.

As the first raindrop touches my fur, Claire stirs from her peaceful sleep, her senses instantly heightened. Startled by the sudden downpour, she jumps up with a mix of surprise and excitement. The sky above us echoes with the booming sound of thunder, illuminating the clearing with each electrifying burst of light.

Realizing the need for shelter, we exchange a quick glance filled with determination and understanding. Without a moment's hesitation, we spring into action, our bodies intertwined in a seamless dance of agility and grace. With each leap, we navigate through the dense forest, the trees providing a protective canopy overhead.

The rain pours down around us, drenching our fur. We return to the tree with our clothes and get dressed.

Claire's hair is sticking to her face drenched. I push her hair behind her ear and caress her cheek. Leaning in for a quick kiss as the rain continues pouring.

I walk Claire back to her dorm, the rain makes up walk quickly. As we make our way through the dimly lit paths, a bittersweet feeling lingers in the air, tugging at my heartstrings.

With each step, a sense of regret washes over me, knowing that I can't stay by her side, immersed in the warmth of her presence. The thought of parting ways fills me with a longing so profound, it feels as if a piece of my soul is being left behind.

We walk in silence, the weight of our unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Every passing moment serves as a reminder of the fleeting nature of time, urging me to hold onto this precious connection for as long as I can.

As we reach Claire's dorm, I pause, reluctant to say goodbye. Our gazes lock, conveying a multitude of emotions that words fail to capture. In that moment, I silently promise to cherish every memory we've shared, knowing that our time apart is temporary, and that we will reunite again soon.

With a tender embrace, I bid her goodnight, watching as she disappears behind the door. The walk back to my room feels empty, a void filled with the ache of longing. Yet, in the depths of my heart, I hold onto the hope of a future where I can stay with my Luna, where our paths intertwine and our love can flourish without boundaries. Until then, I carry her presence within me, a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness until I can be with her every night.

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