Fourth Year

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Senior year. It's official the Luna's have prepped me for this year. Melony, the Senior from my first day, used to share her experiences with the Freshmen in the dining hall. We learned all about the Senior Alpha's and what they were like. They sounded brutal and hard headed to be honest. The girls all swooned at her stories of meeting a man who was dominant and powerful.

She was so kind and helped me a lot that first year. I would have been in a lot of trouble without her there to teach me. The classes were not all easy fluff classes like I expected. They did have a self defense class and a few others that peaked my interest. They also had some that were gross.

Meets, Heats, and Mating. You can just imagine how that class went. Yuck. That was a Junior year class to prep us for this year and the inevitable.

My favorite class so far was Pack Politics. In that class we learned about the dynamics of all the different packs in our community. I found the history of packs to be fascinating. My Luna studies class was interesting too. It wasn't just learning how to host a dinner party. That was a separate class all together.

Senior year would be different. We get to take classes outside of Luna Hall. I'm so excited to have class with the Betas. The Alphas? Not so much.

I'm also very excited to see Justin. We have been seeing each other every summer back at our pack. We are going to be together if neither of us imprints. We haven't worked out how yet, but I'm just happy to see him.

That's where I'm heading now. All the Senior Luna's are walking out to the field for our first day of "Pack Building". It's a gym class for all Seniors in our school. Alpha's are supposed to use this as a way to build their own pack by seeing who works well together. There will be a competition at the end of the year. Best Alpha wins a prize.

"Welcome to Pack Building. I'm Coach Bill, I'll be your instructor this year. A few rules before we get started. This is not battle strategies. No fighting for any reason. These will be friendly sports matches only. We will not be having any sort of combat in this class. Alpha's you will be randomly getting a Luna each week to work with and build a pack together. Each week your Luna will change, unless you find your mate or you get through all the Luna's. After you have had a week with each Luna you will then have an opportunity to start choosing your Luna. The other members of your pack can stay if you and them both agree."

"Remember Alpha's it is your job to create a safe and trusting environment for your pack. If they don't wish to stay in your pack that is up to them. You can switch out Betas at anytime. Today, Alpha's will just choose their Betas and meet their Luna for the week. Since this is our first day we will use your scores from last year to determine who will go first... Alex Winter!"

I gasp as the coach calls his name. The other Luna's look at me with questioning eyes. I mask my noise and touch my stomach pretending it was cramps. They turned back to the field as Alex walked out. He smirked at the crowd and looked around like he was looking for someone specific. His eyes landed on a guy with dirty blond hair and he smiled.

"My first pick will be Mitchell Justice," he points into the crowd at the blond boy. The crowd of Betas groaned.

The coach started to call more Alphas to the field and they all made their first selections. I stopped paying attention during the second round of picking.

I found Justin sitting on the bleachers waiting to be picked. We smiled and waved from a distance. He went back to watching the Alpha's.

This was all so strange to me. I was relieved that the Alpha's wouldn't be picking us like that. To be picked last is a level of humiliation I'm not prepared for. For the first time, I'm glad that I'm not a Beta.

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