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Mitchell walks away to give us some privacy. Alex doesn't seem too happy with his second.

"What's wrong?" I ask, looking into his eyes, concerned about his sudden change in behavior.

"Just forget about it," he replies, looking around and trying to cover his face.

"You've been acting so weird with me ever since we..." I trail off, feeling nervous to say it out loud.

"Mated?" he clarifies, his eyes tense.

"Not so loud," I quickly cover his mouth. "You're going to get us into trouble."

"Are you embarrassed of me?" he asks, his expression filled with genuine hurt.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, feeling confused by his hot and cold mixed messages.

"We mated, and now you're acting like you don't want it," he gestures between us, as if that explains everything.

"What do you mean?" I feel the frustration building up inside me. "I'm trying to keep us from getting into trouble. I thought you wanted it this way. You said to keep quiet and that you would handle it. I thought you wanted us to just pretend it didn't happen and move on."

I start breathing heavily, trying to control my anger. He looks at me with shock now.

"I came over to help with Dean this week. I was going to tell him you were mine and claim you, but you shook your head," he eyes me suspiciously.

"I thought you were going to get into a fight! I was just trying to keep you from getting into trouble," I explain, frustration evident in my voice.

"Claire, when I said I would handle it, I meant that I was going to claim you as mine," he looks at me like I have multiple heads. "Don't you know how mating works?"

"Yes, but I'm still learning how to be a good Luna. There are so many better ones to pick from. I thought you wanted to meet them all and have a choice," I try to rationalize my thinking to him.

"The moment I met you, my choice was made," he grabs my hand and pulls me close to him, his eyes filled with sincerity and love.

I smile up at Alex, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as he embraces our bond. Wrapping my arms around him, I pull him close and bury my head in his chest.

In that moment, he pulls me into a sweet kiss, one that quickly grows passionate and intense. Lost in the sensation of his lips on mine, I forget about our surroundings. But suddenly, a gasp near us breaks the spell, and we reluctantly break apart.

To my dismay, I see Justin standing there, watching us with a mix of confusion and disbelief. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?" he demands, his voice filled with anger.

I groan inwardly and instinctively step closer to Alex, seeking his protection. He wraps his arms around me, shielding me from Justin's gaze. "Claire is my mate, beta," Alex declares boldly, his voice carrying a sense of pride. I can't help but smile, realizing that he's making our bond known to the small crowd that has gathered.

Justin watches us with curious eyes, seemingly trying to process the situation. Mitchell, sensing the tension, walks up to Alex, ready to defend his Alpha if necessary.

"Why haven't you claimed each other?" Justin questions, his tone laced with confusion and frustration. I grimace, feeling the weight of the unspoken truth.

"That's none of your business," Alex growls at Justin, his protective instincts flaring up. "We will be having a claiming ceremony now that we have found each other," he clarifies, ensuring that everyone present hears his words.

Justin, clearly annoyed, walks away, his presence fading into the crowd. Mitchell pats Alex on the back with a big grin. "Congrats, you two!" he exclaims, his joy evident.

I smile at Mitchell, feeling grateful for his acceptance and support.

As Alex firmly clasped my hand, a comforting warmth spread through me. Together, we made our way back to the flickering bonfire, its gentle glow illuminating the night sky. The chaos of the earlier events had subsided, and the atmosphere around the campfire was relaxed and tranquil.

As we settled back into the circle of our friends, Anna joined us, her eyes curious and filled with playful mischief. She couldn't help but notice the intimate connection between Alex and me, our hands intertwined as a symbol of our blossoming bond.

With a mischievous smile, Anna plopped down next to me, unable to contain her curiosity any longer. Her gaze shifted between Alex and me, her eyes filled with anticipation. Sensing her eagerness, I couldn't help but blush, feeling a mix of excitement and vulnerability.

"Hey, what did I miss?" Anna asked, her voice filled with playful teasing, yet genuine interest. Her words hung in the air, waiting for an explanation that would shed light on the undeniable chemistry between Alex and me.

I looked up at Anna, my heart fluttering with joy and affection. With a bashful smile, I met her gaze, searching for the right words to express the profound and transformative connection that had unfolded between Alex and me.

"Be careful," I said softly, my voice laced with a hint of secrecy. "There's a bug going around..."

Anna's eyes widened in confusion, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. She couldn't fathom what kind of bug I was referring to, her mind racing to comprehend the hidden meaning behind my words.

"The mate bug," I giggled, unable to contain my joy any longer. The weight of the secret lifted, replaced by a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Understanding dawned on Anna's face, and a wide smile broke across her lips. She wrapped me in a tight hug, her laughter filled with delight and support. "Oh yay!" she cheered, her voice carrying a contagious enthusiasm. "I knew something was going on with you two!"

In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of the bonfire and the embrace of our friends, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the unwavering support of Anna, and gratitude for the incredible love that had found its way into my life. The journey ahead would be filled with challenges and uncertainties, but with Alex by my side and the unwavering support of our friends, I knew we could face anything that came our way.

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