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As the final week of school approached, anticipation and excitement filled the air. Graduation was just around the corner, marking the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. Alex and I longed for the freedom that awaited us beyond the confines of this place.

Despite the challenges that lay ahead, our pack remained strong and united. We were a force to be reckoned with, bound together by loyalty, trust, and a shared purpose. We knew that there were those who sought to bring us down, but we stood tall, ready to face whatever came our way.

Alex possessed a natural charisma and leadership that commanded respect. He had a way of making everyone feel heard and valued, fostering a sense of belonging within our pack. He was a true Alpha, guiding us with wisdom and strength.

Among those who harbored resentment towards Alex was Dean, a vocal critic who envied his position and influence. Dean's disdain for Alex was no secret, and his presence was a constant reminder of the challenges we faced.

To ensure my safety and well-being, Alex and Mitchell took it upon themselves to be my protectors, escorting me wherever I needed to go. Their unwavering dedication and the support of other betas who had pledged their loyalty to our pack reinforced the sense of security and protection around me.

Knowing that I had a team of fierce and loyal individuals watching over me filled me with a sense of comfort and reassurance. Their presence served as a shield against any potential threats or harm that may come our way.

As the days counted down to graduation, our pack grew even closer, celebrating our achievements and preparing for the next phase of our lives. We shared laughter, dreams, and a deep bond that only grew stronger with each passing day.

Together, we faced the challenges that awaited us, knowing that our unity and unwavering support for one another would carry us through. Graduation day would not only mark the end of our time in school but also the beginning of a new journey, where we would face the world as a pack, ready to conquer whatever obstacles came our way.

As the final week of school drew to a close, we found ourselves on the verge of completing the ultimate test of our pack's strength and unity: the "Pack Building" challenge. Having successfully passed all our finals, the last hurdle standing in our way was the end-of-year pack games.

In these games, every pack was expected to showcase their solidarity and participate. The stakes were high, as the winning team would not only receive a substantial prize but also receive support in establishing their new pack in the real world. The promise of financial assistance and guidance added an extra layer of motivation for all of us.

Alex, ever the optimist, held onto hope that our pack would emerge victorious. He believed in our abilities and the unbreakable bond we had forged through countless trials and tribulations. His unwavering faith in us fueled our determination to succeed.

However, despite the excitement and anticipation, I woke up that day feeling overwhelmed by a wave of nausea. The stress of the week had taken its toll on my body and mind, manifesting in physical discomfort. I made my way to the bathroom, seeking solace in the familiar act of washing my hands.

In my haste, I accidentally knocked over a bag containing feminine products. The sound of the items spilling onto the floor brought a sudden realization to the forefront of my mind. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, and began counting the days since I last needed to use them.

As the numbers ticked away in my head, a mix of emotions washed over me. Concern, uncertainty, and a glimmer of hope intertwined within my thoughts. I knew that this revelation had the potential to bring significant changes to my life, and the timing couldn't have been more precarious.

The pack games awaited us, demanding our full focus and participation. Yet, here I stood, grappling with a personal revelation that threatened to overshadow the impending challenge. The conflicting emotions weighed heavily on my heart and mind, leaving me unsure of how to proceed.

In that moment, I realized that I needed to find the strength within myself to confront the situation head-on.

With renewed determination and a sense of urgency, I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts before stepping out of the bathroom. The pack games awaited, and I knew I needed to find Alex and share this life-altering news with him before they began.

As I made my way outside the dorms, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, I spotted Alex waiting for me, his presence a comforting beacon amidst the chaos of my thoughts. Mitchell stood by his side, and they both greeted me with warm hugs, unaware of the weight that rested heavy on my shoulders.

Sensing the importance of what I needed to discuss, I mustered up the courage to ask Mitchell for a moment alone with Alex. Nervously, I addressed him, hoping he would understand the gravity of the situation. Mitchell glanced between Alex and me, his curiosity piqued, before obligingly walking ahead, giving us the privacy we sought.

As Alex's eyes met mine, concern etched across his face, he gently placed his hand on my cheek. His touch sent a comforting wave of warmth through me, easing the nerves that threatened to consume me.

"You look sick," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine worry. "This week has been so stressful for all of us."

Taking a deep breath, I mustered up the courage to share my news with him. I knew that honesty and openness were crucial in times like these, especially when our bond relied on trust and understanding.

"This week has indeed been overwhelming," I began, my voice wavering slightly. "But before we head to the field for the pack games, there's something important I need to tell you."

Alex's concern deepened, his eyes searching mine for clues as to what I was about to reveal. Sensing the need for privacy, I glanced around, ensuring that we were truly alone in this moment.

"Please, Alex," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I need you to listen. I... I'm pregnant."

The weight of those words hung in the air between us, the silence pregnant with anticipation as I anxiously awaited his reaction. My gaze fell to the ground, unable to meet his eyes, knowing that this revelation had the power to change everything.

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