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As the words escaped my lips, I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and vulnerability. The silence that followed seemed to stretch on for an eternity, heightening my anxiety. I dared not look up, afraid of what I might see in Alex's eyes.

But then, a moment later, I felt a surge of warmth and love envelop me. Alex's hand gently cupped my chin, lifting my gaze to meet his. In his eyes, I saw a spark of excitement and joy that mirrored the feelings swirling within me.

"Are you serious?" he whispered, his voice tinged with disbelief and elation. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and his eyes shone with an unwavering love. "We're going to have a baby?"

I nodded, a mixture of relief and happiness flooding through me. The weight of the secret I had carried was lifted, replaced by a sense of shared anticipation and unity. Alex's arms enveloped me in a tight embrace, his joy radiating from him.

"Oh, my love," he murmured, his voice filled with tenderness. "This is incredible news. I can't even begin to describe how happy I am. We're going to be parents."

In that moment, all the worries and uncertainties that had plagued me earlier dissipated. The future suddenly seemed brighter and filled with infinite possibilities. Our bond, which had already been strong, grew even stronger as we embraced this new chapter together.

As we made our way towards the field, hand in hand, a newfound sense of purpose and determination filled our hearts. The pack games, though still important, now took on a secondary significance. The real challenge lay in building a future filled with love, support, and the joy of raising a child together.

As we joined the rest of our pack on the field, I felt a sense of unity and strength like never before.

"Are you sure you want to play today?" Alex asked, his voice filled with concern. "You can sit out, and everyone will understand."

I looked into his eyes, appreciating his worry and the genuine concern he had for both me and our unborn child. I took a deep breath, feeling a surge of determination within me.

"I want to play," I assured him, placing my hand gently on his. "I'll take it easy, and if I feel sick or uncomfortable, I promise I'll sit out. But I don't want to let our pack down."

Alex's expression softened, but worry still lingered in his eyes. "Okay," he said, his voice filled with a mix of understanding and caution. "But promise me that you'll let me know if you aren't feeling up to it. Your well-being and the baby's health are my top priorities."

I nodded, giving him my word. "I promise," I replied, sincerity lacing my words. "I'll listen to my body and prioritize our little one. If anything feels off, I won't hesitate to step aside."

With that understanding between us, we turned our attention to the ongoing games. Our pack had performed exceptionally well in the class challenges, securing our spot in the next round. Excitement filled the air as we watched the other packs go head to head in the football tournament.

As we observed the Alpha packs on the field, a wave of competitiveness washed over the atmosphere. The Alphas were known for their fierce determination and drive, and it was evident in their every move. The spectators erupted in cheers and applause as the game unfolded, the tension mounting with each passing minute.

Amongst the crowd, I could see the pride in Alex's eyes as he watched our pack's potential opponents. He knew the challenges that lay ahead, both on the field and in our personal lives, and yet, there was an unwavering belief in our unity and strength.

As the game drew closer, our pack gathered in a huddle, our minds focused on the task at hand. We shared a moment of solidarity, a reminder of the bond that held us together. The pack games were not solely about competition; they were about showcasing our unity, resilience, and unwavering support for one another.

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