Alarm goes of | Part 15 |

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Sky's Pov :

I must have fallen asleep because i woke up by someone shaking me shoulder lightly.

"Morning sleepyhead" I hears someone say before i open me eyes where I find me self in bed whit Kelly.

"where am I?" I ask rubbing me eyes before sitting up.

"Your in the hospital" Kelly said as I turned around to se him in the same bed as I.

"Wait what!" 

"Oh no nothing happened you just fell asleep and then Connor came in whit you here" Kelly explain.

Just then Connor walks in the room.

"Hi you two" he said whit a smile.

"How you feeling Kelly?" He asked as I stepped out of the bed.

"Fine, just a little cracky" Kelly said sitting up in his bed.

"Okey I am gonna let you finish that bag of fluids and then I will check on you before you get discharged" He said as my brother nodded.

Connor left the room and i walk over to Kellys bed holding his hands as a tear started roll down me cheek.

"Hey whats going on?" Kelly said looking at me confused and worried at the same time.

"I almost killed you" I said after I took a deep breath as more tears rolled down my face.

"What do you mean Sky?" he asked and i noticed that he maybe didn't new what happened.

"I-I almost killed you whit that prank, I-I just saw p-people taking you away and I didn't new what to do" I said now crying heavily. 

"Come here, you didn't mean to and look now i'm fine" Kelly responded as he gived me a big bear hug.

"I didn't now" I said as i pulled out of the hug.

"Hey kiddo, I will never leave you like that, it was just an exited" Kelly said.

"It's not your fault, it could have happened to anybody".

We sat like that just talking before Connor come back whit the discharge papers.

"Ready to go?" Kelly ask me.

I nod and we walked out of the hospital and we decided to take a taxi back to the station.

"Look who's here!" Hermann said from the table when me and Kelly walked in.

I smiled as I noticed Stella and Gabby in the kitchen chatting together.

I walked over to them and we chatted for a bit.

20 minutes later the alarm go of.

'Ambulance 61, truck 81 and squad 3, apartment fire, North Wells Street'

I quickly ran out and gear up and jumped in in Truck 81.

"Okey we have 2 people in the house but it seems everyone else are out" Casey shouted from the front.

When we arrived I jumped out and looked over to Casey to give out orders.

"Hermann, Cruz follow me and clear the first floor, Sky and Mouch you two clear the second floor!" Casey tell everybody as we geared up to go inside to apartment building that still was on fire.

I nodded towards Mouch to signal that i'm ready to go in.

Walking in i didn't see any fire at all, I walked over to the stairs to make my way to the second floor. Half way up the stairs a women come running towards me and Mouch as if she doesn't now where to go.

"Hey mam i need you to go down here and out from the front door!" I yelled to the women who quickly did as I said.

"Okey I go right and you go left!" Mouch yelled to me as he pointed to where i would go.

"Okey" i yelled back before walking over towards one of the two doors on me left.

"Fire department, call out!" i yelled as i open the first door after I checked for any signs of fire in that room.

I cleaned the room not finding any signs of anybody.

Walking over to the second door my radio go of.

"Everybody get out now!" Boden yelled in to the radio from outside.

I stand in the hallway upstairs as Mouch comes out of one of the rooms he checked.

Thats when i threw me head back towards the stairs to try to signal to him we need to get out.

We walked down the stairs and around the corner to find a man standing in front of the door blocking the way out.

"Don't you dear come any closer" the man said that i suggested was around his thirty's.

"Sky, Mouch can you hear me, get out of their now!" Boden called out again, that made me reach for me radio put i stopped in my tracks as the man pulls out a gun and pointed it towards where me and Mouch was standing. 

"Hey man we need to get out before this apartment collapse!" Mouch yelled towards the now scared looking man that still pointed the gun towards us.

"Then we all gonna die, that's what you all deserve!" the man yelled back now holding his mouth to not let the smoke get to him.

"What, what do you mean that we deserve this!" i yelled confused.

"For what you did!, you killed me father!" 

"We haven't killed anyone?!" Mouch said.

"Yes you did, you left him to die in that car a week ago!"

"Hey man we did what we could and we got him out of that car but he started crashing when he was on the way to the hospital" I explain as i released what he meant.

"Then who's the one who was whit him in the ambo!" He yelled whit tear rolling down his face.

"I don't now man but you don't need to do this" Mouch said as he tried to walk slowly towards the man.

"Don't get any closer or i will shout you right now!" the men yelled whit shaking armes.

"Sky can you hear me!" I now hear Kelly speak into the radio trying to get to me.

"Give that to me, you to!" The man said sticking an arm out to tell us to give him ours radios.

I take it of and so does Mouch without saying a word we throw it over to the man.

"We need to get out of here man!" I yelled back to the terrified looking man.


~Hope you enjoyed <3~

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