Second ambo | Part 20 |

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Sky's Pov :

I was thrown back into a van and the door slammed shut before I could react. I did't move from al the pain and I couldn't I tried to stay awake and keep my eyes open. I heard the engine started but was cut off by a gun who went off.

I could feel hands wrap around me as someone picked me up and jumped out of the car. 

"CHICAGO PD, DROP THE GIRL!" someone yelled and I let out a slight relief as I new they where here, but then a hand wrap around my neck so my head was still. 

I tried my best whit all the straight I had left to keep my body to standing. "p-p-pleas" I studded out to the one holding me.

The person holding my does not seem to agree as he tighten the grip around my neck as I could feel a head of a gun being pressed to side of my head. 

"YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET ANYTHING OUT OF THIS DAMIEN!" Shouted someone that I recognized being Antonio's.

I open my eyes more to try to focus on the people in front of me. 

"LET ME GO AND I WILL NOT HURT HER!" Shouted the person holding me as I could hear his sobbing threw his voice.

"YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS DAMIEN, HEY, HEY LOOK AT ME!" shouted the person I could now see was Antonio standing on the other side in front of me whit his gun raised.

I could also see Adam and Kim standing on each side of Antonio also whit their gun raised at me and the person holding me. 

"You have 7 cops surrounding you and a whole fire station, you make a move and you're dead!" I heard Hank shout.  

That's when I realized that Kelly needed to be around here. I tried get out of his grip but he stoped me whit a kicked in the back whit is knee. 

I scream out as I took my last straight and bit his arm and he screamed out in pain and that's when he lost the grip around me and a shot was heard. I fall to the ground as my legs went numb under me. 

Adam's Pov : 

She bit down on his arm and he lost the grip around her as he stumble back a few steps to adjust the pain in his arms. Hank walked over to the man who was now laying down in pain and Hank shoot him in the leg. 

I say Sky fall to the ground as she got away from the man and I ran over. 

"Boden, take your guys away from here for now!" shouted Hank over to Boden who was standing next to the ambulance.

"Truck 81 and squad 3 get back to the fire station now!" Boden said threw the radio so everyone could hear. Some of the guys from the station 51 was already on their way over to Sky but when  the paramedics hade arrived to her I got up and nodded my head over to jay and Kevin who was standing a bit back behind the paramedics.

"Kim, Hailey help Brett and Dawson if they need help!" I said pointing to them as me, Kevin and Jay walked over to the guys and stop them from coming any closer.

"Let me see her Jay, she's my sister" Kelly said trying to come threw as tears started to roll down his face. 

"Not now, let the paramedics help her!" shouted jay back trying to get him a bit calmer.

"Come Kelly we will drive to the hospital right away" said Casey as he took Kelly's arm.

"No let me make sure she's okey!"

"We can't do that right now, let the paramedics help her" said Jay.

Everyone headed back to the firetrucks whiteout Casey and Herrmann who tried to get Kelly away from her.

"Kelly you can follow in the ambo if it's okey?" said Dawson as soon as they loaded Sky in to the ambulance.

Kelly looked over to Boden and he nodded as he said "We will met you at med, make sure she's okey".

Kelly jumped in the ambulance and I closed the door as he sat down and they drove away.

Antonio's Pov : 

I walked over to Hank as he stand next to the man who was laying on the ground.

"Call a second ambo!" I shouted over to Kevin.

"Copy that!" he said walking off to call for a second ambulance.  

After some other cops took over and kept an eye on Damien until the second ambo arrives we all headed towards the hospital. 


Hope you enjoyed <3

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