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Leah's POV :

After my dad got done with the paperwork we headed out to his car 

And boy was it nice 

And boy was it nice 

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"Wow" I breathe out

He looked at me amused 

"You like it?" He smirked 

"Yes sir, it's very nice" I said remembering my manners

He looks and acts super nice but maybe that was only because we were at the police station 

He frowned at me and then covered it with a small smile and opened my door for me 

He closed my door and went around to the other side and drove off

"So, are you excited to meet your brothers?" He asked hopeful

"Yes sir" I replied nervously 

I saw him frown again out of the corner of my eye 

"A-are they n-nice like you?" I asked getting really anxious 

He laughed 

What does that mean 

Is that a bad thing 

"Alright let me go down the list" he sighed 

"So your oldest brother is Vince and he's 27, he's the head of the house since I retired from the" he hesitated a bit 

Me and my oldest brother have a 13 year age gap, dang 

"Then there's Dante he's...23...? Yeah 23" he laughs off that he didn't know how old his own son was 

"He has a very motherly spirit you'll love him" he smiled at me

Good, at least he'll probably be nice 

"Next is Dominic he's 21 and he is...well" he pauses again trying to find his words 

"He's just a bit...umm, closed off" he shrugs 

What does that mean 

"Kyson is 19 and he's a lot like Dante" he smiles thinking of his son

Yay another nice one 

"Then the twins Matteo and Rhett" he sighs 

Twins? Wow

"Their 18 and seniors so you'll be going to school with them" he tightly smiles at me 

"Rhetts really quiet but Matteo not so much" he said with a nervous laugh 

"Last but not least you have Jaden" he laughs a little 

"He's a goofball and always getting on your older brother's nerves" he rolls his eyes and mumbles "and mine"

I laughed at that

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