Chapter 3

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Lillie was trembling with fear, feeling it was over. Next to her was Alex, who was also scared. We’re going to die, we’re going to die, and we have no way of saving our house. Lillie though. Foxy’s servants followed them to make sure she or Alex wouldn’t escape. Lillie felt powerless when she saw the rest of the group running away, she felt like a ghost. Where are they taking us? Lillie wondered in her mind. She saw a big tree nearby, so they’re going there? As they entered the area of the big tree, Lillie felt a pain when someone hit her and she fell to the ground. Lillie noticed that Alex also fell to the ground. When Lillie tried to get up, she saw Foxy and Alfa watching her. Lillie froze and lay on the ground without resistance. 
“We only managed to catch them.” One of the servants said. Foxy looked angry, but his eyes shone with satisfaction. 
“Find the rest, now.” Foxy ordered. Lillie was shaking when Foxy’s eyes fell on her, is he gonna kill her?
 “And what do we do with them?” Alfa asked. Foxy gave Alfa an emotionless look. “I’m going to keep them both alive, and I’m sure Roxanne wants to get them back.”
 Lillie didn’t know what to do, she was too confused to say anything. 
“You have to let us go, please!” Alex begged, but Foxy ignored her. Lillie got up, looked at Alex, who was scared, she helped her get up, and then Lillie looked at Foxy and Alfa. 
“Why are you doing this?” Lillie asked, her heart was beating like a hammer. She was afraid that they will find Roxanne or the others.  
“To get my revenge.” Foxy replied grimly and looked at Alfa. “Take them under the tree, I want someone to watch them.” 
Alfa approached them, and Lillie began to move away, and she noticed that Alfa was much taller than her.
 I have to run! Lillie screamed in her mind. She missed Alfa and fled, but was stopped by a servant. Lillie tried to avoid the enemy, but somehow he anticipated her steps. The attacker hit her and dropped her to the ground. She felt Alfa was grabbing her wrist and pulling her to the tree. Lillie tried to break free, but to no avail. Alfa threw her aggressively against a tree, causing Lillie to hit a tree hard.
“What are you doing?” Foxy asked. 
“I throwed her.” Alfa growled. Lillie coughed blood and felt tired and defeated. She noticed Alex was sitting next to her. 
“Are you all right?” Alex asked. Lillie just nodded and struggled to get up. She saw Foxy block Alfa’s way.
 “You’ve got a mess in your head again.” Foxy said.
“Don’t interfere.” Alfa said angrily and then walked past Foxy. What was it about? Lillie thought. She sat under a tree and watched the sky, ignoring Foxy’s servants who were near her. 
“What are we going to do now?” She heard Alex whispering to her. 
“I have no idea, I think we just have to wait for help.” Lillie muttered. She knew she had no choice, there were more, they were strong and tall, especially Alfa and Foxy. 
“We can’t wait, we have to find Ella and the others.” Alex whispered unpatiently. 
“But how?” Lillie asked Alex helplessly, “They are more stronger than us, they can kill us easily.”
“You’re not going to stay here, are you?” Alex asked. 
If I have to, I’ll stay. Lillie thought. She won’t risk her life, not now. 
“I’m staying because there’s no point in running away when there are big opponents here who are stronger than us.” Lillie said. Alex sighed heavily and stopped talking. It was still night, it was getting colder, Lillie was glad she was wearing a warm sweatshirt. She tried to relax and act like nothing bad had happened. She imagnied herself and the whole group on the beach, and everyone was amused. I wish it could be like this now. Lillie thought sadly. When those thoughts vanished from her, she noticed that Alex had fallen asleep. Lillie also felt tired and sleepless, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Lillie was awakened by cries for help, she rose quickly, and then she saw one of Foxy’s servants press Alex firmly to the ground. Lillie got up quickly and moved towards her, but was stopped by a tall man.
“Leave her alone!” Lillie was screaming. Alex tried to throw her opponent out of her, but she was still on the ground. Lillie quickly passed the waiter and ran towards her.
 “Let her go! Can’t you understand it?” Lillie screamed. Suddenly, Alfa came out of the bushes and attacked Lillie immediately. 
“You tried to escape, huh? Do you think you can get away with this?” Alfa asked threateningly.
 “I...I didn’t try to escape!” Lillie tried to explained. Alfa let go of Lillie and looked at Alex being pushed to the ground. Stop him! Lillie screamed desperately in mind. 
“She tried to escape.” The servant said, who beat up Alex. Lillie was desperate to attack the attacker, but she didn’t want to take any chances when Alfa was near her. 
“Let her go.” Alfa said. 
Lillie calmed down when the servant came down with Alex. Lillie rushed to her and helped her get up, and the Alpha pushed Lillie away. 
“Go back to the tree.” Alfa ordered her. Lillie didn’t move, she didn’t want to leave Alex in bad company. 
“I’m not leaving my friend here.” Lillie said calmly. Alfa growled something under his nose, Lillie didn’t hear it, but it seemed like he was talking to himself. 
“Shall I take you there by force?” Alfa threatened. Shocked Lillie went back to the tree, sat down and watched Alex and Alfa. Lillie felt weird when she saw Alfa help Alex to get up, they looked like they knew each other. Alex said something to Alfa, but Lillie didn’t hear it.
“Don’t ask stupid questions, go back to the tree!” She heard Alfa's angry voice. Lillie felt sorry for Alex when she noticed her walking back to the tree with sad face. 
Did something happen between them? Lillie was wondering. 
Alex sat down next to Lillie and crouched together. Lillie grabbed Alex by the shoulder, and Alex reacted quickly with a glance at Lillie. 
“What did you ask him?” Lillie asked unsure. Alex hesitated, stopped looking at Lillie without knowing what to say.
 “Alex”, Lillie said worried, “can you explain to me why he helped you get up and then held your hand?”
 Alex kept silent, Lillie gave her a caring look. Suddenly she saw in Alex’s eyes the only sadness and longing. She knows him. Lillie thought horrified. 
“Lillie, you’re the only one who doesn’t know much about the former members of our group.” Alex said softly. Former members? Lillie repeated insecurely. She only remembered Sting, whom she didn’t know, and nobody told her about the former members. 
“Alfa once belonged to our group, he was my best friend and also a good friend of Roxanne.” Alex said, “but when Foxy joined our group, he got angry.” 
Lillie was surprised when she listened to Alex’s story. She couldn’t believe Alfa was a member of the group, any more than she could believe Foxy was a member of the group. That’s why Roxanne didn’t want to fight Foxy? Lillie had a lot of questions on her mind. 
“Alfa hated that Roxanne only listened to Foxy and not to him. He felt betrayed and hurt.” Alex said, “that’s why he left our group.”
Is that why Foxy and Alfa are so hostile to each other? Lillie figured it out. Lillie looked at Alfa talking to one of Foxy’s servants. If Roxanne didn’t listen to him, then why Alfa is on Foxy’s side? Lillie thought unsure.
“The truth is that...Alfa is my boyfriend, and Foxy is Roxanne’s former lover.” Alex explained. Lillie always thought Roxanne had never had a boyfriend, she looked happy and honest. But everything turned out to be a lie, Roxanne was just pretending.
“So that’s why Foxy is taking revenge on Roxanne?” Lillie asked.  
“He left our group when Roxanne barely spoke to him.” Alex said. Lillie wondered why Foxy wanted to leave. Was he jealous because Roxanne was talking to Gold or Ella? Lillie felt Foxy was overcome by jealousy and hatred, so he decided to leave their group and Roxanne.
“I can’t believe these two villains once belonged to our group, because they are evil.” Lillie muttered. 
Alex didn’t answer, Lillie was feeling a little silly, she realized she might hurt Alex’s feelings. It’s nobody’s fault they’re evil. Lillie thought. She was just hoping Roxanne and Ash would help them as soon as possible, but she had doubts. There were more enemies than them, and they are bigger and stronger. How are we supposed to get out of here? Lillie wondered in thoughts. Suddenly Foxy’s servants stormed into an empty clearing, and Lillie froze when she saw tall men. It’s he patrol who should find the rest. Lillie thought horrified. She saw Foxy approach them right away. 
“I hope you have good news.” She heard Foxy’s cold tone. Lillie tried to find someone they could catch, and she was relieved when she saw no one’s a familiar face and body shape. 
“We haven’t seen her anywhere, boss.” A man with dark brown hair spoke, adding, “We searched the house and the entire area of the place.” 
Foxy only gave them a serious look. Lillie was sure he felt only anger inside.
 “I thought you promised to help me, but you all are disappointing me.” Foxy said. None of the servants dared to answer, Lillie raised her eyebrows in surprise. They’re afraid of him, but why? Lillie asked. 
“Very well.” Foxy mumbled. Lillie was just glad that neither Roxanne nor any other member of the group got caught. It could’ve been worse if they’d caught Roxanne. But Lillie wondered where the others were, are they preparing for the next fight? They’re planning a plan to save her and Alex? Lillie had hoped the nightmare would soon be over. Lilie continued to listen to the plan of Foxy and his allies. She watched Foxy enter the stone on which Ella always spoke, and Lillie became furious. He knows Ella was talking there. Lillie thought furiously. She noticed that Foxy had no respect for their lifestyles and traditions.
 “Then I have a different purpose.” Foxy said. Lillie looked at Foxy seriously and angry. She had no regrets about the villain, he had done everything to himself. 
“Every experienced man will lead his patrol, this time the patrol will go to the surrounding villages and towns, perhaps we will find our undoing there.” Foxy spoke calmly. Lillie didn’t think Foxy would do it, but something told her there were members in the village near their house. Lillie imagined Foxy’s merciless servants would find Roxanne. I can’t let that happen! Lillie screamed in her mind.
 “If they’re not there, every patrol will continue, and if you find our treasure...”
“Don’t you dare to do this!” Lillie interrupted Foxy, and confidence flashed in her eyes. All the servants looked at Lillie with hostility, but no one moved to attack her.
“Lillie, what are you doing?” She heard Alex whisper, Lillie ignored her, she wouldn’t give up. She knew she had to stop them no matter how far she went. Lillie stood up and made a menacing face. She was not afraid of making Foxy angry.
“You’ll never find then. You’re too blind with anger to find them.” Lillie growled. She was satisfied when Foxy only raised his eyebrows with a grimace. 
“They’re too far away, forget about killing Roxanne.” Lillie said, then she added, “You don’t even have the right to stand on that rock, you’re not our leader.” 
Lillie heard the servants whispering around them. Foxy suddenly looked at Lillie curiously, then stepped off the boulder and walked towards her. Lillie waited for Foxy to come to her, she was ready to attack if Foxy wanted to hurt her. She knew what she was doing was not wrong, she wanted to trick Foxy and show that he isn't smart.
"How do you know that?" Foxy asked grimly, looking at her with a doubtful look. Lillie didn't answer, she realized that she didn't know where her friends were now, but she could outsmart him.
"You'll never find them." Lillie said. "They are too far away.”
Foxy looked at his servants who were listening to their conversation. Does he believe me? Lillie thought.
“Neither Alex nor I, will tell you where they are.” Lillie added. Foxy looked at Lillie again, this time his look meant something, but Lillie couldn’t understand it. 
“You’re trying to make a fool of me, aren’t you?” Foxy asked her. Lillie raised her eyebrows, she didn’t look at Foxy, Lillie didn’t know what to say to Foxy. I can’t show that I’ve given up! Lillie spoke in her thoughts. 
“Seems to be yes.” Foxy said, he added without looking at Lillie, “which means everyone in your group can only lie.”  
Lillie got angry, is he mocking her? Bravely, she looked at Foxy as if she were attacking Foxy. 
“I’m not lying, you’re just too stupid to notice.” Lillie growled in anger. 
“You can’t even lie.” Foxy answered. Lillie refrained from attacking Foxy, calmed down and stepped back. She felt stupid, so she stopped looking at Foxy.
 “Apparently I’m right, if that’s the case, we’ll go deeper.” Foxy mumbled. 
“No!” Lillie screamed and attacked Foxy. But before she could beat him, one of Foxy’s servants rushed upon her and immediately threw her to the ground. Lillie punched  in opponent’s belly, but the opponent wouldn’t let her go.
“You’ll never find them! You’re going to lose!” Lillie yelled aggressively tried to break free.
“We'll see, my dear.” Foxy said and then turned to the Alfa, “Alfa, you'll be patrolling the end of this valley, and I want to make sure our treasure is hidden there.”
No! No! Lillie was panicking in mind. She looked to the side, her gaze fell on Alex, who was shocked by the situation, and two servants blocked her way not to help her. It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have said anything. She thought horrified, Lillie. When she tried to throw the attacker away again, another servant pushed her to the ground, and Lillie felt a severe pain in her spine. 
“Keep an eye on them, I want our prisoners to be separated.” Foxy ordered. Lillie could hardly breathe, she felt like she was suffocating in water and asking for air. Lillie started coughing when the attackers let her go.
“Don’t listen to their stories, we can’t trust them.” Foxy said. Lillie was startled when she felt her hands on both her hands, she noticed that the attackers were taking her to another place.
“Lillie, no!” She heard Alex screaming. Alex! I can’t leave her! Lillie screamed desperately in her mind. Lillie pulled in every direction, but she couldn’t escape the attackers. Where are they taking me? Lillie’s been thinking. She noticed the attackers let her go and then keep watch. At the other end of a clean clearing? Lillie was surprised. 
“They told you too many lies, what a shame. I thought we’d get to know each other better.” Foxy said, he sounded like a joker. Lillie made a grim face. 
“Never in my life.” Lillie answered him harshly. Foxy just shrugged his shoulders and disappeared from her eyes. She couldn’t believe what just happened. She prayed that what she said wasn’t true. If he catches them, there’s no hope. Lillie thought desperately. She regrets what she did, and the situation could get out of hand. Suddenly, a new plan was born in her head. She just wasn’t sure if it would work. What if I gain their trust? 

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