Chapter 13

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It was morning, and Lillie was sitting on the log, thinking about Jack's plan. She couldn't think of anything else but escaping this hell with Alex and Jack. She already imagined Jack in their group, and Lillie smiled at that. These will be great moments. Lillie thought happily. When she noticed Jack approaching Alex, Lillie became concerned, hoping Alex would agree to run away with them. She wanted to go over to them to listen to the conversation, but suddenly she heard Foxy's menacing tone a little further away. Lillie decided to go and listen to Foxy, just standing there like a pole when she noticed Foxy talking to one of his servants.
"I don't want to be part of this anymore, boss." She heard the fierce tone of the servant. Lillie's eyes go round, so are there more of Foxy's servants who don't want to fight with Foxy anymore? Foxy, meanwhile, glared darkly at the servant.
"You sound like you don't want to live anymore." Foxy replied. Lillie was surprised at Foxy's answer, could he even kill his helper?
"No ... I just want to go back to Void." The servant muttered.
Void? What is this place? Lillie asked herself. She remembered Foxy mentioning Void when he argued with Alpha. Is that where these creatures come from?
"But you won't come back, never again." Foxy growled.
"What?" Foxy's servant asked in a slightly trembling voice. Before Foxy's servant could say anything, Levis pounced on the servant. Lillie felt like she couldn't move, she felt as if her whole body was forcing her to look at it. The servant tried to free himself from Levis's grasp, but to no avail, Levis twisted his neck with his own hands. Lillie shivered as she heard the bone snap. She stopped looking at it, then went back to her log. If Jack had done that, he would have been dead by now. Lillie thought in horror. Why did they kill him? She couldn't calm her thoughts after what she saw. Jack suddenly appeared in front of her, his expression worried.
"Lillie, what happened?" Jack asked. Lillie was still trying to calm down, Jack sat down next to her, looking at her.
"Levis ... he ... killed one of Foxy's servants." Lillie followed softly. She heard Jack's soft gasp in surprise, as if he had been spooked by the news himself.
"Forget it, Foxy always orders to kill those who refuse to cooperate with him." Jack whispered. Lillie looked at Jack, she began to care more about Jack, afraid that would happen to him as well.
"What if they do the same to you?" Lillie asked sadly. Jack smiled friendly, then looked straight ahead.
"If we're less suspicious, we'll run away together."  Jack muttered. Lillie stopped grieving, agreed with Jack, when they get away, nothing will threaten them.
"As for Alex, she agreed to run away with us." Jack announced. "We are going to meet at the same place tonight where we discussed our plan."
Lillie nodded, hoping they wouldn't run into Levis or Foxy this time. Suddenly Levis approached them, Lillie felt a deep unease. Did they know that she was watching the death of one of Foxy's servants? Lillie tried to pretend innocent.
"Jack, the patrol is waiting for you." Levis growled menacingly. Jack sighed, then looked at Lillie, nodding his head goodbye.
Lillie reciprocated, then Jack got up and walked towards the tall men who were already waiting for them. Lillie trembled when Levis didn't take his eyes away from her, he watched her suspiciously, then left after a few moments. We must get out of here as soon as possible, then we can find our friends. Lillie thought calmly. She looked suddenly in the direction of Alex, who was looking hopefully at Lillie. Lillie looked around to make sure Foxy was not around, then got up and walked over to Alex. She still felt Alex was angry with her for what she had done to her, making Lillie feel guilty.
"Hi, it's been a long time since we spoke." Lillie muttered uncertainly. Alex smiled weakly.
"Yes, I heard about your plan, but I have a question." Alex said. Lillie sat down in front of Alex, she felt that Alex's anger was gone. They can be friends again and forget about this terrible situation.
"Are you sure Jack is the right person to trust?" Alex asked softly.
"Yes, Jack wants to help us, he wants to escape this hell himself." Lillie replied. Alex said nothing more, just nodded. Lillie noticed Alex's face winced in pain, then she clutched at the wounded stomach. Lillie made a sad face, was about to apologize, but noticed an Alfa nearby, who seemed to be watching them. Lillie froze motionless when Alfa slowly started walking towards them, but he was stopped by Foxy who said something to him. Lillie couldn't hear it because she was a little further away.
"I'd better go, we can't look suspicious, see you." Lillie said, getting up and then going back to the log to sit down. Suddenly she imagined what was happening with her group, she missed them very much, most for Roxanne and Ash. She dreamed of seeing them one more time, so that she could feel better here. She felt bad that she had watched Zara die, and that she had hurt her friend. If only she could be brave and strong, she would attack Foxy. Lillie looked up at the sky as she waited for Jack to return.
Lillie awoke to hear the return of the patrol in which Jack was. Lillie stood up immediately, looking for Jack. When she noticed Jack, she started walking towards him.
"Hey, how was the patrol?" Lillie asked jokingly. Jack laughed nervously, scratching his neck.
"Boring as always." Jack answered. "And how are you?"
“Good, I took a little nap." Lillie said. Jack didn't answer anymore, he just stared at Lillie. Lillie grabbed Jack's arm, and Jack raised his eyebrows in curiosity.
"Are you going to take a walk?" Lillie asked softly. Jack was surprised at this, then he answered, "Can you?"
"What will bad happen? Come on." Lillie said, Jack followed hesitantly. However, she stopped when she noticed Foxy looking at them with a menacing expression, Lillie swallowing. Suddenly, Foxy started walking over to both of them.
"Where are you going?" Foxy asked seriously. Jack was about to answer, but Lillie was the first to answer. "On a little patrol, I want to help you and be a little useful at your base."
"You are useful here, nowhere else." Foxy growled patiently.
“You can trust us, boss. Lillie told me that she remembers well in which direction her friends might have run, they have a powerful bond with them. “ Jack was convincing Foxy. Lillie noticed Foxy's expression change to the word "powerful bond." Could he have believed Jack's words? Foxy thought for a moment, then replied, "Okay, come back before noon, keep an eye on her, Jack."
Jack nodded, and Lillie looked scared, pretending to be afraid, but she felt joy inside. As she followed Jack, she felt Foxy's suspicious gaze on her body, making her uncomfortable. They started walking across the meadow, when they were already quite far from the territory of the Tall Tree, Lillie suddenly noticed a chestnut near her, when she picked it up she threw it at Jack who jumped, then turned towards Lillie who was laughing.
"Hey!" Jack called. Lillie dodged the chestnut Jack tossed. Jack started running at her side, Lillie started to run away from Jack laughing.
"You can't catch me!" Lillie called out to him.
"Let's find out!" She heard Jack behind her. When she noticed the forest, she started running towards him, but suddenly she felt Jack grabbing her with his hands, after which they both fell to the ground. Lillie started to laugh as she lay on the grass next to Jack who was just trying to hold back the laugh. When they both stopped laughing, they looked at the sky in silence, still lying on the grass. Thanks to Jack, she felt like in the old days, she didn't have to worry about anything anymore, because she felt safe with him.
"Have you ever wondered what will happen when we escape this madness?" She heard Jack looking at the sky with a calm expression. Lillie smiled sympathetically, already thinking how she and Jack were living together in her group.
"We will stop living in fear, only in harmony." Lillie replied.
"I think so too." Jack whispered, closing his eyes. Lillie then looked at Jack who seemed relaxed. As she heard the sounds of nature, she looked up at the sky again.
"It reminded me of always going outside with my girlfriend at night, it was a beautiful time." Jack muttered, there was sadness in his voice.
"What happened to your girlfriend?" Lillie asked suddenly. Jack was silent for a moment, as if hesitating to say anything, but he replied in a cold but also sad voice, "She died in a fire."
Lillie looked sharply at Jack, sympathy and compassion overwhelming her. But Jack wasn't looking at her, he was focused on the sky.
"I'm sorry Jack, I shouldn't have asked that." Lillie stammered.
"Everything is fine, if I hadn't left her in the woods, maybe she would have survived." Jack answered. "I can't stand the fact that I didn't have time to save her."
Lillie didn't know what to say, she felt very bad about Jack's girlfriend's accident. Lillie hugged Jack, she didn't want him to feel bad now.
"I ... also had the love of my life in the past, but he rejected me." Lillie whispered to Jack. She remembered how the boy she fell in love with never agreed to be in a relationship with her. Moments later, she felt Jack hugging her with one hand.
"This boy didn't deserve your love." She heard Jack's serious tone.
Lillie didn't answer, she just cuddled up to Jack to forget the day she confessed her love to this boy.
"It's always the people we love leave too soon." Jack said softly. Lillie looked up at the sky then, the clouds began to block out the sun, the birds continued to sing.
"But we have to live with it." Jack muttered grimly. Lillie stopped hugging Jack as he got up to sit down. Lillie sat up as well, still looking sadly at Jack.
"Jack?" Lillie said hesitantly. Jack looked at her then, Lillie hesitated as she could still see the pain in Jack's eyes.
"I was wondering if ... you would like to join us." Lillie said.
“Join you?" Jack repeated. Lillie nodded slowly.
"So that you can start a new life with us." Lillie said, she tried to be persuasive. Jack lowered his head, looking at the flowers that were a bit further away from them. Lillie thought Jack would say no to her.
"I want, I ..." Jack hesitated as if to say something to Lillie. But Jack couldn't say it as if he was afraid.
“Yes, I do want.” Jack replied, then stood up and began to take the grass out of his sweatshirt. Lillie wondered what Jack had wanted to tell her earlier, but forgot about it when she was suddenly noticed by a wooden house from a distance. Lillie stood up with a puzzled expression, began to slowly walk towards the house, but was stopped by Jack who was calling her. But Lillie was still watching the house closely, it was there that she woke up in this house. When she felt Jack beside her, she looked at him, she saw that he too was looking at this house, then he sharply grabbed Lillie's wrist.
"We have to get out of here." Jack said, then began to pull on her. Lillie obediently followed him, but she had many questions in her mind.
"But why, do you know what this house is?" Lillie asked quickly.
"Forget this house, let's go back to base." Jack muttered immediately. Lillie didn't ask any more questions, just followed Jack with a serious expression on her face.
It was dusk when Lillie was sitting on the log, she noticed Jack helping Alex up, and he signaled to Lillie to follow them. Lillie quietly stood up, then ran after them. Is it too early for us to do this meeting now? Lillie thought. When they got to the same place where she and Jack were talking about the plan yesterday, Jack helped Alex sit down so she wouldn't hit herself.
"We are running our plan after tomorrow so that it doesn't seem suspicious." Jack said. Alex just nodded.
"Does Alex know about our plan?" Lillie asked.
"Yes, I told her everything when we returned from our walk." Jack answered. Lillie backed Jack for telling Alex earlier, now they can plan more details.
"After tomorrow morning you will tell Foxy about this vision, but I'll pretend to believe it." Jack began to say, "Tomorrow we have to somehow get away from each other to make it look like we don't trust each other."
"Okay." Lillie replied reluctantly. She didn't want to lose touch with Jack because she wanted to make sure he was safe. She was still afraid that Foxy or Alfa or Levis would discover their plan and cooperation.
"Foxy's patrol will be back soon, we have to get back." Jack said.
Alex and Lillie then began quickly making their way back to the Tall Tree territory. Jack, however, stopped her and allowed Alex to return.
"Be careful, okay?" Jack said protectively. Lillie nodded uncertainly, then quickly returned to her log. She couldn't wait for their plan to come true. Once Jack had entered base, Foxy, who was on patrol, entered base first. Lillie avoided Foxy's eyes, wishing the monster would never speak to her again. She shivered when she heard someone walking towards her, she knew it was Foxy, so she immediately looked at him with a serious face.
"Forgot to ask, how did your patrol go?" Foxy spoke up.
"Fine, but we found no traces." Lillie replied. Foxy raised one eyebrow in disbelief, Lillie became concerned.
"Are you sure?" Foxy asked menacingly. Lillie's heart beat faster, she felt confused. Suddenly she noticed Foxy slowly removing the cap that belonged to Roxanne from her pocket. Lillie shivered with fear, how could the Roxanne hat be there?
“We found it in the south, a bit further from the forest." Foxy growled. Lillie stood up, examined the soiled gray peaked cap, it looked torn. Did Roxanne lose her or was that where they ran away? Lillie asked herself. Lillie got scared when Foxy grabbed her violently, then pulled her violently towards him.
"Look carefully, doesn't this hat belong to Roxanne?" Foxy asked defiantly. Lillie felt a strong pain in her hand, she dreamed of freeing her hand from his firm grasp, but she remained motionless.
"I ... I ... yes, it belongs to her but ..."
Foxy cut Lillie off when he grabbed her tighter this time.
"But what?" Foxy growled. Lillie tried to calm herself, unable to stop breathing rapidly.
"But we weren't in that area ... we were in the west." Lillie said quickly.
"Oh really? Foxy asked as if he were mocking her. "I saw with my own eyes that you were near this forest."
Lillie didn't know what to say in shock, how could Foxy know? Was he spying on them? Or maybe he has spies?
"If you have something to hide, you won't live any longer." Foxy threatened her.
"I'm not hiding anything, please have mercy ..." Lillie muttered.
"I am tired of your pleas for mercy!" Foxy boomed. Lillie felt like she was in trouble, but suddenly she heard Alfa, "Stop, Foxy!"
Alfa pushed Foxy away from Lillie menacingly, causing Foxy to release Lillie's hand.
"You can't accuse her without any evidence." She heard Alfa's menacing growl.
"I have evidence, stay out of this." Foxy answered. Lillie looked at Jack, who seemed to be terrified of this situation himself. Foxy looked at Lillie again with a malevolent expression, his eyes wide open as if he were keeping an eye on her.
"It looks like I was too trustful for you." Foxy said.
"I didn't know anything about this hat, we were there, but nearby, this hat looks like a joke to me." Lillie replied. Lillie noticed Jack clutching his forehead.
"Joke? Do I look like a joke to you? " Foxy growled sharply.
"No! They couldn't run in that direction, all your servants could see well in which direction they were running!” Lillie said right away, in a hurry. She saw Foxy's anger slowly fade away, but curiosity rose.
"Have you not seen?" Foxy asked.
"How could I see when I was surrounded then?" Lillie replied.
"I dunno, maybe whatever they told you, where are they going to run away?" Foxy asked, giving her a glare. Lillie shook her head, but she wished herself to know where they were now.
"Stratus, you have to keep an eye on our prisoner until the morning." Foxy ordered sharply. A well-known guard came out of the crowd of servants and hit her, Lillie lost her balance and fell hitting the log.
"Maybe, you can tell me everything by tomorrow, Lillie." Foxy muttered, then he walked towards Levis who was waiting for him. Lillie could not believe what was happening, she noticed how Alfa looks at her, then when he wakes up from his mind, he walks away from her. Lillie felt that she had screwed up again and that it was all her fault. When Jack disappeared from her sight, she felt terrible. Since ... I have to tell Foxy something, we need to start our plan a lot faster.

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