Chapter 16

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Gold watched The Sisters as they looked confused and scared. When she told them everything, Fauna and Gestra seemed to be the most silent.
"How it's possible?" Roxanne asked quietly.
Gold didn't know what to say to Roxanne, she was also shocked that Foxy was behind everything.
“We have to do something about it.” Gold said, hoping Fauna would speak up, but Fauna was still silent with her head bowed.
“Just what?” Suddenly Gestra spoke up, “We can't do anything about it! We don't even know where Foxy is right now."
“You don't know, but we know.” Dark replied. Gestra growled hostilely at Dark, Gold didn't understand why The Sisters were still hesitating over their decision.
“Foxy attacked our valley, he won't let go until he kills... Roxanne.” Gold said reluctantly. Gold saw Clarice and Aura exchange horrified looks while Clio, Tara and Keira didn't even look at Gold. They must help us! Otherwise we will never win. Gold thought to herself.
“The Sisters, we are so sorry for your loss.” Ella began to say in a sad voice, "we want to help you, but we also need your help."
Fauna then immediately looked at Ella, Gold felt that there was still a chance to persuade The Sisters to help them. Gold then stood by Ella's side and nodded to agreement. Fauna approached them with a serious face, Gold had the impression that the wizard was determined to defeat Foxy and avenge the death of her former leader.
“What do you need us for?” Fauna asked. Gold shivered, then she looked hopefully at Ella who was more confident than Gold.
“You definitely want to find Foxy now.” Ella said calmly. Gestra stood next to Fauna with a menacing look.
“Why would we want to find him? To let him kill our next sister again? No, we won't let that happen again!" Gestra growled sharply. Gold wished she could cover her eyes, but she still watched the whole event anxiously. Ella, I hope you make it. Gold thought calmly.
“No, you want to avenge Cristie's death so her spirit can live in peace.” Ella answered.
Gestra was then speechless with a surprised face, a moment later she took one step back, dropping her head down. Gold felt compassion, she felt a great empathy for The Sisters, she dreamed of helping them so that they too would find peace.
"Even though we didn't know Cristie, we also want to avenge her." Gold said in a serious voice.
"You don't understand anything," Clio replied menacingly. “Foxy is stronger than us.”
Gold wasn't sure, maybe Foxy knows a few spells now, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world.
“He’s not, you have more powerful magic in your hands than Foxy.” Gold said. Suddenly, Gold saw some of the wizards light up as if they agreed with Gold. Only Gestra looked uncertain and scared.
"If he had powerful magic, we wouldn't be here at all, especially me." Roxanne said. Gold gave Roxanne a grateful look for her support. Silence still reigned among her group and The Sisters, Gold was fearing that Ella's or her and Roxanne's speech had done nothing.
“Do we really have to do this?” Tara spoke softly. “I…I don't think so…”
“Don't you want to avenge Cristie?” Gold interrupted her. Tara had already fallen silent, not looking at Gold. All The Sisters looked at Tara, who just sighed and walked away from them, going back to her house. Gold looked quickly at Fauna, the leader of The Sisters still seemed to be thinking.
“Enough, Cristie is no longer one of us! She agreed to let Foxy live among us and know our weaknesses, we never want to see him again!” Gestra screamed. “You want to use us as much as he does!”
“Gestra!” Fauna called back. Gestra looked straight at Fauna with a hostile look. Gold was amazed at what Gestra said, does she blame Cristie?
"You've said enough." Fauna growled. Gestra had tears in her eyes then, she still had a menacing expression on her face, but she couldn't stop crying. Gold looked at Ella, who looked worried. Fauna's eyes fell on Gold and Ella.
“The Sisters are very eager to help you, we are grateful to you for everything you have done.” Fauna said softly.
“You trust them too much!” Gold heard Gestra's furious muttering.
"Yes, thanks to them we found out why we can't find our ancestors on our land." Fauna answered Gestra. Gold looked at Gestra who was breathing uneasily with tears in her eyes. She wondered why she was so afraid of meeting Foxy. Suddenly Clarice walked over to Gestra, Clarice's brown eyes darkening.
“You blame my sister for what happened.” Clarice said. “Although you yourself agreed with great desire for Foxy to stay with us.”
Gestra made round eyes then, Gold wondered if she should react, she was afraid that Gestra would say something that she would regret. As Clarice and Gestra glared at them, Fauna and the others watched closely.
“Because... I trusted him, I treated him as a friend, even as my own brother. Even after he was close to death and I helped him, he still didn't trust me." Gestra stuttered softly. Then Gestra burst into silent tears again, as if she had brought back those memories. Clarice hesitated, then she hugged Gestra. Gold sighed heavily, which made her hate Foxy more than before.
“Because he only wanted revenge on our friend!” Gold said. “He only cared about magic, nothing else.”
“Are you trying to tell us that he came to settle with us because we know spells?” Keira said. Gold nodded uncertainly, more sure that Foxy had not come for her, but for power.
"So we shouldn't have trusted him from the start." Clio growled. Fauna took a deep breath and exhaled as if trying to calm down.
"My sisters, they're right, we can't leave it, especially with ghosts from the Void world lurking around our world." Fauna announced in a menacing voice. Clio, Keira, Aura, Shiver and Clarice joined their leader. Gestra was still standing like a pillar not knowing what to do.
“The world needs us, we must save everyone from Foxy.” Fauna said. "Are you with me?”
The Sisters smiled at Fauna, then began to nod and yelled together, "We're with you!”
Gold felt excited, now that The Sisters are with them, nothing bad will jumps at them.
"When are we leaving to your valley?" Fauna asked. Gold looked at her group, they all looked happy except for Roxanne who was standing next to Dark. Gold was about to approach her, but she was stopped by Whiteflower who had a cold look. Gold gave him a questioning look as she was about to pass him Whiteflower said to her, "I hope you know what you're doing."
Gold made a threatening face, Ella was talking to Fauna, Gold approached Roxanne who was stressed out.
"Everything's okay?" Gold asked. Roxanne smiled nervously, then she nodded.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Gold mumbled as she placed a hand on Roxanne's shoulder. Roxanne faked a laugh, then made a sad face.
“I know that.…I just...I don't want to fight Foxy.” Roxanne stammered, then walked away from Gold with her head down. Gold followed her with a desperate expression, feeling a little bad that Roxanne was in the greatest danger. As Roxanne disappeared from her sight, she saw Dark follow her trail. I hope this nightmare as soon as possible.
As the sun began to slowly descend, Gold couldn't stop thinking about what Roxanne had told her. Feeling vulnerable in this situation, she wished to help Roxanne to forget about Foxy. She woke up from her thoughts when she heard Fauna. "We're leaving tomorrow at dawn, everyone be ready.”
Gold couldn't calm her thoughts for a moment, remembering how she had persuaded Foxy to open up his feelings for Roxanne. Gold shook her head, trying to forget what she had said to Foxy.
"Gold, what's going on?" She suddenly heard Sting who seemed to be watching her for a long time.
“Nothing." Gold replied quickly.
"I know something's wrong, I saw your gaze." Sting said seriously. Gold shook her head, she didn’t want to tell anyone how much she wanted to defeat Foxy and make Roxanne forget about him. He was always evil, he will be evil for the rest of his life. Gold thought in her mind.
"I want to help you." Sting said to her. Gold reacted quickly when Sting grabbed her hand.
"I don't need your help." Gold snapped. Sting immediately took his hand from Gold's. Gold felt a bit silly, she didn't want to offend anyone by her behavior.
"Sorry, I've been thinking too much lately." Gold spoke calmly.
"About what?" Sting asked in a sad voice. Gold sighed and then she stopped looking at Sting.
"Nevermind." She answered him quickly. Sting didn't say anything, but Gold could still feel his eyes on her body. She tried to ignore it, but it provoked her. Suddenly, she looked around the crowd for Roxanne, but she was nowhere to be seen. She later realized that Dark wasn't also in the meeting, Gold became concerned about this. She couldn't focus on the meeting, so she left the crowd and headed in the direction where she had last seen Roxanne. As she walked, she looked at the forest in front of her. Something told Gold that was where Roxanne had gone, and even Dark had gone too. When she entered the forest, she heard a loud tone from a distance, she recognized the voice, it was Dark. Gold started to head towards the voices, but when she noticed her familiar figure, she quickly hid behind a large boulder that was close to her. As she sat back, she listened anxiously, but she was shocked by what she heard.
"I love you, I love you just the way you are." She heard Dark's desperate voice. Gold wondered who he was talking to, Roxanne?
"You can't love me." Suddenly Roxanne heard, "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be with anyone, I want to be alone."
“Calm down, please.” Dark said to her.
Dark loves Roxanne? I can not believe it! Gold called out mentally.
“How do I calm down when my own friend loves me?” Roxanne asked. Dark was silent, Gold wondered for how many days Dark had fallen in love with Roxanne. She always thought that Dark and Ella would make a good couple, but the truth turned out to be different.
“Listen Dark, I love you as a friend. I don't want to go back to the past again, I saw you as nothing more than a friend." Roxanne mumbled, then Gold heard rustling noises. Gold realized it was Roxanne, Gold then quickly came out of hiding. Her eyes met Dark who fell to his knees. Gold quickly walked over to him, her expression was sympathetic. As Dark looked at her, Gold saw the despair in his eyes.
"What have you done, Dark?" Gold asked in a surprised voice. Dark stood up without meeting Gold's eyes.
"You've probably heard it all." Dark mumbled sadly.
"Almost everything." Gold corrected him. Dark covered his face with his hands as if trying to hide his emotions. Gold didn't know what to say when she saw Dark in such a state she wanted to hug him but refrained from doing so. She felt like she needed to know everything.
"What happened?" Gold asked sympathetically. Dark hesitated for a moment to say anything to Gold, but Gold convinced him with her steady gaze. Dark then took a deep breath in and out, then he began to speak.
“I fell in love with Roxanne.” he replied.
“For how many days?” Gold asked. Dark was hesitating again, as if he was afraid to tell the truth.
“Since she stopped being a leader.” Dark answered her quietly. Gold was surprised, for so long Dark could not confess that he loves Roxanne. Is that why he hesitated?
“As we got to know each other better, I felt that she was more than just a friend to me.” Dark began to say, “but I knew the pain she was going through because of Foxy, so I didn't want to interfere.”
Gold now knew why Dark would come to Roxanne when she was in a bad mood, but she still found it hard to believe that Dark loved her then.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Gold asked.
"Because it was a secret, my secret." Dark replied impatiently, "I really thought she would love me too, but no."
Gold grabbed Dark's arm, then he looked at her with pain in his eyes. Gold smiled slightly and she said, "You're giving up too fast, Dark.”
"Because I don't want to force her to be with me, I respect her decisions." Dark replied.
“Just as much as I respect her decisions.” Gold said. Dark stopped looking at Gold after that, he had an angry look. Gold looked around to make sure no one was around, then she said, "I'll help you.”

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