Chapter 22

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Gold started jumping for joy along with Shiver. She felt like she had never been as happy as she was now. When they were done celebrating, Gold looked at the tired and wounded The Sisters, Fauna smiled at Gold and nodded to her. Suddenly Keira fell to the ground and coughed blood, Gold quickly ran to Keira with a scared face.
"Keira, what's going on?" Gold asked quickly.
Keira tried to fight for breath, Gold helped Keira lie down on her back, she felt terrible when she noticed Keira's deep cut on her stomach.
"Quick, we have to help her!" Gold screamed.
Fauna and Gestra moved the fastest and helped Keira get up. Gold watched as Keira was held by Gestra and Fauna, blood gushing from Keira's wound. Gold was trembling with fear, Keira looked like she was about to lose consciousness.
"Don't close your eyes!" Gold suddenly heard Fauna.
Gold made a sad face, she was worried about Keira and The Sisters. She saw Fauna and Gestra walking towards the forest together with Keira. All the Sisters followed them except Shiver and Tara who had a menacing expression on her face.
"How did this happen?" Gold asked.
"I...don't know, but I hope Keira comes out of this." Shiver mumbled sadly.
Gold watched The Sisters with a sympathetic look, she didn't want anyone to suffer such harm.
"We have to stay here for now until Keira gets better, we'll be here." Ella said calmly.
"The Sisters don't belong to you." Tara said suddenly.
"Maybe not, but they're our friends." Gold growled sharply.
Tara didn't say anything then, she just rolled her eyes. Gold walked towards where The Sisters had gone, a moment later she heard footsteps behind her, Gold turned and saw Roxanne, Lillie and Dark behind her.
"We want to go with you." Dark said.
Gold was uncertain, looked expectantly at Ella, who nodded. Gold sighed heavily.
"Okay, let's go." Gold replied seriously.
Gold was relieved when she spotted The Sisters, Gold was leading Dark, Lillie and Roxanne towards The Sisters. When Aura and Clio noticed Gold, they made slightly friendly faces.
"Is everything okay with Keira?" Gold asked.
"We don't know," Clio began to say, "Fauna and Gestra are trying to heal her."
Gold and Roxanne exchanged worried looks.
"May she survive." Roxanne mumbled desperately.
Aura and Clio nodded in agreement with Roxanne, Gold was concerned that Fauna and Gestra would fail to save Keira. She tried to stay positive that everything will be fine, but when she still saw injured Keira in her mind, she had the impression that it wasn't good. She remembered how she and Keira were collecting herbs in the forest, she begged in her mind that The Sisters' ancestors would not take her now. Gold woke up from her thoughts when Gestra came out of a small cave, when she approached them she sighed with relief.
"It's good you're here!" Gestra said, adding, "Keira wants to see you, especially you, Gold."
"Okay, let's go now." Lillie said quickly.
Gold ran to the cave first, then tried to enter the narrow cave, when she entered her gaze revealed Keira who was lying with a deep wound. She also noticed a Fauna who seemed to be trying to heal Keira's deep stomach wound. Gold quickly approached Fauna with a worried expression.
"Will she survive?" Gold asked.
Fauna looked at Keira who seemed to be unconscious, Fauna's gaze worried Gold. Once Fauna opened her mouth, Keira started coughing again.
Gold sat down next to Keira with a sad face, she didn't want to see anyone hurt, but she wanted to keep Keira company.
"G...Gold?" Keira croaked.
Gold felt Roxanne, Lillie and Dark's horrified stares behind her, but Gold was concerned about Keira's suffering.
"Don't close your eyes, you must survive." Gold begged her.
"I can't do it anymore." Keira mumbled in a weakened voice.
Gold watched Keira helplessly, tried not to cry.
"Gold, I wanted to thank you...for everything you've done...thanks to you and your friends, The Sisters can now live in peace." Keira said hoarsely.
Because of this, tears began to flow from Gold's eyes, she wished that Keira would not leave this world, she hoped that Keira would teach her different herbs and that they would become friends.
"Now that we are free, even ghosts can live in peace, thanks to you, thank you." Keira mumbled softly.
"Don't say that, you can't die." Gold stammered.
"My ancestors are calling me, my time has come, I'm sorry my sisters." Keira whispered, then she closed her eyes and took her last breath, and then there was silence.
"Keira?" Gestra spoke up in a terrified voice.
Fauna froze and stopped using her powers, her eyes couldn't leave Keira who was already dead.
"Keira, no!" Gestra was screaming.
Gold lowered her head, she quickly wiped her tears with her hands.
"You promised you'd be strong, no matter how much it hurts! Wake up, I beg you!" Gestra screamed desperately who clung to Keira's body. After a while Fauna approached Gestra and hugged her. Gestra started to cry loudly, Gold looked one last time at Keira who had her eyes closed. She felt as if her heart had broken into pieces, she was too young to die. She looked back then, noticed how Roxanne was cuddling up to Dark with a sad face. Gold stood up, suddenly a white starry silhouette came out of Keira's body, Gold froze in fear. She later realized it was Keira just as a ghost, Keira seemed happy when suddenly Cristie and another wizard she didn't know appeared at her side. Gold watched intently as Keira was hugged by the ghost of Cristie and another wizard, and they slowly disappeared from Gold's sight. Gold smiled slightly, knowing Keira was in good hands now.
"She is now in the hands of our ancestors." Fauna mumbled calmly.
Farewell, Keira, may you gain peace. Gold thought.
Suddenly the rest of The Sisters came inside, they already knew that Keira was dead, so they stood around Keira, Gestra and Fauna joined them and started singing softly. Gold sighed, then headed for the exit, already hearing footsteps behind her. As soon as she left the cave, she couldn't stop thinking about going home. She was tired of seeing someone suffer or die, Roxanne began to walk beside her.
"I am very sorry about her death." Roxanne said.
"Me too." Gold replied.
"What are we going to do now?" Roxanne asked sadly.
Gold shrugged slightly without looking at Roxanne. When they reached the others, Ella looked straight at Roxanne and Gold, Gold ran over to Ella with a worried expression.
"What's up with Keira?" Ella asked.
"She is dead." Lillie mumbled.
Ella looked surprised, then she made a desperate face.
"Very sorry to hear that." Ella answered.
Gold turned her attention to Shiver, who heard everything. She had a terrified expression on her face, then she ran towards the forest.
"We'll stay here for the night," Ella decided, "We have to give The Sisters time to say goodbye to Keira."
"Where are we going to sleep then?" Dark asked grimly.
"I don't know, but we'll find a way to get through this day and night." Ella said.
Alfa and Alex approached them with serious expressions.
"I think we'll find a good place to stay near this moor." Alfa said.
Gold exchanged puzzled glances with Roxanne and Ella.
"What about The Sisters?" Ash asked.
Gold glared menacingly at Tara who was still standing nearby, Tara gave them a dark look, then she said as she walked towards the forest, "I'll tell them everything."
"That was weird." Alex commented.
"Nevermind, follow me." Alfa replied.
Gold was in bed, footsteps woke her up. Gold got up quickly, she noticed that someone was coming out of their hiding place. Gold made a threatening face, then started following the silhouette. As soon as she left, she attacked an unfamiliar figure. However, she felt stupid when she saw that it was Lillie.
"Oh sorry, I didn't know it was you!" Gold said.
Gold quickly got down from Lillie, then Lillie stood up in confusion.
“Why you are not sleeping?" Gold suddenly asked.
Lillie started scratching the back of her neck as if she didn't know what to say, which made Gold feel weird.
"L...long story." Lillie mumbled uncertainly.
"You mean that..."
"No, not about that." Lillie interrupted Gold sharply.
As Lillie made a sad face, she grabbed Gold's hand and said, "I have to tell you something."
"Can't it wait until morning?" Gold asked immediately.
"No, come with me." Lillie said, pulling Gold quickly.
Gold obediently followed Lillie as she let go of her hand. Gold got curious, is Lillie hiding something? Lillie led Gold with her head down as they entered and exited the large bushes, Lillie stopped. Gold was tired of waiting, she wanted to know what was going on.
"What is it about?" Gold asked.
Lillie looked sad and desperate all the time, and for a moment Lillie was silent. Gold was already afraid of what Lillie had to say to her.
"I know it's so unexpected but ... I love living in your group, life with everyone in this group is like in paradise." Lillie began to say, "But I can't stand seeing blood and death anymore."
Gold understood Lillie, she had had enough herself and wanted to take a break from it all, but why was she telling her this? Lillie made a serious face and said, "I'm leaving."
"What, why?" Gold asked in shock.
"Everything went the way I didn't want, so I want to go and leave it behind." Lillie replied.
Gold had the feeling that another person was disappearing from her life, she asked herself why.
"What about Roxanne and Ash? How will they react to you leaving without a word?" Gold asked sharply.
Lillie was silent as if feeling guilty, Gold then gave Lillie a sad look.
"Tell them they'll always be my friends, okay?" Lillie mumbled sadly.
Gold hesitated, she didn't want Lillie to leave, but she didn't want to force her either. Gold calmed down, then nodded slowly.
"Goodbye, Gold, it was great." Lillie whispered, then she turned her back on her and started walking, looking straight ahead. Gold followed Lillie with a desperate look, wanted to stop Lillie, but she refrained from doing so. When Lillie disappeared into the dark forest, Gold was still standing staring into the forest. She couldn't believe that Lillie had left their group without a detailed explanation. Gold sighed heavily, walked away and turned back to the house without a word, as if nothing had happened.
Gold was sitting on the moor watching the sunrise. She was tired but couldn't sleep since Lillie left. She had a feeling that their group wouldn't be the same without Lillie. It's too bad you had to leave, Lillie. Gold thought. Suddenly someone sat next to her, Gold turned her head to her side, she noticed that it was Whiteflower. He watched as the sun slowly rose.
"How are you?" Gold suddenly heard Whiteflower.
"Okay." Gold replied boldly.
Whiteflower nodded, still looking at the sun.
"What about Lillie?" Whiteflower asked.
"She decided to choose a different path." Gold replied.
"What a pity." Whiteflower commented.
Gold felt slightly annoyed, but she ignored Whiteflower's response.
"I was at The Sisters," said Whiteflower, he added, "they want to stay with us."
"They do?" Gold repeated.
"Yes, they're just afraid they'll cause trouble." Whiteflower said.
Gold shook her head quickly.
"Of course they won't! I honestly found a tall circular ravine before we left the valley that would be suitable for The Sisters." she said quickly.
There was silence between them, as if they were waiting for something. Whiteflower stood up and eyed Gold suspiciously.
"Okay." He replied, then walked away from Gold.
Gold kept thinking about Lillie and where she is now, remembering that she was held captive by Foxy just like Alex. It was all too much for her, that's probably why she left. Gold thought uncertainly. Gold suddenly heard laughter in the distance, turned sharply, noticed Dark and Roxanne. Gold smiled sweetly, already seeing Roxanne and Dark as a sweet couple. Gold quickly got up and walked over to them.
"How are you, lovebirds?" Gold asked jokingly.
"Just not right away lovebirds." Roxanne said cheerfully.
Gold and Dark laughed, Roxanne stopped hugging Dark before saying, "I'll be right back, Ash is calling me."
Gold giggled under her breath, then looked back at Dark.
"So, and Roxanne, huh?" Gold asked with amusement.
Dark blushed slightly and started scratching the back of his neck.
"Congratulations, sorry I wasn't very helpful." Gold said kindly.
Dark looked surprised at this, Gold smiled innocently.
"What are you talking about? You were too helpful! T...thanks to you, I was able to open up to Roxanne and help her." Dark replied in a slightly annoyed voice.
Gold hesitated at this, feeling proud and happy.
"I'm glad." Gold mumbled in a slightly touched voice.
Dark smiled, then moved towards Ash and Roxanne. Gold walked him away with a smile on her face.
"Hey Gold." Gold jumped in fear and looked at Shiver.
"Oh, Shiver, hello!" Gold greeted Shiver cheerfully.
She saw that behind Shiver were The Sisters who were still depressed.
"I know it's like this right now but... The Sisters want to join you, after what you've done for us we are grateful to you for everything." Shiver mumbled.
Gold saw Fauna approach them both with a serious expression.
"The Sisters are strong together." Fauna said.
Gold refrained from jumping for joy, she always wished The Sisters lived near them, especially Shiver. Gold had already noticed her entire group behind her, Ella and Roxanne approached Gold, they were looking friendly at The Sisters.
"We'd love for you to stay with us, the more company, the more fun it is." Ella said nice.
"This is true!" Gold called.
Gold, Roxanne, and Ella laughed together before looking back at The Sisters.
"Let's go back home." Ella whispered.
Fauna smiled sadly and nodded respectfully to Ella, Ella returned it.
"Finally to home!" Ash called.
Gold quickly grabbed Shiver's hand to walk by her side. She couldn't wait to show Shiver and The Sisters their valley and house, she felt it was a new beginning for their group, a good start with a good ending.

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