Not Like Them

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This dream was another strange one, but much shorter than the others I've had around fnaf.


All I can remember was the feeling of being carried down some hallway by someone. There were two men, and both of them kept talking the whole way to wherever we were going, but I couldn't make out anything they were saying, it all just came off as muffled. My body felt completely limp, like I didn't have the strength to move any of my limbs and I couldn't speak or open my eyes at all, but I could feel them or whoever was carrying me. Somehow I knew the lighting around me was dark and dimly lit, and it almost seemed green throughout the whole place. They walked for what felt like maybe 10 minutes or so down that hallway, and then I heard keys unlocking something, and a door opening. All I could think was "Where are we going?, What's happening?" Then I was finally able to clearly make out what one of the men said. " Just leave her there, I'll come back in the morning and get her from the office".

The one holding me placed me down on the floor, and propped my head up against something. I was able to open one of my eyes, whoever put me down seemed to be a younger man, but that's about all the details I could make out, because that room was small and dark and the only light came from the hallway outside. I could only make out their silhouettes. He then left the room, while the other man stayed there standing at the door, he turned to walk out, but before he did looked back to stare at me, and let out a small laugh, it was dark, but I felt like he was smiling.

When I saw him though, I felt shivers, and like I had stopped breathing for a second, because I knew him I knew this man, just by the silhouette, by his messy hair and his lanky figure I knew it was him, and tried to say his name. Dave? , William? He then left the room, and said "See you in the morning" before locking the door. I remember trying to get the words out, but nothing came out at all, "Don't leave me here, I'm not like Them, I'm not one of Them". Then I was left all alone in that small dark room. My body felt cold, and I couldn't move at all...I looked like a human sized doll.


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