Chapter 1

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Zaila POV

"Okay guys for our next project, you all will be presenting to the class what career path you plan on going into. You guys are all about to graduate so it will be good for you guys to figure out where you would like to be in the future." The teacher said.

The school bell rings, and the students rush themselves out of class. I silently put my things inside my bag and also made my way outside the classroom. I stood outside my classroom and waited for my younger sister. What career path would I like to be in? I leaned against the wall and stared down at the floor. It's kind of like asking who do I want to be? I mean would it even matter? It's not like anyone would hire me. I glanced up and students stared at me as they walked down the hall. I sighed and put my attention back toward the floor. They all treat me differently just because I don't look like them. It's not like it matters, I'll probably just make something up for the project.

"I feel sorry for her."


"The girl with the dark skin." The student described.


I quickly looked up and glared at the two brunette-haired girls gossiping to each other.

"No, her younger sister, Aniyah. She's such a pushover."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. She never stands up for herself but this time I think Sara might actually hurt her."

"Yeah, you're r-," The girl's voice caught in her throat the moment she made eye contact with me. Her friend also saw me and they both looked away and hurried themselves away from me.

I moved away from the wall and began making my way past the crowd and to my sister's classroom. Once I made it to my sister's last class period, I quickly walked in and made my way to the male teacher, erasing the board.

"Excuse me?"

The teacher turned to me, "Yes?"

"Do you know where Aniyah is?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, who are you referring to?" The teacher blinked at me.

I sucked my teeth. How do you not know the name of your own student?

"You're Aniyah's sister, right?" I glanced behind me and a brunette male around my age walked up to me.

"Yes," I answered.

"I'm Aniya's tech partner, my name's Light Yagami," The boy named Light held his hand out for me to shake.

"Where's Aniyah?" I ignored his gesture and examined him from top to bottom.

His name sounded familiar and he didn't seem like a bully, if anything he resembled more like a perfect model student. But I knew better not judge based on appearances. Light retracted his hand and placed it inside his pants pocket.

"She walked out of class with a few of her friends. I'm not sure exactly where they went though."

I narrowed my eyes at him, wondering how that information was supposed to help me. I then pulled out my phone from the side of my bookbag and quickly dialed my sister's number. I held my phone toward my ear as it rang. I placed my sights back onto Light and he quickly glanced to the side. I followed his ray of sight, only for me not to see anything. My phone went to voicemail, and I quickly ended the call.

Really Aniyah, I don't have time for this.

"Hey, actually I think I recalled one of the girls saying they were going to the back of the school, before they left." Light said.

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