Chapter 5

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I glanced at the clock behind me and I looked at my co-worker as he checked out a book for someone.

"I'm going to take my break," I informed him.

My co-worker ignored me as he kept checking out books. I clenched my jaw and walked around the counter. Out of all the people to hire why did my manager hire him? I understand that not many people apply to be a Liberian but she should still have standards. The guy doesn't even wear his uniform or look presentable when coming to work.

I made my way past a couple of people as I walked further into the far corner of the Library. As I approached the empty sitting area, I grabbed my bag that sat underneath the table and pulled out my book. Perhaps, I'm just nick-picking at him because he seems to not like me. He is still doing his job. I sighed, and I opened my book and put the bookmark on the table.

After a while of reading my novel, light voices filled the library. I flipped a page of my book anticipating when the main character was going to confess to her crush.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

I blinked as I was taken out of my book. I lowered the book below my face and a tall man stood in front of me. His skin was unnaturally pale, and he wore baggy clothes but what stood out the most was the dark bags under his eyes.

"Yes?" I asked.

Despite his poor appearance, I found him oddly attractive.

"Is it alright if I sit with you? The library is a bit crowded today." The pale man explained.

"Yes, I don't mind," I said, knowing it was around noon which was when people would visit the library the most.

"Thank you."

I continued to read my novel as the man took off his bookbag and sat across from me at the table. I wonder why he decided to sit with me. Usually, people would think twice before even approaching me.

"If you don't mind me asking but what are you reading?"

I looked up from my book, "It's a contemporary romance novel, it's also a bit mysterious." I said

"It sounds interesting, what do you like most about it so far?" The man's dark eyes stared into my brown ones.

Is he making conversation? "I would perhaps say the characters," I answered.

"Interesting, why do you say that?" The man dug through his bag.

"Because each character is significant to the story. If one of them were left out, it would change the entire story. Each character has their own backstory and journey, which only adds to the story itself and impacts the main character." I explained.

"By the way you describe it, I might read it myself even though I'm not much of a fiction reader."

So he's not here to read but to work on something?

"Oh, really, then what do you like to read?" I tilted my head.

"Case files." The man sat a small stack of stabled papers on the table.

I raised an eyebrow. He's joking, right?

The man looked back into my eyes. He's serious. Perhaps he's a detective or a forensic scientist?

"Before we continue our conversation, I would like to tell you that I am L."

I blinked at him. Is that his nickname? I'm guessing a forensic scientist.

"Um, hi L. I'm Zaila." I gave a small smile.

It was his turn to stare and blink at me.

"I am a detective. Detective L." L informed.

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