Chapter 3

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Light POV

I stopped at the doors of the cafeteria and examined the cafeteria.

"What are you looking for?"

I ignored Ryuk as my eyes landed on a female sitting in an isolated corner with a book in her hands. I began making my way over to her.

How should I approach her? Should I introduce myself again? No. Maybe, I should act friendly considering I'm friends with her sister. Perhaps I should just ask her for her name. Considering that she is sitting by herself, she most likely has little to no friends which means that it's pretty much just her and her sister. Honestly, it's kinda surprising that she's isolated since she sticks out like a sore thumb. I know a few people that would have already tried to befriend her.

"Wait Light, are you going to sit with Zaila? Why? She clearly doesn't like you."

I sighed as I approached Zaila from behind. Why do you keep talking to me while I am in public, Ryuk? Besides, Zaila doesn't even know me, yet.

"Excuse me, Zaila?" I smiled.

Zaila flinched at the sound of my voice and she glanced behind her shoulder. "Yes?"

Her voice was oddly softer than the last time I spoke with her. "Do you mind if I sit with you?"

"No, I don't mind."

"Thank you." I felt her eyes study me as I sat in the chair next to her.

I pulled out my lunch from my bag and Zaila put her attention back on her book. I opened my lunch box and placed my chopsticks inside.

"Zaila, I wanted to sit with you today because I was a little worried about you. You know with the bus hijacking?"

Zaila grabbed her purple bookmark from the table, shoved it into the creases of the pages, and slammed her book shut.

She faced me, "I'm fine, Light. You don't have to worry about me."

The way you closed your book says otherwise.

"Really? You must be very strong then. A lot of people would have been shaken up by someone pointing a gun at their face." I took a bite from my lunch.

I felt Zaila's gaze on me, "What about you? That man also pointed a gun at you?"

The criminal wasn't going to do anything I made sure of it. "I'll admit I was surprised but I think I was more worried about my friend. I don't know what I would do with myself if something would have happened to her." I looked over a Zaila and her eyebrows knitted together.

What's with that expression?

"Well, your friend is very lucky to have you." Zaila began placing her book into her bag.

"Thank you. Have you heard about Kira?"

"A little, why are you asking?"

"I wanted to know your opinion on him. You know, my dad is a police officer and he is a part of the Kira investigation."

"I see, well if you're asking if I agree with what Kira is doing then it's a no."

It looks like I won't be able to use her as I planned. "Really? So, you don't agree with him a little?"

"No, I am completely against what Kira is doing. From what I know Kira is just another murderer."

Ryuk chuckled, "I told you, she doesn't like you."

Shut up, Ryuk.

"What makes you say that? It seems a bit irrational to assume that Kira is just another murderer, he is just killing criminals."

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