Chapter 2

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Zaila POV

"Zaila, breakfast is ready!" My eyes fluttered open as I heard my mom call my name.

I groaned as I slipped out of bed and placed my feet on the cold hard wood floor. A shiver went up my spine as I stretched my back and I cringed at the sound of my bones popping. I glanced around my room and noticed one of my art pieces fell from where it hung on the wall. I walked toward it, picked it up, and placed it on my desk before leaving my room. Taking note to hang it back up with the rest of my artwork.

Laughter filled the hallway as I made my way downstairs. "There's my Princess, how did you sleep?" My mother walked from the dining table to me.

"Fine," I replied while rubbing my eyes.

"ZAI!!" My two younger brothers ran toward me and began to pull my hands.

"Come play with us, Zai." They both begged.

"I just woke up," A small smile crept up on my face as they both gave me their puppy dog eyes.

"Please, Aniyah's no fun, she keeps on checking her phone." One of the twins complained.

"What?" Aniyah peeked her head above the couch.

I contemplated whether or not I should play with them and just when I decided that I could spare some time with them. Something large landed on my shoulders. I tensed up, wondering who could have been behind me.

"Boys, you're sister just woke up, and besides breakfast is ready, why don't you all go ahead and sit at the table."

"Okay," The twins said and made their way to the table.

I relaxed as I looked behind me, "Dad, you're home?"

"Yes, Princess, I was able to get off early last night." My dad smiled down at me.

I frowned, "Why do you and mom keep calling me princess?"

"Well, that's because you are our princess," My dad patted my head as he walked toward the dining table.

I also made my way toward the table. Once I sat down, we all held hands and my dad began to pray over our food. When he ended the prayer, we all began to eat.

"So, Honey, how was work?" My mom asked my dad.

My dad sighed, "Stressful, there's this person that's somehow committing murders without leaving a trace of evidence behind. It's honestly weird, I've never had to deal with a case that was this mysterious."

"What's so mysterious about it?" I asked.

I've somewhat always been interested in my father's police work. It kinda reminded me of the fictional books I read about Sherlock and how he was able to solve pretty much any case.

"Apparently, this person can give people heartaches just by knowing their name and their face but I'm not buying it."

"What?" One of the twins said with a shaky voice.

My dad's eyes widened, "This person only targets adults and criminals so you don't have to worry about it, Jason." My dad reassured him.

"That's so strange, no wonder you've been so tired recently." My mom said with worry in her voice.

"I'm just happy that I get to spend time with my family today." My dad smiled at my mother warmly.

I looked between my mom and dad as they stared into each other's eyes across the table. It was interesting hearing how my mom and dad actually got married. My mom apparently used to be a robber and my dad had just become a police officer. One day they met and they both ended up falling in love with each other. This was probably why I loved reading romance books, specifically, enemies to lovers.

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