Chapter 6

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Petals fell from Cherry Blossoms as I made my way out of the college building. It's been a few weeks since I met with Detective L and since then I've been applying to colleges. I decided to go to the most popular one I had been accepted to. Which was the only college that required you to take an exam. I was just thankful that I still got in even though I barely passed.

People took glances at me as I walked off the college campus. I ignored their stares while I searched for a place to take a brief rest. After having to remember everything that was required of each of my classes you can safely say that my brain was fried.

A brown cafe came up to my right. I stopped in front of it and glanced over it. There was some greenery outside the restaurant, few people were inside the cafe, and coffee filled the air outside the restaurant. A bell rang as I opened the door to the restaurant.

"Welcome in!" A woman said.


"Well, you got me there I didn't think of that. In any case, the likelihood this message will lead you to Kira is not very great. Besides, we all know that Gods of Death don't exist." Light commented.

How come you're so confident? When I did this test with the other detectives, they were more flustered but you Light, you're calm. As if you have nothing to worry about.

The bell to the door rang, and I glanced up to find that my second suspect entered the cafe. I wasn't expecting this to happen.

"Hey, did you space out for a minute?" Light chuckled.

I grabbed the papers I put on the table and I stood up from my chair, "Would you excuse me for a moment Light? I'll be right back."

"Yeah, sure." Light sipped his coffee.

I placed my hands inside my pockets as I made my way toward my other suspect. She glanced around the small restaurant before walking up to the front desk. Like the last time, her hair was pulled into a low bun, instead of her wearing a uniform, she had on a pair of black pants with a black and white button-up shirt. I wonder, what made her decide the dress up today.

When I first met her, she seemed friendly but after I accused her of being Kira her demeanor completely changed. She became completely closed off and her eyes became like daggers. She even acted as if she did not know who I was when I revealed myself. But for all I know all of that could have just been an act.

I came up behind her as she finished her order.

"Are you sure that you can pay for this?" The cashier raised an eyebrow at her.

Ms. Jackson kept quiet as the cashier's expression went from suspicion to fearful, "I mean, I will make your order right away." The employee said quickly before rushing to the back.

"Interesting seeing you here, Ms. Jackson." I greeted.

Ms. Jackson looked over her shoulder, "Detective L?" Her eyes widened.

"Please refrain from calling me that in public, Ms. Jackson. You may call me Ryuga."

"Okay, Ryuga. What are you doing here?" Ms. Jackson faced me.

"I'm here on business means and you?"

"I'm just getting myself a snack." She simply said.

"I see, If you have the time would you mind submitting yourself to a test of your reasoning abilities?" I asked.

Ms. Jackson crossed her arms and her eyes disconnected from mine, "Um Dete-I mean Ryuga, I don't think-,"

"If you do, it can help aid in proving your innocence for the Kira case," I interrupted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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