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ADERA HATED THE SUN AS she trudged along and felt her legs giving way as she stumbled and tripped behind Poge. She missed the feel of the water and her legs grew stiffer each day that passed that she wasn't able to swim.

"Do Karmirians make you unhappy? Why don't you like them?" Adera asked, speaking slowly and trying to sound more like the land-dwellers. It wouldn't do for a mermaid to be caught this far north.

"The Karmirians are hunters and fighters. It's in their natures to be violent. My people the Joro are naturally curious. Our big eyes, we believe, stem from the desire to learn how other cultures behave. The Karmirians always seem to be in conflict."

Adera shook her head.

"What have I said now?"

"You rely on your sight but remain apart. You must learn to see people by using your heart."

"It's still a valid form of learning about different lands. I can't just walk up to the Karmirian chieftain and demand an audience."

"But what if you did? We wouldn't have to live like this," Adera said.

Poge paused a moment.

"I guess I never thought about it before."

"The Tero and the Joro learned to work as one. Imagine the world if it weren't just two but everyone."

"In the meantime, we live in this world. You need to know how to defend yourself." Poge dropped her satchel and put it aside to face Adera with her hands up.

"We can go, I don't want to know." Adera waved her hands in front of her. She had the distinct feeling she wasn't going to like learning how to fight.

"No, this is important. You must learn how or you could be in danger when I'm not around." Adera never considered that she and Poge would part ways. Of course, they wouldn't be together forever. If she were honest, once she found Sanee she would have no need for Poge. How would they even maintain a friendship if Poge went away?

"Put your hands up just like me and move your feet like me," Poge said as she held up two fists and spread her legs apart and circled Adera.

Adera tried, but she stumbled any time Poge changed direction.

"Stay in place and see if we can pick up the pace," Poge said when Adera stumbled again.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a warrior."

"No talking, just use your eyes and follow me."

Soon, Adera was able to follow Poge's every move. Then they went into attacks.

Poge showed Adera what to do if someone attacked from behind. If they approached from the front. How to maim them if someone grabbed her by the neck. Poge even pointed out a few places on most men that were more vulnerable to attack.

Adera had no idea that there was a way to move grown men to tears.

They were both panting when Poge held up a hand. Her eyes locked onto something behind Adera's shoulder.

"What is it you see? I have to pee."

"You won't for long, there's an obulong."

Adera heard the growl of the beast. She shook her head. She didn't know what an obulong was.

"Big, lots of teeth. Get ready to move your feet," Poge said.

"What about my defense, will it not work on these beasts?

"Not in the least." Poge kept her eyes locked on the beast ahead. With lightning speed, she clamped onto Adera's arm. The two were off running at a mad dash into the woods with the beast snapping at their heels. Adera's scream sent animals of flight to the sky.

Adera ignored the pain in her legs as she ran. When Poge leapt into the nearest tree, she kept running because she couldn't follow. She'd never even climbed a tree before. The squeal of a hit slowed her run, and she saw the beast running toward her. Not running, falling toward her, his wide mouth open and his teeth bared. Adera ran into a tree and the beast slid at her feet, its neck still holding the arrow.

Poge loosed two more shots and two beasts following the first one retreated with howls of pain. Poge jumped from the tree and ran after Adera.

Adera sat transfixed with the Obulong's teeth ready to clamp down on her ankles. She trembled despite the sheen of sweat trickling down her neck.

"That's enough defense for one day. Let's go find our beasts." She reached out and pulled Adera to her shaking feet.

"I've seen too many beasts for one day. I'd like a moment to thank the gods and pray."

"Later. For now, we need a ride."

Poge tried to leave Adera as she went to steal the beasts from a neighboring farm, but the mermaid couldn't bear to be left alone.

Adera waited close by while Poge grabbed the beasts.

The tuskins didn't protest and the people from the farm didn't even notice Poge ushering them to the gate.

"Come on," Poge said, pushing a beast toward Adera.

Adera had never been on the back of land beast before. She wasn't sure what to do. The animal wasn't resistant, just confused by her attempts to get on.

Poge jumped off her beast and hoisted Adera up before leading them away and back to the road. Adera heard the sad sigh of the tuskin she sat upon as they rode away.

"My beast he is sick. He will not make it to the next stick."

"We have to keep going, we're losing light and we don't have anywhere to camp tonight."

The beasts walked on and she lay her body down on the beast's back and felt for what was wrong. When she lifted herself, Poge was looking at her in confusion.

"He doesn't belong in this fold. He is not young, he's far too old."

Adera patted the neck of her beast and sang him the song of death. He would at least have the mermaid's song in his ear when he took his last breath.

Adera watched as Poge arranged the fire for them and prepared to cook some of the meat they'd carried and kept dry. She no longer felt safe sleeping outside under the stars as she once had. Without Sanee, she jumped at every sound. Poge was a great teacher, but Adera didn't think her training would do her any good when the time came.

After running from what Poge called the obulong, it was as if there were sinister eyes in every tree. She feared they'd pounce as soon as she relaxed her guard. When she heard the snap of a twig in the woods, she let out a yelp.

"Calm yourself," Poge said as she reached for her bow.

"Did you hear something to fear?" Adera asked.

Poge took aim into the woods to their left. Poge fired and a howl in the distance answered back.

A hand reaching out of the woods from behind Adera touched her shoulder. In a panic, she grabbed hold of the arm behind her. She stepped back into the embrace, as Poge had taught her but stumbled backwards. She rolled over the body then scrambled up, getting free before dashing into the dark woods, screaming the entire time.


Who do you think grabbed Adera? Personally, this is an honest reaction. I will neither confirm nor deny that this may have happened to me and it took a long time for me to calm down enough to see who it was.

I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of scary movies or books. I have watched the occasional M.Knight Shamalan, but I think he's mild compared to most. How about you? Do you like to be scared?

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