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ONLY WHEN SANEE WAS LYING on the ground at her feet with his hands over his face did she recognize him.

"Oh my sweet, you lie at my feet." Adera dropped to her knees and threw herself into his chest.

"It's all right my darling, I'm here. I will never leave you." Sanee had forgotten to put his words in the order she would understand and yet she understood.

"You're speaking the way the land people do. Fighting like one, too." Sanee got to his feet and pulled Adera up with him.

"Yes, I am learning," Adera said. Then her face took on a slight blush as she looked up at him through her lashes. "You got my note, the one Poge wrote."


Poge stepped forward raised the wiggling fingers of her right hand.

"I'm Poge, and you must be the mermaid's Red-man. It is wonderful to make your acquaintance," she said then held up her hand in greeting.

When the twins approached, Poge's eyes darted to them with suspicion.

"It's okay, they're with me," Sanee said. "Come and I will tell you all that has happened and you can give me your account."

Poge sat down and ate some of her supper while Sanee spoke. When the twins saw that Adera was indeed a mermaid, their excitement wouldn't be contained.

"Your fin, where is it?" Neke asked.

"If we splash water on you, will you be flipping around like a fish right here?" Jiden asked.

The questions came too fast for Adera to understand and answer.

"She's a mermaid, she can change back anytime she wants. How inconvenient would it be if she had to fear water while on land on top of everything else?" Poge said and rolled her eyes.

The twins nodded in agreement. They sat amazed by every word Adera said. The minute she opened her mouth, they silenced themselves to listen to her speak.

"They are strange, these two with you," Adera said softly to Sanee.

Sanee nodded. He didn't speak much at first. The twins were very attentive to her, but he'd hardly said a word. Maybe it was the hair. She went to reach for it even now but forced her hand back down. It would grow back eventually. Couldn't he see she'd done it for safety?

"Adera and I will take the first watch. The rest of you can sleep for now," Sanee said.

Even surrounded by friends in the middle of town, Poge was on high alert.

It was the first time that Adera noticed, though, that the two boys were fast asleep. One with light hair and one with orange, sitting side by side, they slept propped up against a nearby tree.

Poge nodded. She looked at her time keeping device and hit a few buttons, no doubt to ensure she would wake in a few hours.

Adera had a hard time sitting still now that Sanee was near. She had no desire to sleep. There were too many questions and so many things to tell him.



They both began in unison. Then they laughed. The sound of his laugh comforted her. She hadn't heard in a long time. In that moment, she realized she hadn't been worried about the wild beasts or the fighters in the area. With Sanee, she felt safe from everything else.

"I worry my hair offends you. I hope it doesn't too much displease you."

"Not at all," Sanee said as he removed her cap with one hand, letting her wavy hair fall to her ears. He reached up and put his hands through it as he'd wanted to since the moment he saw it. "Beautiful, as always."

Adera's face grew warm where his hand caressed her cheek.

"I've missed you, dear one. Have you missed me?"

Adera nodded and smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. The fire would need tending soon. Some days ago, she'd stopped being so afraid of it. As she sat close to Sanee, the cold didn't seem to touch her.

"Tell me what happened?"

"My brother found out about us and told my father, who forbade me to go to the shore. I think I will hate him ever more." Sanee shook his head when Adera brought her hand up to his face. "I was so angry."

"Never mind that hound, we are forever bound."

Sanee nodded.

"Yes, I am promised to another, but my heart belongs to you. I've already told my mother, but supporters among my people are few."

"It's all right, my love. We can live here, on the land above."

"Yes, that's exactly what I want for us," Sanee said, forgetting all about his rhyme. "I will provide for us both and we will go to the water as often as you need."

"Agreed," Adera said and smiled.

Sanee's eyes dropped to her lips, and she knew what came next. In her stomach, an agitated school of fish swam around.

His eyes met hers as he shifted his hand from hers to the back of her neck, still touching her hair. He pulled her closer and closer until only a whisper passed between them.

"Adera, I love you."

"From when we were children, I've loved you since, my tall, handsome Karmirian prince."

Then the explosion that their kiss caused swept over her. It released her soul from the confines of her body so it intertwined with his in a dance of motion and light. When their lips parted, she noted that Sanee, like her, could hardly breathe.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I believe our souls approve of one another," Adera said, wording the phrase in a way she thought he might understand.

Poge and the twins were packing their small camp when Sanee and Adera stirred awake. It was well beyond dawn and most of the groups who had slept under the stars had already packed up and gone about their daily business.

"I wondered if you'd sleep for a year," Poge said as she threw Sanee's pack at him.

The others ate some of the dried meat that Poge had prepared.

Adera had no appetite for such food. She kept on the edge of the group and declined a piece of the meat that the blond-haired twin offered. Jiden and Neke seemed to love it, and Sanee also ate a great deal of it. She hoped she'd find more options she could tolerate in the small town.

Sanee must have noticed because he pulled out his pouch and leaned over to give her some berries he'd gathered. Grateful for something not burned, she smiled in thanks.

Adera didn't feel like talking. She'd done enough of it the night before between the twin's questions and the time with Sanee. When she looked down at her legs, she noticed with some interest they'd grown in size. She'd gained muscle in places where before she had none.

She looked over at Poge who sat nearest the fire and poked at it. Would the others continue with them now that they'd been reunited? What reason would they have for staying so far north?

They were still within Tero lands. Poge could stay and continue doing what she was doing before they met. She hadn't finished getting the full story about where the twins were from. Perhaps they'd want to return home.

Adera's heart was heavy as she approached Poge.

"This morning I am divided in heart, though I've found my love, my friend may soon depart."

Poge looked up at her. Her large eyes shifted for a moment. It seemed she hadn't considered what she would do next either.

"Of course, you are welcome to come along, with no one else have I ever felt I truly belong." Adera put her blue hand on top of Poge's green one. Poge smiled.

Sanee was here, Poge would stay. Jiden and Neke, had no plans to leave. Adera felt a peace settle inside of her that she hadn't felt for days.

The First Kingdom (The Bolaji Kingdoms Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now