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IN THE MORNING, THE FIRST thing Sanee noticed were his empty arms. He opened his eyes, grateful to Thelion for the sun and warmer air. The air had a distinct chill. They'd traveled beyond the snow. Sanee stretched and listened. The sound of Adera's singing was missing. She did it without even realizing she did it. His one constant. "Adera," Sanee called out. A sickening feeling rose from within his belly to his constricted throat. He'd sworn to protect her and now she had disappeared. "Adera, my love, where are you?" When he got no answer from his calling, he searched a wider area around them, frantically, as if she hid from him.

The others stirred awake. Half asleep but on his feet, Jiden shook his head. "I'm pretty sure she's not behind that rock," he said to Sanee.

"I'm looking for something," he said as he scanned the grasses.

"I'll climb a tree and see what I can see," Neke said. Then he hit himself in the head, "I'm still rhyming my words, why?" He pulled himself up a tree and looked out. He used an animal call to get her attention. Adera didn't answer him or anyone else.

"She fought," Dag said. He had returned from the edge of camp. He stared down at something his hands.

"What?" Sanee asked turning around.

The others circled him. Neke and Jiden stood on each side of Sanee.

"She struggled against them," Dag said. "This was on the ground not far from here."

Poge snatched the leather bracelet from him.

"She'd never take this off." Poge held it up to Sanee. He took the childhood gift and placed it in his own pocket

Poge kicked dirt on the fire, putting out the last embers.

"Pack your things. We're going after her." She moved fast and had her tuskin ready within minutes.

Sanee's shoulders dropped and his hands hung limp at their sides. "We won't find her."

"What do you mean?" Poge asked.

"If she was captured, it was my people who took her. We should continue to Karmir to meet with the chieftain."

Poge thought for a moment before agreeing. "I'll send out a distress call to my people. If it's anyone else, they'll let me know immediately." Poge used her device before climbing back onto her beast.

It pleased Sanee to know Adera had a friend that would move so fast to help.

The twins were also attached to Adera, and it showed in the way they managed the rest of their things in a hurry.

Neke blamed himself for not being awake during Adera's struggles. His brother murmured something in his ear. Whatever he said made him square his shoulders and ride out without another word.

Adera's absence was more pronounced as Sanee rode out alone.

They didn't go slow anymore. Sanee took the lead, and the rest followed behind him as he charged into the Karmir lands and toward the center, where his family lived.

"Where is she?" He called out.

"For whom do you shout?" The guard called.

"Adera, where is she?" Sanee realized they didn't know her by name. "The mermaid who was with me before. You took her."

The guard stood at attention. Sanee turned. His father was approaching.

"Do not question my guard. What say you, oh lost son?"

"Adera, is she here?"

Sanee watched his mother take a step toward him, along with his brother. When his father held out an arm preventing her, she looked over at him and then down at the ground in defeat.

"You've been gone from my sight, boy, for more than a month. Then you come here and demand a mermaid from me."

"She is my future bride, the truest love of my life, and I'll search." The girl he was promised to in marriage stood near, but he didn't make eye contact with her. It was best if everyone knew who held his heart. His hands clenched as he waited for his father to answer.

Poge put a hand on her bow and the twins also held fast to their weapons. Only Dag refused to put a weapon in his hand as he carried none. Poge was an exception. She was ready to go down fighting for Adera and that was enough to prove her worth a thousand times over.

Strands of white streaked his father's hair. Sanee tried to imagine himself with a full head of white hair. He would blend in with the Chilalians. Sanee didn't imagine his father would appreciate the irony, so he didn't mention it. Instead, he squared his shoulders, remembering the reason for his visit. If he kept calm, he might get Adera back and unite this kingdom with their own.

"I come with news from the north."

His father waved his hand at him. "I received your news. What is this about a mermaid?"

"What is your answer?" Sanee asked.

"You accuse me of taking your mermaid girl, draw weapons against me, and then in the same breath bid me join you. What kind of leader did I raise?"

His father was right. How could he believe his father had taken Adera and then ask him to join as the second kingdom? "The kind that admits his mistakes." He lifted a hand, and the others released their hold on their weapons. "I apologize, father." The guard seemed to sigh in relief as well. They'd been prepared to fight.

"What changed your mind?"

"It is beneath you to kidnap someone in order to bend me to your will."

His father's smile and pride was genuine. He'd seen it so rarely that it was immediately recognizable.

"Come, we will not discuss this business in the road. As the representative for the first kingdom, I will hear you in my chambers." He turned and held out his hand for his wife and she followed. His brother, forced to go as well, followed behind them, his shoulders slumped.

The negotiations with the Karmirians took hours. Even Sanee didn't anticipate how difficult the discussion would be with his father questioning everything. The things he brought up, they hadn't even considered yet. Things like how would the next prince and princess be chosen and what lands under the First Kingdom were available for Karmirian settlers. Without the full representation of the council, Sanee didn't feel comfortable making a lot of the decisions. He relied on Poge and the others. Dag had the most knowledge of what would be acceptable to the other council members. The other three had amazing skills of negotiation, perhaps better than his father. They created a written declaration of peace between them before finding Adera was addressed again.

"All of our resources are at your disposal, my prince, and you are welcome to take whatever supplies you need. I don't doubt the Majiwan are the ones who took your bride. The same who attacked our people at the borders for the last few weeks."

Sanee frowned and tilted his head.

"Listen," His father said.

"I don't hear anything."

"Exactly, they fighting has been constant for almost a month in one part of the land or another. Now they're gone, and all is quiet. Perhaps she returned with them willingly."

"No, she wouldn't leave me without a word. That would be a first for her. No, she didn't go willingly, and they took her to the one place I can't follow. I still want to cover our nation to make sure she wasn't captured by some overzealous guard out to please you."

"Agreed. Our guard is loyal."

Sanee turned to Poge. "Go with Jiden and Neke and make sure we search the entire area before I go to the sea."

"Prince," They said, putting a fist to their chests as they'd seen Dag and the others do before turning to leave.

"Dag, I want you to put something together that will amplify my voice on the water. I want to get the mermen's attention."

The First Kingdom (The Bolaji Kingdoms Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now