Chapter 12

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The two cats stood in silence for several moments. Shellwhisker was the first to break the silence, "You want to become my apprentice? Why?"

Mosspaw was taken back surely Shellwhisker would be open to the idea if she took him all the way out to the Moonpool as a warrior apprentice, "When I visited StarClan my family came to me. It was a lot, but it was so beautiful and magical. All I felt was love from my ancestors. I just really felt a connection to StarClan. This is what I want to do Shellwhisker. Please take me on as your apprentice!"

Shellwhisker blinked, her whiskers twitched and she sighed, "Let's discuss being a healer then. Ask me any questions and I'll answer them. We'll walk and talk since I want to get back to camp before dawn."

The last thing Mosspaw wanted to do was to leave the Moonpool, "Could we stay here a little longer Shellwhisker?"

The healer rolled her eyes, "No. If we aren't back before Petalpaw wakes up she's going to be all in a panic. We need to get home. After all if you do become my apprentice you'll be able to come here more often."

Mosspaw perked up and followed the healer out of the Moonpool bracing his ears for the pain that was to come.

The two cats were by the lakeshore again in WindClan's moors. The voices in Mosspaw's ears were back and were constant once again, "At least now I know it's StarClan talking. Having answers to what's happening always helps calm me down," Mosspaw thought.

Before long Shellwhisker puffed, "We don't have all night. Ask me about being a healer."

Mosspaw turned his head. He knew he had questions, but in that very moment his head was blank. After a few moments he thought of a question, "I might as well get this question out of the way," he thought as he gulped. His paws started shaking with nervousness, "Is this really something I'd want to give up?"

He spoke, "Healers aren't allowed to have a mate and kits. How do you accept that?"

Shellwhisker amusingly purred as she raised her head, "Why did I know you were going to ask that first? You're a big blushing fur ball you know that? It is true that healers traditionally aren't supposed to have a mate or kits, but it's not an official rule in the Warrior Code. Each clan can approach it as they please. Reedstar doesn't care if a healer takes on a mate or kits."

Mosspaw couldn't help, but let out a sigh of relief. Even though the cat he loves isn't alive anymore, he might still want to raise kits one day even if he never takes a mate.

The healer continued on, "If the healer is physically having the kits then there needs to be another knowledgeable cat to take care of healer duties just in case. Where Reedstar is really strict is having relationships with cats outside of RiverClan. He doesn't stand for it, but inside our borders he doesn't mind."

The wind howled as it pushed the tall grass of WindClan's territory. The grasses swaying together almost sounded like rain. 

"Have you ever had a special cat in your life?" Mosspaw bluntly asked. If Shellwhisker was going to give him a pass he might as well ask.

Shellwhisker's teal eyes were mesmerized by the swaying grass, it would capture any cat's attention, "I never had a mate or kits. There was interest at one time, but it didn't work out between us. As for kits I never wanted any. My clanmates need as much attention and care as any kit."

Mosspaw didn't respond for a few moments trying to listen to the voices in his ears to hear what StarClan had to say about it, "The morning flower that never wilts." "Petals on the breeze shall lead to the bird in the trees." "Water takes shells away while the wind takes flowers away."

Warriors: Fallen Stars- Book 1: Frozen SoundWhere stories live. Discover now