Chapter 16

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"Again!" Shellwhisker hissed, "What lakeside herb can help treat infected wounds?"

Mosspaw thought for a second, "Lakeside herbs, lakeside herbs," before he blurted out with confidence, "Horsetail!"

"Good! What is the best remedy for Greencough?" Shellwhisker continued.

"That's easy! Catmint!" Mosspaw smirked.

"I can do without the cockiness. Lastly, what herb helps with bleeding?" Shellwhisker snapped.

"Cobweb," Mosspaw said in a more professional manner.

Shellwhisker mewed, "Correct." Her quick testing attitude settled as her tail lay on the ground as if it was resting from a long run. "You did well Mosspaw. Well enough for me to show you off at the Moonpool tonight."

Mosspaw's whiskers twitched, "Do you think the other healers would test me on this?"

"Not the other healers, but I do. Poor Coilpaw didn't see it coming when Peakclimb introduced them!" Shellwhisker chirped, "Just so you know Mosspaw I don't test you like this to make you anxious. I do so because there will be times when you'll have to think quickly in order to save the cat in front of you. You've done very well in your training so far, you may be able to heal a scratch on a mouse soon," the silver tabby she-cat purred teasingly.

Mosspaw playfully rolled his eyes at his mentor. Since Bristleface's death he had turned his focus onto his healer training. He enjoyed it and tending to herbs helped keep his mind busy while StarClan was talking in his ear. Some days were harder than others, but this day wasn't. The whole day his paws have been tingling with excitement. That evening him and Shellwhisker would travel to the Moonpool in order to make him an official StarClan approved healer apprentice!

He was ecstatic to spend some time at the Moonpool and bask in its beauty and silence, beautiful silence. Mosspaw could almost purr just thinking about the quiet he would have that night. Of course he couldn't forget being amongst his ancestors. 

Mosspaw admitted, "Shellwhisker, who do you think will visit me tonight if I'm accepted by StarClan..?"

Shellwhisker replied, "Who knows. They wanted to talk to you before so I'm sure they'll accept you. Maybe Crabstripe will talk to you again?" she suggested, entertaining the apprentice's question.

"My aunt was really nice. I liked her," Mosspaw mewed, "Maybe my sisters will come with her too! Or... maybe Bristleface.... or.... Flutterpaw..." As he trailed off his heart ached and soared at the thought of the beautiful white and silver apprentice who he loved. 

The silver tabby froze, "I hope you see her. Flutterpaw that is."

Mosspaw dipped his head as he remembered Flutterpaw. He wanted nothing more than for her to be there with him. If she was though, he wouldn't be a healer apprentice. For a moment he let in all the sounds of StarClan in, searching for Flutterpaw's cheerful voice among the stars. Nothing. He couldn't hear her talking at all.

"Is she mad at me...?" Mosspaw thought, "Or maybe she's trying to surprise me. That would be more like Flutterpaw... right...?"

More sounds flooded his ears, StarClan cat conversations trickled in, but the prophecies were always the loudest. 

"The first star will shine tonight." "The future will meet the past again!" "His paws are on the right path, he must keep going."

Mosspaw shook his head. It was too much. It was always too much. "Will I always have to keep this secret alone?" he thought, "Maybe I could tell someone? Like Shellwhisker or Petalpaw." He thought of the RiverClan healer in front of him, strict, but caring in her own way, and experienced with StarClan. Then there was Petalpaw. The apprentice that had quickly become a good friend of his. Her company was always a pleasant part of his day and it was easy to talk to her. Once again Mosspaw shook his head and responded, "Thanks Shellwhisker. I hope so."

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