Cancelled it

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A man, covered in blood, pleading with the people in front of him," Please leave me ! I didn't did anything. I just did as they said."

The man was badly beaten. He just wanted to save his life and get out of there. He kept pleading the seven men standing in front of him. They were staring at him like they want to kill him right now.

Jhope leans towards him and said," If you love your life then tell the truth, who told you to keep the bomb in the car ?"

The man says with folded hands,"I'm just a petty thief sir. I don't know anything about it. But yes, some girls came, they gave the money and said that the bomb has to be planted. Other than that I don't know anything Sir. Let me go."

"You saw those girls faces ?" Jin asked him in an angry and cold voice.

The man shakes his head no and again asks them to leave him.

Taehyung smirked and said, "And why do you think we're going to let you go after trying to hurt our girls ? "

Hearing that, the man turns pale in the face, while the rest of the boys laugh a little with their crooked smiles.

Rm :- Kook we're leaving him to you. Do whatever you want to.

Jungkook smiles a little and says, " You don't worry hyung. I wanted to kill him before I even came in this house anyways. I will take full care that he dies a peaceful death."

They leave the room laughing. Jungkook moves towards that man with a devious smile.



<9:35 pm >

Blackpink were standing in front of the door in the hall of the house. There was a mysterious smile on their faces. No one could tell what was going on in their minds.

Jisoo takes out her phone from the pocket and calls someone. As soon as someone picked up the phone from the other side, she asked, "You know where to come right ?"

On the other side of the phone comes the voice of a boy who says, "Yes I know where to come. But how will you guys come ?"

Hearing his question, jisoo rell replies with crooked smile, "Don't worry about it. Father and uncles can stop us from going out, but they forgot that we're their own blood. We're not the one's to stop at anyones say."

Before that boy could say anything further, Jennie snatched the phone from Jisoo's hand and said with a irritated tone, " Now you stop this question-answer game of yours and wait for us. Don't know from where so many questions come in your mind. Now hang up." Saying this she returns the phone back to jisoo.

When they go out, coming near the gate, the bodyguards standing there stops them and says, "Mam you can't go outside. It's the order from sir."

A smirk appears on the girls face. Jennie takes out something from her pocket. Seeing which all the bodyguards look at the gun she is holding in her hand with surprise.

They were most shocked when she held that gun to her head.

Rosé :- We know you guys won't let us out.

Lisa :- But imagine what will happen when your boss, that is, our father, finds out that we got injured in your presence.

Jisoo :- Now straight open the gate !

Now the bodyguards had nothing left but to listen to them. They opened the gate. Jennie puts her gun in the jacket again. They goes to the gate. But then Jennie stops and says in her dangerous accent without turning, "You probably know what would happen to you if dad come to know about this." Saying this they leave.

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