What is happening ?

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Jisoo sighed as she opened her eyes. She was laying down on the bed. She looked at the phone in her hand.

'Jennie I'll not let anything happen to you. I promise you.' She murmurs.

Just then Jennie's phone rings. It was her dad.

Jisoo panics as she was not able to figure out what to do.

'Why is uncle calling ? Did they kept bodyguards after us again ? What should I do ?'

She gets up and Sit folding her legs.Before she can think anything further the ringing stopped. She sighed feeling relieved. Just when she thought 'She is safe'; This time her phone rings.

It's her dad calling her. She bits her lips before picking up the call.

Jisoo :- Hello dad !

Her dad :- Umm jisoo, Is jennie with you ?

Jisoo's breathe choked at that.

She chuckles nervously and says, " Why ? You called me and asking about her ? Am I not your daughter now,haha ?"

Her dad :- It's not like that. Your uncle called me and said that she's not picking up his call. He's Been trying since early morning. So I thought to ask you.

Jisoo squints her eyes. She thinks in her mind,"Since morning ?" She opens Jennie's phone. 'Oh god ! Uncle really called too many times.'

Her dad :- Jisoo ... Are you there ?

Jisoo comes out of her thoughts.

Jisoo :- uhh yes dad. I'm here. Actually jennie is writing a new song since yesterday night. And you know she doesn't like any disturbance at that time. Maybe that's why. She must've kept it on silent.

Her dad :- Hmm... you all are okay right ? Any problem ?

Jisoo :- No. No problem. Bye.

She cuts the call. Meanwhile, Jisoo's dad face saddened. He thinks,' She always does this nowadays. Cuts my call without letting me bid bye. I miss my old jisoo. If I knew that you'll change this much , I would have stopped your mother from doing that.' He chuckles sadly, 'But atleast you talked with me this much for the first time in past 2 years. That too nicely. ' He swipes the tear falling down from his eyes.


Lisa POV

I banged open the door of chae's room. I saw her shocked with the same envelope in her hand,which we got yesterday.

"You went to see jungkook at the airport?" I said gritting my teeth.

"And what were you doing with taehyung the day after we fought with them?" Rosé said with same anger. Both of us shocked by the information ourselves.

*How does she got to know it ?*
*And why didn't she told us about meeting kook?*

Rosé:- We would not have killed you or something if you told us this.

Lisa :- I should ask you the same.

We both glared at each other with fire in our eyes. To get the answer of our question.


Jisoo POV

Fuck ! Fuck them all ! This laptop hanged at this hour only. How will I hack now ? The other girls don't have laptop. I grunted.

*Now I have no option left.*

I went out. I opened the door of the room.

*No one's here. Good.*

I closed the door so slowly that even I didn't heard anything. LOL

I hardly took two-three steps when I heard a door click. I halted. Here comes suga from the washroom. He looked at me stunned.

Suga :- Why are you here ?

"Why ? You have any problem ? " I said shrugging my shoulders.

Suga :- Nah. I just asked.

"I just wanted your laptop. You can take it back after 15-20 minutes." I just said it. I didn't requested. I need it. There's no time for permission and all.

"Okay." He said.

*That Quick!*
*Okay. That was easy.*

I awkwardly smiled and walked to the table. I opened the second drawer and took the laptop.

"Well you still know where I keep all my things." He said smirking.

I smiled. "Well a master should know where his/her pet's things are." I smirked too.

But his smirked remained the same. "Well your 15-20 minutes had already started."He said

My eyes widened.

Just then his phone rang kept on the table. I saw the caller ID :- _Jieun💕_

I squinted my eyes.

Jisoo :- Who is this Jieun?

Suga :- Why you wanna know ?

Jisoo :-No. Just casually asking.

*Can't he just say who she is.*

Suga :- Then you should not ask. Your time is running out.

I glared at him.

Jisoo :- Fuck u.

Suga :- Gladly.

Jisoo :- Shut up.

I ran to my room.


_After half hour_

Jisoo finally hacked baekhyun's phone.

*I should tell this to chae and Lisa*

I went to chae's room. What I saw was them glaring at each other. _Angrily_

*what happened*

"Chae ! Lisa ! What happened ? Why are you giving each other these looks ?"

They looked at me. They came to me and told me everything. I sighed.

What is happening to us ? First bangtan fought with Baekhyun oppa. He and Jennie got kidnapped and now these two girls are fighting.

"Both of you,Come with me."

I said.


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