Unknown message

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Jisoo was driving her car. She has tears in her eyes. She glanced at the seat beside her. There was a phone on it.

She recalled what happened just some minutes ago.


Jisoo tracked down Jennie's number when she couldn't reach her. She didn't told rosé and Lisa because she didn't wanted to worry them unless she's herself sure.

She had tried calling jennie numerous times but she isn't picking. She drived her car where Jennie's phone is. She applies the brakes.

The location is of here.

Where is sh-

Jennie's car ?

She got down and ran towards the car. She opens it and sees no one. She picks up Jennie's phone from the car.



Where is she ?

Where is baekh oppa ?

She came to see him. And now both are gone.

She bits her lips to control her tears when a message popped up on Jennie's phone.

Unknown number ? Who is this ?

She opened the message just to get the extreme shock of her life. The message was -

Hey sweetheart! I know you might be worried about your dear sister JENNIE and your so-called-brother BAEKHYUN

But don't you worry, darling. I will take care of them. And don't you dare open up your mouth in front of anyone. Or else you'll be gifted the best thing in your life.

And yeah, don't think too much of me. Who I am ?

Your death. Your destiny.

I have decided your decisions, your actions. And I'll decide your destination too.

Bye, Sweetheart.

Jisoo's heart skipped a beat. It was too late for her to come here.

They are kidnapped.

Why did I even let her come here alone ?

She locked Jennie's car as they always had extra keys of each other's car. She walked towards her car with tears in her eyes.

Who kidnapped them ?

Ughh ! My head is just hurting. First Baek oppa wanted to tell something and now this ?

I should investigate this myself.

Flashback ends _

Currently, she is driving towards R&D coffee shop. Just as she entered,she directly went in the manager's office.

"Mam ! Why are you here ?" The manager asked being shocked to see Kim Jisoo.

This shop is owned by yoongi's family because of which he knows her very well. He's been here since 10 years.

"Fuck off these questions. I just want the footage of last 2 hours." Jisoo said being furious.

He didn't questioned more seeing her condition. He just nodded and left. Within some minutes, he returned with a pendrive which she snatched from his hand and left.

She stopped at the door and turned :- Don't you dare tell anyone about this. Or else it won't be good for your life.

She stated at him and went out.


Jennie was slowly coming to her senses. Her head was bursting with pain. She tried to move her hands but it couldn't.

She opened her eyes just to see herself tied on a chair tightly. She couldn't even budge. She could sense blood on her hair which she was sure has now stopped bleeding.

She searched her surrounding only to see a dark room with a door closed and Baekhyun beside her in the same situation. Her eyes popped out of socket. He was badly injured.

"Op...Oppa...Wak...Wake up." She tried calling him but to no avail.

She sighed. She called him again many times but still he wouldn't wake up. She couldn't control and bursted out crying out loud.

"Anyone there ? Leave us. You bastard. Motherfucker. Let us go. He is injured. Let him get treated. " She shouted. Loud. But no reply.

She cried more.

What is happening ?

Why are we here ?

The girls would be so worried.

Bangtan ? They will find us for sure.

If we are here, that means they all are in danger.

How do I warn them ?


Rosé and Lisa were sitting and watching drama. They saw jisoo storming in.

Rosé :- What happened unnie ?

Jisoo :- Nothing. I just want to be alone for sometime. Please don't disturb me.

Lisa :- She's being weird.

Jisoo locked her room and opened her laptop. She inserted the pen drive and started watching the footage.


Jisoo's eyes were full of anger. She picks up her laptop and throws it hard.

If all this has been done by you or because of you, then I will not leave you.

I will not leave you. Bangtan boys.


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