Chapter 12

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I walked next to Teagan, all my belongings in a plastic bag.

She stopped at the main gate and turned to me. "Here's my card, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call."

I gave her a small smile before pulling her into a hug. "Thanks for everything..."

She returned my smile. "No problem."

Then, she called for the gate to open.

I watched it for a long while before finally stepping past it, where Valerie was waiting.

She opened the passenger door on her car. "Ready to go?"

I took one glance back at the prison before climbing into her car.

She joined me in the drivers seat and started her car. "How about we get you some real food?"

I flashed her a smile. "That sounds amazing right about now."

She returned it before taking off out of the parking lot.

We pulled into a little diner down the street and walked in, grabbing seats at the bar.

After placing our orders, Valerie turned to me. "So, I have some news."

I faced her. "What's up?"

She averted my gaze for a second. "Those women who... assaulted you... They had their sentence extended and the guards that let it happen were fired. They might be looking at charges themselves..."

I looked down at the bar, nodding. "Thanks..."

She took my hand then. "I wish there was more I could do..."

I gave her hand a squeeze, the smile returning to my face. "You've done more then enough..."

She returned it before leaning in for a soft kiss. "I promise, I'll never let anything like that happen to you again..."

I kissed her back. "Valerie... I-"

The waitress set our orders in front of us, cutting our conversation short.

We thanked her before digging in.

   I groaned. "Oh my God, I missed real food."

Valerie chuckled. "Well, order whatever you like, my treat."

After over indulging on French fries and milkshakes, we decided to head out, Valerie driving me back home.

I took her hand in mine as we pulled in front of my apartment. Fear spread through my gut at the thought of being left alone. After spending so much time on my own, I desperately needed human contact.

"You ok?" Valerie asked.

I looked down. "Yeah... I just... I don't wanna be alone right now..."

She squeezed my hand. "Well... You could stay with me tonight... If you want to..."

I faced her, a gentle smile pulling at my lips. "I'd love to."

She kissed me before taking off for her house.

She led me inside and I looked around. "Wow, nice place."

She chuckled as she locked the door. "Being a lawyer has its benefits I suppose."

I turned around as she approached me. "So..."

She took my hands, her lips just inches from mine. "... Do you wanna see where you'll be sleeping..?"

I smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to her lips. "As long as it's with you..."

She smirked, kissing me back, pulling my body flush against hers. "This is so much better without those fucking bars in the way..."

I let out a long breath as her hand ran up my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.


   She pulled back then, biting her lip lightly as she pulled her coat off, before unbuttoning her shirt.

   I swallowed hard, pulling my shirt over my head, never once taking my eyes off her.

   Once we were both stripped down, we stood still, staring at each other, an imaginary cell door seemingly standing between us.

   Then, she raised her finger. "Come here..."

   I quickly did so, pulling her warm body against mine, her soft lips capturing mine.

   Her breathing became labored as my fingers traveled over her chest, past her belly button, down her thigh...

   Then, I looked up into her eyes. "Valerie..?"

   "Yes..?" She replied breathlessly.

   "I... I love you..."

   She smiled, resting her delicate hand against my cheek. "I love you to..."

Two Month's Later...

   Valerie joined me at the kitchen table, setting a newspaper in front of me. "It's official, you're a celebrity."

   "Hero college student found innocent." I read aloud.

   "Turns out, Chief Atwood was a lot more corrupt then anyone knew..." She said.

   I looked up at her. "How so?"

   She sat down in front of me, letting out a sigh. "He was taking payoffs from a crime family operating in the area. They were running the town into the ground and killing anyone that got in their way... Thanks to you, they're all going away for a very long time."

   I looked down at the paper, seeing a small print of Holly's picture at the bottom. I ran my finger over her face. "If it wasn't for what happened to Holly, none of this would've come to light..."

   Valerie took my hand then. "It's awful what happened..."

   I squeezed her hand. "But, Holly saved countless innocent lives without even knowing it..."

   "The school board is working with her parents to start a grant in her honor." Valerie said.

   I let out a breath, a few tears welling behind my eyes. "If only she could've been here to see all the good she's done..."

   "Maybe she can..." Valerie said, giving me a small reassuring smile.

   I returned it. "I hope so..."

   Holly... Poor Holly. The victim of an easily avoidable accident. Cut down before she could fully enjoy the life she loved so much.

   It's terrible what happened to her. But, from the ashes of that atrocity, new life began. The grant in her honor did wonders for underprivileged youths looking to further their education. The crime family she unknowingly thwarted ensured safety for our town and its residents.

   Just like in life, Holly helped more people then she could ever know. And, I like to think she could rest easy now knowing that...

   She was buried in a cemetery out of town per her parents request. I visited her grave from time to time to replace the flowers and share a few memories...

I missed her...

The End

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