Chapter 10

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My heart rate was quick, my breathing short. I was taking the stand in a matter of minutes and I still wasn't sure what I wanted to say. What the hell should I say? Everyone already assumed I was guilty. What could I say that'd change that?

I felt her hand in mine then. "Are you ok?"

   I nodded a little. "I think so..."

   She gave my hand a little squeeze. "Just speak the truth. Speak from the heart. You have nothing to prove and nobody to impress."

   I gave her a small smile. "Thank you..."

   She returned it before the judge entered the room. Everyone stood as she sat.

   She rapped her gavel. "Court is now in session."

   Everyone sat back down and she turned to us. "I understand the defendant would like to take the stand?"

   I stood. "Y-yes, your honor."

   She nodded to me and I walked over, taking a seat in the witness stand.

   The judge gave me a reassuring smile. "Whenever you're ready."

   I nodded to her, taking in a deep breath as I looked around the courtroom, it was agonizingly quiet. The jury eyed me in anticipation, Benny sat back with an intrigued smile on his face, while Holly's parents glared at me. My nerves were about to explode and I wasn't sure if I could handle this.

   Then, my look turned towards Valerie. She gave me a warm smile, mouthing "you got this."

   'Just speak from the heart.' I thought as I closed my eyes, taking in one last breath before beginning to speak.

"I've known Holly since we were in fourth grade. God, we used to hate each other." I started, earning a few laughs from the crowd. "But, over time we became friends. Then, closer then sisters. We were inseparable and now that she's gone..." I choked up, closing my eyes, trying to fight back the tears.

"I never dreamed of a world without her in it. She was always so kind, so fun, so full of life. She made every day better with her presence... and I loved her... I loved her so much it hurt sometimes..." Silence filled the courtroom once again as I looked down, my breathing becoming strained as a few tears leaked down my cheek.

   Here I was on trial for my life, confessing my long hidden love for someone I was accused of murdering. I couldn't begin to process it, so I just kept talking.

"She meant the world to me and she never even knew it... The night she was killed, I held her in my arms. She spoke her last words to me... She asked for my help and I couldn't give it to her... I couldn't save her... All I could think about in that moment was her. Our whole friendship flashing before my eyes... The love I hid from her... And then she was gone..."

More tears started to flow as the crowd looked on, a few of them wiping their own eyes.

"I loved her more then life itself... I could never hurt her..." I finally broke down then, letting out a sob as I stood. "I'm sorry..."

Valerie rushed to my side, helping me back to my seat. "It's ok, you're ok." She said, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as I sat down.

The courtroom remained silent, even the judge seemed unsure how to proceed.

She cleared her throat. "Thank you, miss Flynn. I'm sure that couldn't have been easy for you."

"Thank you, your honor." I replied, wiping my eyes again.

She rapped her gavel then. "How about we take a recess?"

Everyone stood then and headed out into the hallways.

Valerie and I sat in a back room, handcuffs tight around my wrists.

She took my hand from across the table between us. "How're you holding up?"

I just looked down. "I'll be ok..."

She squeezed my hand just as a knock rang out from the door.

The guard opened it, letting a blonde woman inside.

"Millie? What's going on?" Valerie asked.

"They found Trevor." She replied.

"Where?" I asked quickly.

"Got picked up at some hole in the wall bar out of town. They got him on public intoxication and disturbing the peace. He's locked up in the drunk tank as we speak." She replied.

Valerie turned to me. "This is our chance. If we can get him on the stand we might be able to break him."

I looked down at the table. "I don't know if I can even be in the same room as him... Not after what he did..."

She took my hand again. "Dakota... If we don't take this opportunity now..."

I looked into her eyes, knowing full well how that sentence ended. "I know... Ok, let's do it..."

We all reconvened in the courtroom and the judge turned to Valerie. "I understand there's a new witness?"

Valerie nodded. "I'd like to call Trevor Atwood to the stand."

The crowd erupted in murmurs as the bailiff led Trevor into the courtroom. He had handcuffs on, his lip was busted and one of his eyes was swollen. But, I'd remember that face for the rest of my life. The face of the true killer.

As they passed our table he turned to me, blowing me a kiss.

I stood angrily, lunging towards him. "You motherfucker!"

The crowd gasped as Valerie and Millie grabbed me, pulling me back into my seat.

Trevor laughed as the bailiff pulled him away from me.

The judge rapped her gavel. "Order! I will not tolerate another outburst like that again, is that understood?"

My eyes stayed firmly locked on Trevor's.

"Yes, your honor. We apologize, emotions got the better of us." Valerie said.

She just nodded as Trevor took the stand, a sly smirk on his lips.

"Mr. Frye, it's your witness." The judge said.

Benny stood, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Well, Mr. Atwood, my first question for you is this: Did you know Holly Peterson?"

Trevor flashed me a wink. "Never heard of her..."

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