Chapter 7

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   I paced around my cell. Today was the first day of my trial and the nerves were getting to me.

   "How're you feeling?" Teagan asked.

   I leaned against the bars, sighing. "I'm... I'm scared... I've never been this scared in my whole life..."

   Teagan rested her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it'll be ok. You know what you saw and no one can take that from you. Just be honest."

   I gave her a small smile before Valerie entered the room, glancing between the two of us, an unreadable expression on her face.

   "Good morning, miss Cross." Teagan greeted, taking a step back from my cell.

   Valerie nodded to her before facing me. "How're you holding up?"

   "So far so good." I lied.

   She flashed me a small, reassuring smile. "You got this, I know you do."

   I returned her smile before Teagan called for my cell door to open, clamping a set of handcuffs around my wrists. "I'll see you when you get back."

   I gave her a nod and a smile before following Valerie and two guards out the door.

   "You two seem friendly." Valerie said.

   I glanced at her. "Oh, yeah, she's been really kind and protective. I don't know what I'd do without her around here."

   Valerie gave me a small nod. "That's good."

It was quiet after that as we made our way into the transport car, taking off towards the courthouse...

Valerie and the bailiff led me to a small room with a table and a couple chairs inside.

"I'll be right outside if you need anything." The bailiff said to Valerie before exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

I sat down at the table, Valerie taking a seat across from me, laying out a few folders. "Ok, Dakota, I'm gonna let you know how all this works. Benny and I will start with our opening statements. You're being tried by a jury of your peers. We'll present evidence and witnesses in order to prove our case. You don't have to take the stand if you don't want to. And, after our closing arguments, the jury will deliberate and decide on a verdict."

I nodded, the nerves getting worse. "How long is this going to take?"

She shrugged. "Could be a few days or a few weeks. It all just depends."

I looked down at my cuffed hands, a few tears welling in my eyes.

Valerie rested her hand on mine then. "Everything's gonna be ok and we'll be done before you know it."

I looked up into her eyes. "Thank you."

She flashed me a small smile. "Of course..."

Then, her eyes moved from mine to the camera in the corner of the ceiling. She seemed to be fighting the urge to do something. I'm pretty sure I knew exactly what that something was.

   "Valerie..?" I spoke up.

   She looked to me. "Yes..?"

   I averted her gaze. "You... you can-"

   Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and the bailiff stepped in. "Ready to go?" He asked.

   Valerie and I looked to him.

   "Uh, yes..." Valerie said, getting to her feet.

   She shot me a look before leading me out of the room and down a hallway.

   The bailiff led us into the courtroom, where Benny, Holly's parents, and a room full of people I've never met were waiting.

   The jury and the crowd eyed me as I took my seat at our table.

   I chanced a look over at Benny's table, Hollys mother had tears in her eyes and her father glared at me.

   I opened my mouth to say something, when Valerie sat down in front of me. "Don't worry about them for right now."

   "But, her mother..."

   "Trust me, the only way to help them right now is to prove your innocence and find the real killer. Ok?"

   I looked down, but nodded anyway.

   Then, the bailiff stood at the front of the courtroom. "All rise!"

   Everyone stood as a beautiful, middle aged woman entered the room.

   "Honorable Judge Kendra Rodgers now presiding." The bailiff said as the woman took her seat.

She rapped her gavel a few times before addressing the courtroom. "Please be seated, court is now in session."

As everyone did so, she addressed Valerie. "What is the defenses plea?"

Valerie stood. "Not guilty, your honor."

The judge nodded before turning to Benny. "The prosecution has the floor for his opening statements."

Benny stood as Valerie retook her seat. He strolled out in front of the jury. "Great people of the jury, we are here with heavy hearts today. A young woman has been murdered... Holly Peterson was only twenty-three years old when her life was taken from her. She was a bright, young college student with a long future ahead of her..."

My eyes started to fill with tears as he continued. Valerie rested her hand on my shoulder. "Everything is gonna be ok..." She whispered, but I wasn't sure if I believed her...

"... Today, you people have the tremendous responsibility of finding her killer. Finding the truth. And providing the late Holly Peterson with the justice she deserves..." He continued.

After his opening statement, the judge turned to Valerie. "The floor is now open to the defense."

Valerie stood, letting out a small sigh before stepping in front of the jury. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my colleague is right. Holly Peterson was a fine young woman who was unfortunately cut down before her prime. He was right about giving her the justice she deserves. I've known Dakota Flynn for a couple weeks now and in that time she has proven to be an intelligent and compassionate person. And, most of all, she was a loving friend to the late Holly Peterson. They met as children and grew to be closer then sisters... My colleague was right about Holly deserving justice. But, sentencing her best friend, a fine young woman in her own right, to life in prison while the true killer still roams free... You tell me, does that sound like justice..?"

The room grew silent as Valerie eyed every single juror.

"That's all, your honor." She said before retaking her seat.

I wiped at my eyes, a feeling of hope finally settling inside me. "Thank you..."

She gave me a small nod.

"Alright, would the prosecution please call their first witness." The judge said.

Benny stood up, a smug smile on his face. "Yes, your honor. The prosecution calls Chief Stephen Atwood to the stand."

   Valerie perked up, a look of shock crossing her features. "Holy shit..."

   "What's wrong?" I asked as the chief strolled into the room, taking his seat in the witness box.

   "I'm not prepared for a cross examination yet... I thought I had more time..." Valerie said.

   "What does that mean..?" I asked nervously.

   "It means all our planning is out the window now... We're flying blind..."

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