Chapter 2

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   I walked into my favorite restaurant and took my usual seat. After ordering a coffee, I pulled Dakota's case file from my bag and laid it out in front of me.

   I studied every line of the report while I sipped on my coffee.

   "Has anyone ever told you that you work to much?" I heard from behind me.

   I turned and smiled, behind me stood my best friend and former mentor, Millie Burns. "I learned from the best."

She laughed before sitting down across from me. "So, what's the new case, Val?"

I took a quick glance down at the case files. "A college student stabbed her best friend."

She let out a low whistle. "What's the plea?"

"Not guilty."

"Can they prove otherwise?"

I shook my head. "Her finger prints were on the knife and she was the only person at the scene when the cops arrived. But, she claims someone else was there."

"Do you believe her?"

I shrugged. "I don't know what to believe. When I asked her about it, she seemed honest, but it's hard to argue with the evidence."

She stood up and patted my shoulder. "Sounds like you'll have your work cut out for you."

I flashed her a small smile. "Any advice?"

She stopped and seemed to think for a second. "Well, if you believe she's innocent, then you might wanna start with who called the cops."

I gave her a confused look and she just smiled before waving and walking off.

I looked back at the case files, my mind racing...

"Up and at 'em." I heard.

I groaned as I rolled over, seeing Valerie standing on the other side of my cell.

"What're you doing here so early?" I asked, sitting up on the bed.

She sat down in the guards chair and crossed her legs. "I had a few questions, if that's alright."

I nodded. "Sure, ask away."

"Did you call the cops that night?"

I shot her a confused glance. "No?"

She nodded. "How soon after you found Holly would you say the cops showed up?"

I shrugged. "A minute or two, if that."

"And they didn't knock?"

I shook my head. "No... what's all this about?"

She leaned back in her seat. "Well, if you didn't call the cops, then who did?"

"Maybe a neighbor? Someone walking by? I don't know."

She nodded slowly, seemingly deep in thought. "Maybe... well, I'll let you get some sleep."

"Oh, ok... I'll see you later then?"

She gave me a small smile. "You can count on it."

Then, she was out the door.

I laid back on my bed, still slightly confused...

I sat down at a table in the courthouses lunchroom, still deep in thought.

'If she didn't call the cops, then who did? It could've been a neighbor, maybe they heard screaming? I'll need to get my hands on the list of witnesses.'

Then, I heard a voice, pulling me back to reality. "Well, well, long time no see."

I looked up, seeing the last person I wanted to see. Benny Frye, the best prosecution attorney in the state. He had a ninety-seven percent conviction rate and a "won't say die" attitude. A record like that would normally be pretty inspiring to a young attorney like myself. Unfortunately, though, he had an ego the size of the moon and the tendency to be a serious douchebag at times.

"Look, Benny, I'm kinda busy right now."

He sat down across from me. "Working on a new case?"

I sighed, but nodded anyway, sliding the case file in front of him.

He opened it up and skimmed through it, before looking back at me. "Is this the Flynn-Peterson case?"

"Yeah, why?"

He set the file down and leaned back in his chair, a smug look on his face. "Well, I just so happen to be working for the victims parents."

My mouth hung open slightly. "You've got to be kidding me."

He let out a small chuckle. "Afraid not, looks like we'll be going head to head in the courtroom."

I rested my head in my hands and sighed.

"Aren't you excited?"

I looked up, meeting his gaze. "I don't think 'excited' is the right word."

He stood up and flashed me a smirk. "I'll see you in the courtroom. Remember not to be late and bring your A-game, you'll need it."

Then, he was gone, just as quickly as he came.

I dropped my head on the table and groaned. 'There's no way in hell I can beat him, even if I did believe she was innocent.'

"What's eating you?" Millie asked as she sat down across from me.

I rubbed my forehead. "Benny just told me he's working for the parents of my clients victim."

She glanced over at Benny. "No shit?"

"Nope. If I wasn't screwed before, I definitely am now."

She looked back at me. "Hey, don't give up yet. You're a damn good attorney. I should know, I trained you."

I flashed her a small smile.

She returned it. "And, besides, you know I'll be here if you need anything."

"Actually, I could use a favor."

"Name it."

"I need to get my hands on a list of any witnesses that might've seen what happened that night. If my client's telling the truth, those cops were rolling before she woke up."

She nodded. "Consider it done."

"You're the best."

She stood up. "You know it."

Then, she was gone as well, leaving me to my thoughts...

   "So, who's this Benny guy and why is he so bad for my case?" I asked.

   Valerie sighed. "Unfortunately, Benny's the best damn lawyer in the state. Very few have had the pleasure of besting him in a courtroom."

   I closed my eyes and sighed. "Great."

   "Look, don't quit on me yet, ok? If you truly are innocent, then I'll do everything in my power to prove that and bring down the rightful killer."

I rubbed my eyes as a few tears started to well up. "Thank you."

Valerie stuck her hand through the cell, resting it on my shoulder. "No problem... just, stay strong, ok?"

I nodded, wiping a few tears from my eyes.

She pulled back and started heading for the door when a thought occurred to me.


   She stopped and turned to me. "Yeah?"

   "There's an old woman who lives across the street from Holly, Miss McCall, nothing happens in that neighborhood without her knowing about it."

   She nodded. "Thanks, I'll check it out."

   Then, she was gone, leaving me alone once again.

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