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The old house stood on the edge of the forest, its dark and imposing silhouette looming over the surrounding landscape. The once-grand mansion had fallen into disrepair, with its walls cracked and its windows boarded up. Some said that the place was cursed, haunted by the ghosts of its former inhabitants.

But on this particular night, the house was not empty. A lone figure stood in one of the upstairs windows, watching as a storm raged outside. The figure was shrouded in darkness, its features obscured by the flickering candlelight.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning illuminated the room, revealing the figure's face. It was twisted and contorted, with eyes that burned like hot coals. A voice whispered in the darkness, a voice that was not human.

"Welcome to my home," the voice said. "You will not leave here alive."

And with those words, the storm grew stronger, the winds howling like demons and the rain lashing against the windows like a thousand tiny fists. The figure vanished from the window, leaving behind an aura of malevolence and evil that lingered long after it had gone.

For those who dared to venture inside the old mansion, the horror that awaited them was beyond anything they could have ever imagined. The curse of the house was real, and its power was growing stronger with each passing day. And so, the legend of the cursed mansion lived on, a warning to all those who would dare to challenge its dark and terrible secrets.

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