Chapter 13: Captured

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As Emma and Jack drove away from the haunted house, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. They had been able to help the lost soul move on and find peace, and it was a satisfying feeling.

However, as they were driving down the dark road, they noticed that they were being followed by a car. At first, they thought it might be a coincidence, but as the car continued to follow them, they knew something was wrong.

They tried to speed up and lose the car, but it kept up with them, always a few cars behind. Emma and Jack began to feel a sense of unease, as they didn't know who was following them or why.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they pulled into a gas station, hoping that the car would drive by and leave them alone. However, as they stepped out of the car, they saw the other car pull up behind them.

Out of the car stepped a tall, dark figure, shrouded in a black cloak. Emma and Jack couldn't make out any features, but they knew that they were in danger.

The figure approached them slowly, its footsteps echoing through the empty gas station. Emma and Jack tried to back away, but they were surrounded, with nowhere to go.

Suddenly, the figure spoke, its voice cold and sinister. "You should have left well enough alone," it said. "Now you will suffer the consequences."

Emma and Jack tried to run, but they were no match for the figure's speed and strength. They were quickly caught and dragged back to the haunted house, where they were thrown into the basement.

As they lay there, trapped and helpless, they knew that they were facing something far more sinister than any ghost. They had stumbled into something dark and dangerous, and they didn't know if they would make it out alive.

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