Chapter 3: The Curse Unleashed

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Emma sat frozen in fear as Rachel's words echoed through the room. The other guests looked at her in shock and disbelief, but Emma could see the fear in their eyes. She knew that they were all thinking the same thing: that they had made a terrible mistake by coming to the mansion.

Suddenly, the lights flickered and went out completely. The guests gasped in surprise, and Emma could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She was plunged into darkness, and she couldn't see anything except for the faint glow of the moon outside.

There was a loud thud, and Emma could hear someone stumbling in the dark. She felt a hand grab hers, and she jumped in fright. It was one of the other guests, a man named Jack. He spoke in a low voice, his breath hot on her ear.

"We have to get out of here," he said. "Now."

Emma nodded, and she felt Jack's hand tug her forward. They stumbled through the dark, groping their way towards the door. But just as they reached it, there was a loud creaking sound, and the door swung shut, blocking their escape.

Emma could hear the other guests shouting in panic, but she couldn't see anything. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare, and she couldn't wake up.

And then, suddenly, the lights came back on. Emma blinked in surprise, her eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. She looked around and realized that they were no longer in the game room. They were in a small, dark hallway, with doors on either side.

Emma looked at Jack in confusion, but he just shook his head. They both knew that they had to keep moving, to keep searching for a way out of the mansion.

They tried the first door, but it was locked. They tried the second, but it was locked too. Emma felt a sense of despair rising in her chest. They were trapped, with no way out.

And then they heard a sound. It was a low, guttural growl, and it was coming from the end of the hallway.

Emma froze, and she could see the fear in Jack's eyes. They both knew that something terrible was coming. Something that they couldn't fight.

And then it appeared. It was a creature, with long, sharp claws and glowing red eyes. It was covered in fur, and it looked like it had stepped straight out of a nightmare.

Emma screamed, and Jack grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the last door on the right. They slammed the door shut behind them, panting and gasping for breath.

They were safe, for now. But Emma knew that they couldn't stay there forever. The curse of the mansion had been unleashed, and they were trapped inside with no way out.

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