Chapter 4: Searching for Answers

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Emma and Jack stood in the small room, their hearts racing. They could still hear the creature growling and scratching at the door, trying to get in. Emma felt a sense of panic rising in her chest. They were trapped, with no way out.

But then she remembered the words that Rachel had said before the curse had been unleashed. "The only way to break the curse is to find the source of the evil and destroy it."

Emma looked at Jack, determination in her eyes. "We have to find the source of the evil," she said. "We have to break the curse."

Jack nodded, and they both knew what they had to do. They opened the door slowly, peeking out to make sure that the creature wasn't waiting for them. The hallway was empty, and they could see the moon shining through a window at the end of the hallway.

They started walking towards the window, hoping to find some clues that would lead them to the source of the evil. As they walked, they could hear strange noises coming from the other rooms. Moans, whispers, and the sound of something moving in the dark.

Emma tried not to think about what was making those noises. She just focused on getting to the window, hoping that they would find some answers.

When they reached the window, they saw that it was covered in thick bars. They couldn't see anything outside except for the darkness. Emma sighed in frustration, wondering what they were supposed to do next.

And then she saw it. A small scrap of paper, pinned to the wall near the window. She walked over to it and read the message scrawled on it in shaky handwriting.

"The source of the evil lies beneath the mansion."

Emma's heart skipped a beat. They had to go below the mansion, into the dark, damp basement. She shuddered at the thought, but she knew that it was their only hope.

She looked at Jack, and he nodded in agreement. They turned and started walking towards the stairs, hoping that they would find a way down to the basement.

As they walked, Emma couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. She kept turning around, looking over her shoulder, but she couldn't see anything. It was like they were surrounded by an invisible presence, lurking in the shadows.

Finally, they reached the stairs, and Emma took a deep breath before starting down. The stairs creaked beneath her feet, and the air grew colder and damper the further down they went.

When they reached the bottom, they found themselves in a small room, surrounded by cobwebs and darkness. They could hear strange noises coming from the other side of the room, and Emma felt her heart pounding in her chest.

They both took a step forward, and suddenly the floor gave way beneath them. They fell into the darkness, screaming as they tumbled down into the unknown.

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