Chapter 43 Goodbyes

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The week their parents were staying came and went rapidly. Zayn took them all to the gallery, where he had surprised even Harry when his own piece was displayed. Harry was beyond proud to see Zayn had decided to showcase a little his own work, there was nothing wrong with that, it didn't make him self-absorbed, or selfish. He was talented as fuck, and the world deserved to see it.

Their parents congratulated Taryn, Liam, and Zayn for the huge success they were having, and Trisha hugged him especially long when she saw her son's painting there, raising proud.

Turns out, Liam did have friends to introduce Gemma to, so they all went for drinks one night. She clicked with one of them so she left the group after a while to spend time with him, and there was also one getting too friendly with Zayn, according to Harry's liking. He was a fit, latino bloke, which made it all worse. He knew Liam as his parents also owned a gallery and Liam had checked it when he and Zayn were looking for a place. Alejandro was a thirty-five-year-old man, tattooed almost as heavily as Zayn himself, and as tall as Harry. Broad shoulders, nice beard, bright brown eyes, and gentle smile. Harry hated him. Little did he know Alejandro was going to be a constant in their lives from that day on.

The day their parents left, when they were at the airport waiting for their flight, Anne came to Zayn to talk to him a little more before leaving.

"Dear, Harry is one of a kind. You'll find him clingy sometimes, spoiled, and needy. That's the way he has been forever. He loves being loved, being taken care of, he loves feeling the centre of someone's existence. Be patient with him, okay? If he says something wrong, he will apologize and try to make amends. You'll find a lot about him you will not precisely love, but what you do with those dark parts of him is what will define your relationship. He is also fiercely protective, loyal and loving. He will give you his thousand percent. He will pour his heart in front of you. Just take good care of his heart, yes?"

"Yes, ma'am. I planned on doing so. We've had our moments already. M' not an easy guy either, but there's something I hate with all my heart and is making Harry upset. I don't ever wanna see him cry, much less being the reason for his tears. I'll take care of him with all I am. I promise."

"Good, good. I know you guys will be fine. Just normal mother concern, you'll get it better when you guys decide to become parents."

"I get you know, though m' not familiar with the feeling yet. Your son is safe with me, Anne."

"I know he is. When I say I love you, I mean it, Zayn. You're like another son to me."

"I appreciate it, Anne. Thank you for the warm welcoming into your family. I won't let you down."

She hugged him and then Zayn noticed his mother was talking to Harry too. Parent's thing, looked like.

"There's a lot of Zayn you need to discover, Harry. He hasn't had it easy the last few years. He'll tell you when he is ready, but meanwhile listen to him, not just with your ears, baby, love doesn't only speak with words. Listen to his way of saying I love you with the way he looks at you, the way he gives you his undivided attention, the way he would stop whatever he is doing and come to you when you call for him, the way he makes sure you are comfortable and warm at night, the way he would have details like making you dinner, or watching a movie he doesn't like but you do, or even braiding your hair because he only wants to touch it. That's Zayn, Harry. He is sweet and caring; he doesn't do anything random. That is him saying I love you; you are important to me. Push him the right amount from time to time, he tends to get cosy too soon, you did great with the painting, for instance." Trisha said to him.

"That's beautiful, Trisha. I'll keep that in mind. I know m' a lot most of the time and he's still around. he wants me to have his babies, he chose me to be with him. My soul chose to love him without even me noticing, and it was the best decision ever. He is an extraordinary human being. I'll take care of him."

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