January 21, 2013

924 32 6

Scott's P.O.V.

"Guys this is your five minute call!" I heard Esther shout as she knocked on Mitch and I's dressing room door. I turned to Mitch who was checking his hair in his phone. Rolling my eyes I opened the door and walked to side stage. I could hear the chatter of the crowd on the other side of the curtain and breathed deeply through my nose.

It was 2013 and we were playing in The Roxy in LA. I was excited. This place was small and intimate. I liked venues like that. Especially considering we didn't have to go anywhere for the after party. We could just stay here and hang out.

The show started and the show ended and then we went out onto the floor of the club and got a drink.

"Get me something with vodka in it." Mitch shouted over the music, handing me twenty bucks and turning back to the guy that he had already seemingly 'pulled'. I laughed, turning around and walking towards the bar.

Leaning against the bar, I ordered and was eventually handed two glasses full of colourful liquid. I turned around, swiftly, both drinks in my hand. I felt my whole body lurch forward as I slammed into someone, dropping the glasses.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry." I said as the guy bent down and picked up the glasses. As he stood up straight, I was caught off guard. He was the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on. He was tall and had the most amazing bright brown eyes ever. Lighter than Mitch's but darker than melted milk chocolate. His face seemed to be carved that of a thousand Angels, with a jaw line so sharp it could a piece of paper. His hair was a light brown colour and was shaped in a perfect quiff.

"It's fine. It's probably my fault." He said, breaking out into a smile. A smile so bright that it put the stars to shame. A smile that reached his eyes and made my heart beat fast. I swallowed hard trying to snap myself out of the trance that this guy had put on me. "It's Scott right?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrows and nodded. "Alexander Kirk." He held out his hand and I shook it. His hand was soft and warm and welcoming, like a tiny little hand hug. I smiled.

"Nice to meet you Alexander." I said, as he dropped my hand. The heat left my hand quickly and I suddenly felt at loss. "Here, let me buy you a drink, considering I got my last one all over your shirt." I said, turning back to the bar.

I breathed deeply, trying to calm my heart down. My hands were seemingly sweating. What was wrong with me? I shook my head and turned to Alexander who was now beside me. "Tom Collins." He said smiling.

I smirked. "Classy guy." I commented, feeling an overwhelming surge of confidence move over me. Ordering three drinks I took Mitch's back over to him and sat down with Alexander on one of the couches.

We began to talk. And we talked and talked. Before I knew it there was a table of empty glasses in front of us and I had no control of what I was saying anymore.

I was caught up in the fact that this guy was the most beautiful person in and out. He was funny and had a great personality. Even if he was drunk at that moment but I could tell he was being genuine with everything he was saying. He worked as an intern with MTV and lived in LA. He was from Arizona and had recently graduated college.

I could feel myself developing feelings for him already and I had only just met the guy. I never fell for someone this quickly. I suddenly felt very self conscious about it, my body seemingly sobering up. Why was I finding myself staring at his lips? Why did I want to kiss him? Did he want to kiss me? Probably not.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mitch sitting down on the couch opposite with Kirstie following close behind. They were both giggling loudly. Most likely drunk.

"Who's the hot guy?!" Mitch shouted causing my face to heat up. I turned to look at Alexander who was smiling brightly.

"Alexander Kirk. And you are Mitch and that is Kirstie." Alexander stated. I wondered if he was a fan. Or had he just done his research when he found out we would be performing tonight, either way I didn't want this to be the only time we talked.

The night soon ended and I had no recollection of getting home or leaving the club but I woke up the next morning with the worst headache.

I sleepily wandered towards the kitchen to be met with a smirking Mitch. I rolled my eyes at him, he obviously hadn't drunk as much as I had thought last night. I downed two Advil and a glass of water and began to walk back to my room when, "Did you get that guys number last night or?" Mitch asked.

I turned back around, my eyes widening at his statement. I nodded slowly and he smirked. "If you're not gonna tap that then I'll have his number too." He said.

"Mitch!" I pushed his shoulder as he laughed. "Seriously though, he was like a god. I think I like him. I think I should text him. He was so nice. And so funny. And... And..." I stopped myself when I saw Mitch staring at me, his eyebrows raised. I opened my mouth but he just laughed and began to walk away.

"Nothing, nothing. Now go take a shower and clean up. We have rehearsals later." He called, closing his bedroom door behind him.

I stood for a second remembering last night. I found myself caught up in my thoughts. I didn't know what to do. I thought about texting him but maybe that would make me look clingy. I didn't want to look clingy. But he was so dreamy. He was... He was...

"Hoying, I know you haven't moved from the kitchen. Get in the shower or I'll leave you here!" Mitch shouted from his bedroom, snapping me out of my day dream. I laughed and went to take my shower.

"Yes sir!" I called back as I went back to my room.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. It was open on Alexander's number and in the moment I clicked 'message'. "Hey, nice seeing you yesterday. Want to hang out tomorrow?" I sent it before I could over think and then threw my phone down onto the bed. Getting into the shower.

Hey!!! Hope you liked the first chapter of this! Updates may be scarce for a while as I have summer exams coming up and I'm thinking of writing a sequel to my other fanfic but I don't really know and I wanted to get this chapter out there so I wrote it. Anyway, I would love if you guys voted and commented and followed me and I hope you have the best day/night!

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