August 16, 2015

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Alex was nervous, very nervous. Today was the day. The day that could go horribly wrong or perfectly right. It was the day to end all days. Jake watched as his best friend paced back and forth along his hotel room floor. Jake didn't understand why he was so nervous, it would all go well.

"Alex, it's gonna be okay. You need to calm down or you're going to pass out." Jake said, grabbing Alex's shoulders and holding him still. He could feel Alex trembling against his hands.

"But what if-" Alex began.

"No, Alex, no ifs. What happens happens and we move on, in whichever direction. If it's meant to be you know what he'll say." Jake said, wrapping Alex into a hug. "Please stop shaking. I know you're nervous but there is no need to be."

"Thanks Jakey." Alex said, stepping back and nodding.

Then when they were ready, they walked out of the hotel room and towards the photo op place where all the band were waiting as well as all the fans that had gotten VIP tickets. Alex had told the rest of the band about his plan as well as Mario, Esther, Kate and all the friends that had come to the Las Vegas.

The boys joined the line for the photo op, trying to avoid Scott seeing them. A lot of fans stopped and asked Alex and Jake for pictures with them, which they were flattered by. They loved the attention and it took Alex's mind off of what was about to happen.

The line began to get smaller and smaller and the boys watched as they had to do different poses, some were pretty ambitious! It then came to them. Scott frowned when he saw Jake and Alex. They could just wait to the end, he thought. Why were they lining up, he thought. But Scott smiled as Alex began to approach the group.

Alex's hands were sweating. His heart was thudding like a bong drum. His head was airy with anticipation and he felt like he was swaying back and forth. A large lump became present in his throat.

Mitch winked at him as if to tell him that it was all going to be okay. Kirstie looked on the brink of tears, tears of joy obviously. And Kevin and Avi smiled urging him forward. Scott smirked, still looking confused.

"Can I, like, take Mitch and Kirstie and bring you over here?" Alex took them both by the hand and brought them over to the side. "And Kevin and Avi come over here." He motioned them over to the other side. "Now it's just me and you..." Alex told Scott as he stepped into the middle of the platform. Scott looked at him questioning.

"Alex, what are you doing?" Scott asked. Alex smiled at him and then turned towards the remaining line of people. They all watched in anticipation as to what was about to happen. Alex swallowed hard and reached into his pocket.

"Here goes nothing." He mumbled, taking the small box out of his pocket and stepping back. He slowly got down on one knee and opened the box to reveal a ring. Scott's eyes went wide, his hand moving up to his mouth.

"Now, you may think I'm crazy and I probably am. But I love you, Scott. You are my whole world. My everything. You have been for almost three years, which is crazy because they went so quickly. You are my light of day and my darkness of light. You are the reason I wake up smiling in the morning. You make me feel like a queen and that I am the luckiest person on earth, which I am. Because I love you and you love me and I get to show you that everyday, even if I don't see you everyday..... And I know you said to keep it from the fans to protect me and to make sure that I don't get taken down by all the craziness but I'm already half in. Why not go the full way?" Alex explained.

Scott's face heated up like an oven. He was shaking with anticipation. He could feel the eyes of everyone boring into his skull. Sniffles coming from a lot of people who were crying. The room was dead silent for a moment before Alex cleared his throat and began to talk again.

"Scott, it's been the craziest three years of my life. Filled with highs, lows and everything in between. Also a lot of mountain climbing. And I'm unbelievably proud of you for being the strongest person I know. I've never loved anyone like I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I hope you feel the same way too." Alex took a small break again, as he watched Scott's face. He looked so happily terrified.

"Scott Hoying, the love of my life, will you please marry me?" Alex asked.

"Yes! Oh my god, yes! Of course!" Scott said, watching as Alex jumped up and pulling him into a hug and then kissing him tenderly. Scott felt his feet leave the ground as Alex spun him around, making him giggle. Alex put him down and wiped the tears off of Scott's face, smiling widely.

"You guys knew about this?" Scott asked the group. Kirstie and Mitch were blubbering messes, tears rolling down their cheeks. They all nodded. Avi and Kevin had the biggest smiles on their faces, Scott had ever seen.

Scott turned back around to look at Alex and then at the line of people waiting with wide, heart eyes. He watched as Jake, Naomi, Mario and Kate all filmed for snapchat. They all looked like they wanted to burst with excitement.

Scott could feel his heart pounding in his throat. He was still not over the immediate shock of Alex's words. "You're fucking amazing!" He said, wrapping Alex in his arms.

"I love you so freaking much." Alex whispered into Scott's shoulder.

"I love you too."

The end! I hope you guys enjoyed. The sequel will be out soon. Maybe tomorrow. It depends how quickly I get the cover and title done. But thank yall for reading!!! Love you guys!!

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