June 13, 2013

505 22 4

Scott's P.O.V.

I felt myself become close to Alex instantly. He was just so perfect. There was nothing not to like about him. He was hilarious and beautiful and talented and not to mention an amazing kisser. He made me feel loved, even though neither one of us spoke that dreaded "L" word for months. He made me feel like I belonged in the world and that I had a purpose.

My sadness began to be replaced with happiness. When I felt down I knew I could call Alex and ask him to come over and cuddle. Even though it made me feel like I was bothering him, every time it he said it wasn't a problem and that he loved to come over and see me.

He seemingly knew how to make me relax when I had panic attacks or when I just couldn't handle things. His touch was magical and it just made me feel full.

I couldn't understand how one person could make everything that was wrong, right. And I loved him. God, I loved him. I had fallen hard. There was no going back now.

One day, about four months into Alex and I's relationship, Mitch and I and a bunch of our friends decided to go to Disneyland. Kirstie, Avi, Kevin, Esther, Jake, Mario and Ryan were going to tag along with us. It was great to get out with friends that we hadn't seen in a while.

"Mitch?" I wandered into our kitchen to see him resting against the counter, scrolling through his phone. He nodded not looking up and I rolled my eyes. "Would it be okay... If maybe... I asked Alex if he wanted to come?" I stammered out. Even when I talked about him I stuttered and choked on my words.

Mitch looked up and smirked, cocking his eyebrow. "Of course, Mr. Stutter Lover." He sassed. I rolled my eyes, poking his side and turning back to my room.

The phone rang three times before it was answered. "Hey, babe." I felt my heart in my throat as he answered. Oh god!

"H-hey." There it is! I coughed. "I mean, hi Ali!" I shook my head at myself.

Alex chuckled. "What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come to Disneyland with Mitch and I and a bunch of other people. I'll pick you up." I suggested. I could almost hear his thoughts on the other end in the silence that followed. "Alex?" I said when he didn't answer.

"Oh...uh... I mean, I guess. Yeah I'd love to. When are you going?" He asked. I shook my head at his stammer and looked at the time. 11:30.

"Half hour. I'll pick you up outside your place at quarter past." I suggested.

"Okay, I'll see you then. I lo-.... Yeah, okay.... Uh...bye." He hung up before I could answer. Was he just going to say what I think he was going to say? I removed my phone from ear and stared down at it. My lock screen flashed before my eyes, a selfie of Alex and I, him kissing my cheek. I sighed.

"Ughhhhhhh!" I fell down onto my bed, my head in my pillow. I felt like screaming and I didn't know why. But I wasn't sad or angry... I was frustratingly in love with this boy. This amazing man.

"Are you alright?" Mitch poked his head around my door. I looked up to see him looking genuinely concerned. I nodded, standing and walking over to hug him. His warmth over took me as his arms wrapped automatically around me. I basked in the fact that I had the best friend in the whole world.

"You ready to go?" I asked, breaking our hug. He smiled and nodded and walked out of my room.

We drove to Alex's place first and he was waiting outside. He smiled and waved when he saw us and I got out to open the back door for him. "Such a gentleman," he muttered kissing my cheek. As I got back into the car I saw Mitch roll his eyes dramatically.

"We've just got to pick Jake up now and then we'll head." I said, starting the engine.

"Jake Updergraff?" Alex asked, his eyes lit up. I smiled at him through the rear view mirror and nodded. "Oh this is gonna be fun."

Guess who's back? Back again!
Okay, helllllooo everyone. This is a short update just so I can get back into the swing of things. The ten year long break that I took was well worth it and gave me some time to relax and think about things. Thank you so much for being supportive and patient with me. And I hope you enjoy!! Xx

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