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More and more everyday I start to fade away. Each week I'm fading faster and this week I'm almost completely gone. I'm fading like a burning bright star in the night. After a while it seems that

everyone cares less and less. At this point I'm not even there. At this point no one knows who I am. I've fallen into the abyss. Everything that comforts me,
everything that makes me human,

Everything I loved is gone. I've lost my everything and it makes me sick. Even though some of those things didn't help much, they still got me through a lot. I don't how I will make it through the day

now with what I've got but I know it will never be the same. It won't ever be the same without you three there for me but at least I've got me. I say that like it's a good thing but I don't comfort

me. I hurt me. I send my self down a spiraling whirl of panic. I drown in my own head. I get lost in my own
membrane. Everyone always leaves me there without realizing the damage

they've done. That's the mistake they all make, leaving me alone with my own brain. My endless twisted dark mind. I can't fight the monsters that roam inside because they gobble me in one

bite. I never had a chance to fight back but right here is when I fight. These words organized in five lines are how I fight. These words are what's keeping me alive. Even though if I've lost

everything, I've never lost my chance to fight.

The Dark Ages Volume 2 [Formerly "A Somebody's Journey"]Where stories live. Discover now