The Panic Of Uncomfort

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I'm trying to keep my cool, and I'm trying to keep my calm, but I don't think I can do this any longer. I have been fed up with everything you and everyone else has said since day one, and I've kept my

muzzle on, but today, when those disgusting, ignorant, idiotic words came out of your mouth my lip started to quiver. My body started to shake, and my muzzle tightened as I shook with anger and

uncomfort. My mind started to race a million miles, my heart started to pound, and the poison within me shook violently as it heard those stupid words you uttered. The posion inside me had

been boiling up to this point and now it wanted out but my muzzle was on tight and I wanted to tear it off my mouth and rip you to sheds but I knew that if I did all hell would break lose and that's the

last thing I need. I stood there like a fool trying to ignore your stupidity. Your words hit me like a sledge hammer to the skull, and I couldn't believe what you had just said. Who are you to spoil a

child's innocence? What you said triggered something inside me that made me want to rip you to sheds with the claws my anger had given me. I was stupid enough to think that I could

actually love you despite the way you treated me when you found out I had come out of my shell. You think that you and I are the same but we are very far from being the same. The hell you are

me putting me through and the scars you are leaving me are so bad that I don't think what you went through was as bad. You never meant to put me through hell, but in the end, you still

did. I hope one day I can forgive you for what you are doing to me but as of now I  can't wait to leave this broken and fucked up place behind.

The Dark Ages Volume 2 [Formerly "A Somebody's Journey"]Where stories live. Discover now