plea of insanity

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Ever since the summer started, I've started to melt like a piece of candy on the sidewalk. It all started when I was   running towards what i thought was paradise and hit the concrete, shattering 

into a million pieces. Summer break had always been some of the best times of my life, but right now, it doesn't seem that way. Right now, it seems like an eternity of trying to fight for my life and

I don't want to take this time for granted, but right now, things feel suffocating. Right now, I feel like I'm burning in hell or being tortured in a basement desperately trying to escape, but no

matter how hard I try, I can't escape. I'm trying so hard to tap into that strength I need to escape, but I can't, and every time I try, I just fall flat on my face. I don't want to go back on my word

because deep inside, I know I'm still certain, but things just seem so unstable at this moment. I've flown too close to the sun, and I can't lose my wings now because I can't risk falling back down

into that deep, dark abyss. Trying to tap into that strength is like knocking on doors, and no one answers, but you hope that someone will answer even though you know that every time you knock, no

one will be there. It feels as if I've lost the key to the safe that lies within me. It feels as if I've lost the bane of my existence. I don't know what to do or who to talk to, but all I know is that if I

don't keep knocking on doors and try to find my key. I fear that I am doomed. I built this ship with my own two hands, and I've sailed the seas too long to let it sink now damn it! I'm not ready to

let go yet, so please, I beg of you find that damn key! This is my plea of Insanity! If I don't find that key, I'll be nothing but a walking piece of meat! So put, don't put me in a straight jacket yet, but wish me

luck and keep me searching.

The Dark Ages Volume 2 [Formerly "A Somebody's Journey"]Where stories live. Discover now