Lurking Darkness

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As I lie in silence trying to sleep all I see is the black abyss waiting to claim my soul. All you can see amongnst the abyss is tiny blinking lights screaming for help as the darkenss snuffs them out. I

suddenly start to feel uneasy as if I were in a forest and everything suddenly fell silent as a result of a unknown predator lurking amongst the darkness waiting for its prey. I start to run in an

attempt to escape its hungry jaws but I am just a helpess deer stumbling through the trees desperately trying to hold on to my life so that i can see another day but eventually, it catches up

to me and as its jaws sink into my flesh, everything around me starts to go black. As I desperstley try to hang on to life, I watch as I get sallowed into the abyss waiting for me after death. When I

arrive at the empty pit of darkness all I can feel is an intense need to find a way home but the verison of the place i calll home was twisted in this abyss. I arrived home only to find that the ones

that gave life to me were replaced by the nightmarish creatures that live in the abyss. Regretting my desicion to have come in the first place, somehing dark and evil grabbed me and held me tight

forcing me to sit and watch these terrible creatures mock something I hold dearly to me while taking what little innocence was left inside me and squeezing it out like an orange that had

nothing more to give. When the thing finally decides its done playing with me, it tosses me back into the abyss. Quickly I stand up and look for the only soucre of light I know, but when J find it and go

to it I find that it's too late. Everything had been tainted by the creature and his frightening friends. This time there was no escape from the darkness that lurks in my mind, for it now bled into real life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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