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It's time I leave these same four walls. It's time I leave these same old problems behind. It's time I forget that day and open the doors. It's time I face those ravenous beasts. It's time I leave

this damn place behind. I've been fighting my own war in this closet for the past two years and it's now it's time for me to leave it all behind. I know it feels like I can't leave it behind but I

have too. I have to forget that day and open these doors. That day scarred me for life. I scratch at that scar every time I say it's time. I know those beasts are waiting for me outside the door, I know

those beasts are waiting to get their claws on me to tear me apart, I know they're waiting to tear my soul away from my body. It's time I pick up my sword and fight. Everyday for the last

two years I've pieced my armor back together trying to get back up on my feet. And now it's time that I've stood up and fight. It's time I slaughtered those beasts. They can't keep me in

forever. I must come out. I must get out of that closet. Every minute I spend waiting for the right time I lose my mind. It's time I've set a time, and now that I've set that time, I try not to lose

my mind as I draw closer to that time.

The Dark Ages Volume 2 [Formerly "A Somebody's Journey"]Where stories live. Discover now