{Not your typical love story} Dick Grayson X Non blonde reader (Part 2)

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You could guess who it was and slipped into a dead-end alleyway. You turned to see a thug with a knife. Your disappointment was unmeasurable. He wasn't even hot! He had missing teeth! You knew your rescue must be around the corner, Tony would sweep in and save you. You waited patiently.

He stuck a knife to your throat, "Give me your wallet." He demanded.

You looked around, but no hero was in sight. You let out a defeated sight. Opening your purse, you got out your pepper spray, and sprayed him before once again dropping your shoulders, sulking away.

Screams of pain were the new soundtrack to your low-budget satirical life.

Your phone buzzed again, "it's gotten into the 'Incredibly Bad, But Incredibly Hot' series."

[How does it even have that much throw-up in it!?]

[It's just ripping stuff up now. I think it realized it's trapped. On the bright side, it's looking a lot better.]

You didn't even text her back, you just ran, and ran. Past dirty children and questionable workplaces, through crowds of high people and dumpsters full of dead cattle. It was then you realized something as you looked around. You'd driven to the restaurant. You made your way back through the crowds of high people and dumpsters full of dead cattle.

A few seconds later it buzzed again, "Him, the cat's a him." You felt nothing, you were numb. Except for your feet, they were aching horribly. You knelt to remove them, resprayed the guy when he tried to run you through, and walked away barefooted.

You slipped into your car, throwing your heels into the backseat. You caught movement in your side vision and turned to see Dick slip into your car just before an arm comes around the chair pinning your neck and a gun is pressed against your head.

"So we meet again Y\N," Tony growled in your ear making you feel like you were walking a tightrope, heart slamming, stomach jumping, you'd never felt so alive.

And Dick sat there, looking concerned and making things awkward.

"Who is he?" Tony asked as you slowly turned the ignition and crawled out of the parking lot.

"Tony, this is Dick, Dick this is Tony." You said awkwardly gesturing between the two.

Dick turned around in his seat and tried to offer Tony his hand. But Tony was already using his right hand to hold the gun to your head. Not wanting to be rude, he released your neck and tried to offer his left hand. Dick switched hands and it resulted in a very clumsy handshake.

The tension now broken, you all sat uncomfortably in painful silence, as you crept around the block Tony still holding you at gunpoint and all cracking your brains trying to think of something to say to make it a little less awkward.

Tony was the first to speak, "so what do you do for work?"

"I'm a police officer."

"Oh, interesting."

"And you?"

"Mostly just extortion and drug trafficking."


Silence filled the car again.

"How's your family doing Tony?" You asked to try to break it.

"They're good. Uhhhm, Yours?"

"About the same."

Your phone buzzed, breaking the silence.

"Ignore it," Tony growled, but it kept going. Vrr, vrr. Eventually, he demanded you give him the phone.

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