{A glass of wine in a den of thieves} Dick Grayson X Reader

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Though I've understandably lost most following by ending this book, I've got like five of these part written ones in my notes app. So I figured I'd finish them and post them. I hope you like it!

Headlines boasting the feats of Blüdhaven's latest nuisance, covered the wood finish of Dick Grayson's desk. The subject? Silhouette, a high-profile thief who specialized in art.

For the right price, Silhouette would do anything. He had shown no sign of being scrupulous in any regard. Just last month, they'd gotten word he'd taken out a contract with Evan Avon to steal all six of the ten-foot stone gargoyles off the Saint Katherine cathedral.

Finding them wasn't hard. Six ten-foot stone gargoyle as it would turn out, were not impossible to steal but they'd never know whether they could have been hidden, since the man's first course of action upon getting them was to mount them on the sides of his mansion.

Since he hadn't felt inclined to leave a calling card, they could only guess a handful of crimes had been his by the sheer boldness of the acts. Silhouette had stolen paintings, sculptures, jewels, heirlooms, and allegedly the mayor's dog.

The mayor sat there in the police station sobbing into a handkerchief, "that evil man must be brought to justice! Anna Marie would never have left me of her own volition!"

"We're doing everything we can to catch him. But you need to give us a description of the man you saw taking your dog."

"She has a name." He choked.

"Okay, you said you saw a man pick up Anna Marie and jump out the window?"

"Yes, I couldn't make out anything because it was so dark, but it was definitely a man."

"Okay. Did you see what color his hair was?"

"Once he picked up Anna Marie, her safety was all I was concerned about. I never took my eyes off of her. I offered to match whatever he was getting, but he only laughed and jumped out the window." After that, his body shook and his sobbing became so wretched they had to call someone to take him home.

"I know it's not much, but here's a lemon. It's kind of like a dog," Y/N said gently, offering him a large lemon, "Especially if you leave it on the counter too long."

The young woman who'd come for him took the lemon before she guided him to the door.

"Why would he steal the Mayor's dog?" Dick asked as the well-groomed young man who had confidently charmed his way to being mayor was led away completely disfigured by grief.

"I don't think it was the same person. The way I see it, Silhouette only wants money. The thief would have gone for more money." Y/N said, looking over another lemon she'd gotten out of her bag.

"You L/N, are skating on thin ice. Not only do you not work here, you keep handing people lemons and it's starting to really upset the people who do!" The Chief warned.

Y/N put her hands up and backed out the door. As she went, a man thanked her for the lemon she'd given him earlier and she shot the chief a smug look.

"Shut the door Grayson."

When he left the office, he saw Y/N waiting outside. "Lemon?"

Finally, they would catch Silhouette. They'd gotten a tip Ellois Rhett had taken up a contract with Silhouette for The Prize Of Poseidon, a pearl the size of a table grape.

So they'd taken it before he could. And now they put out the word that anyone who wanted to make a bid on it could meet at the private room of The Observer restaurant the coming Saturday.

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