{Notice me} Damian Wayne X Try hard reader

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Your hands shook from nervousness, it had been your first time doing this, you hoped it didn't show. You had never before tried to get a guy's attention, but ever since the first time you'd seen Damian, you were completely infatuated. But so was every other girl in the school, and today was Valentine's day. Many girls would be giving him chocolate and candy, cards filled to the brim with well wishes and kind words. If you did something so simple you were sure you'd because nothing but another face in the crowd today.

You were determined to have Damian see you as an individual. That's why you hatched a plan to stand out.

Today was the only day students of Gotham academy were allowed to wear whatever they wanted. You knew everyone would be taking advantage of this to put on as much, pink, purple, white, and red as possible. So instead of wearing any of those boring colors, you dressed from head to toe in bright yellow.

You went as far as to even wear all yellow makeup and paint all your nails. You thought about dying your hair and coloring your skin too but then decided that would be going a little too far.

You made it to school just in time to walk down the halls and make all the traditional clones stop and stare as you boldly sashayed down the hall, and into the first class.

You walked right past the line of girls crowding Damian, trying to give him their cards, and snuck up from behind. Unzipping his backpack, you slipped in your gift, then re-zipped it and walked away.

After school was done you were crestfallen to have not been confronted by Damien yet. You were sure you had been the only girl today to have gifted him a lemon. You had even dressed especially so it would be easy for him to figure out it had been you.

You hadn't signed your name on the note, you thought he would be smart enough to find you. But it seemed you had been wrong.
You heard footsteps approaching you, you let out a sigh and slumped your front half onto your desk.

Maybe he wasn't as strong as you thought, maybe the note you had left caused him so much mental anguish he needed to take the rest of the day off as a mental health day.

You had been so desperate to stand out as an individual that instead of buying a beautiful card filled with well wishes and kind words, and gifted it with candy. You had written unkind words on a page of notebook paper, tore it out, and tapped it to a lemon.

You are a short nerd who is a less hot clone of your dad who is probably smarter than you and is definitely taller. Making you a less impressive version of him.

Looking back you could see how this could be taken as bullying if you didn't know the bigger picture. The way you had planned it, you would become rivals, become the only girl in his mind. Then as time passes, you would slowly become more. And you would get married, and move into a house on a hill and decide against having kids, then accidentally get pregnant anyway. Then you would realize you did want to have kids. And it would be a boy, and he'd have Damian's eyes, and your nose, and he would follow in his father's footsteps, becoming a football legend.

Suddenly you remembered something. Damian didn't play football. Oh well, you thought to yourself. We're only 13, there's still time.
You were snapped out of your daydream by the sound of footsteps approaching you. A boy walked up, he was wearing gray dress pants and a blazer with a white dress shirt. You couldn't see his face, but you didn't care to look up.

The boy cleared his throat and you looked up, to see him, Damian Wayne was standing in front of you. Glaring down at you with his beautiful emerald eyes.

You felt as though you may faint, he pulled out the lemon. Then a small knife that was against regulations. You blushed, you'd always liked bad boys.

Without warning he threw the lemon into the air and cut it in half, catching one in each hand, the knife stabbing through the one in his left hand.

He placed the halves against one another once again, holding them in his right hand, pulled the knife out, and suddenly stuck the knife in your face, inches away from in-between your eyes.

Without missing a beat you ran your tongue down the blade's side, regretting your decision instantly as the sour tastes of the lemon juice cause you to recoil, coughing, sputtering, and choking on your saliva.

"I know you were the one who gave me the note." He growled, still pointing his blade at your face."For one, you did not attempt to disguise your handwriting. You neglected to wear gloves, therefore leaving your fingerprints. And last and most obvious, I saw you attempting and failing miserably to sneak away after you put it in my backpack."

You were too busy trying to breathe to answer.

"I'll have you know that even though I may be shorter than my father, I am still a very capable fighter. I also prefer to be a nerd rather than a fool such as yourself. And the fact that you find my father attractive is deeply disturbing." He stated, still holding you at knifepoint.

You felt like blushing, seeing how jealous he was getting over the fact he thought you had a crush on his dad.

"And I'm not exactly like my father." He announced, putting away his knife as he passes one lemon half to his other hand. "My father wouldn't do this." He finished, squeezing the lemons over your head.

You clenched your eyes shut, as the cold juice trickled down your face.

This ended the only way it could have, with you in the principal's office staring at Damian's gorgeous face. One of his fangirls told about the note. And his older brother Tim saw him squeeze the lemon juice on your head.
On the bright side, now you had all of detention to be with him without all of the other annoying girls.

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