Keeping the secret

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I woke up to music blasting in the kitchen. I got ready for school and woke up kiara
Thomas: hey kee wake up
Kiara: mmm too tired
I started getting her clothes out and laid them on the bed
Thomas: you got school
Kiara: I don't wanna go
Thomas: how about if you get up now we can get some breakfast and say hello to uncle kelly?
Kiara: really?
I nodded my head. Kiara jumped out of bed
Thomas: I get you dressed or you wanna do it?
Kiara: I do it i big enough
Thomas: okay
Kiara: don't forget your medson (medicine)
Thomas: yeah yeah
I grabbed her bag and put it infront of the door. I was gonna take my meds from the basket in the kitchen until I saw mom and Michael doing lines on the table. I snuck away from the kitchen and headed back upstairs
Thomas: you ready kee?
Kiara: yeah. Help brush teeth
We walked to the bathroom and we both brushed our teeth
Thomas: let's go
Kiara: I wanna say goodbye to mommy and daddy
Before I could say anything she ran downstairs so I ran after her.
Thomas: come on kee
Michael: let her say goodbye to us
Thomas: kee come on
Michael stepped to me and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He pushed me and I hit my head on the counter. I felt blood drip down my face
Kiara: daddy you hurted him
Michael: he's fine
Kiara: Blood Tommy. You bleeding
Thomas: I'm f-fine
I stood up.
Thomas: Kiara let's go
I put my hood up, took her hand and we walked out the door. We went to the local bakery and made our way to the firehouse.
Kiara: daddy hurt you
Thomas: I'm fine kee it doesn't hurt. Kee I need you to listen to me okay?
She nodded
Thomas: you can't tell anyone okay especially Uncle Kelly
Kiara: why?
Thomas: because you can't okay?
Kiara: why?
Thomas: I'll get in loads of trouble with mommy and daddy okay?
Kiara: daddy mean to you
Thomas: everything will be okay we just can't say anything okay?
Kiara: okay

We walked to the squad table where we were greeted by Capp
Capp: Young Thomas and princess Kiara in the building
Kiara ran up to Capp and gave him a hug
Thomas: hi. erm where's my uncle?
Capp: with Casey I think
Thomas: okay thanks. Come on kee let's go find uncle kelly

We walked through the firehouse up to my uncles quarters and I jumped onto his bunk while Kiara leaped onto his lap. Him and Matt were in the middle of a conversation.
Matt: hey guys
Kiara: hi Matt
Kelly: what are you guys doing here?
Thomas: hi Matt. Oh hi Uncle Kelly nice to see you too
He just glared at me while Matt let out a slight laugh.
Thomas: okay okay we made a deal
Kelly: and?
Thomas: she wouldn't get out of bed so I bribed her with the bakery and coming here before school
Kelly: oh okay. School tho right?
Thomas: duh.
Kelly: why is there blood dripping down your face?
I stared at Kiara
Thomas: oh I er tripped over my shoes and hit my face on my desk
I was fidgeting a lot and losing track of the conversation. Uncle kelly got a wipe and started cleaning it
Kelly: did you take your meds today?
Thomas: nope
Kelly: why?
Thomas: I just left without them.
Kiara: I meminded you (reminded)
I was zoned out for a bit
Matt: what you thinking about kid?
Thomas: if a killer is chasing you, you're both running for your life
Matt: okay?
Kelly: how's it at home?
Thomas: fine
Kelly: come on TJ it's me you're talking to
Kiara: daddy mean to Tommy
Kelly: what do you mean?
Thomas: it's nothing
Kiara: daddy get mad
Thomas: Kiara shut your mouth
Kelly: Thomas don't talk to her like that. What the hell is going on?
Thomas: I don't want to talk about it okay
Kelly: What happened?
Thomas: what part of I don't want to talk do you not understand?
Matt: hey calm down
Matt took Kiara from Kelly and Kelly went to put his arm round me but I pushed him away
Thomas: fuck off. Come on kee school
We walked out and went to the apparatus floor.
Shay: hey guys
Kiara: hi Shay
Shay: hey T
I just ignored her and kept walking.
Shay: Thomas
Thomas: goddamn it what Shay you got something to say aswell?
I realised I snapped at her
Thomas: I-I'm sorry. I sh-shouldn't have snapped at you
Shay: is everything okay?
Thomas: everything's fine. Just fantastic
We walked away and I dropped Kiara off then made my way to school.

Kelly pov
I went after him and saw him snap at Shay. He walked off and Shay just looked at me
Shay: what the hell is going on?
Kelly: I have no clue. somethings going on at home. He got all defensive when I asked if home was okay. Kiara said that Michael was mean to Thomas. He snapped at Kiara. He got angry and told me to fuck off. He hasn't taken his meds either which is why he's more snappy than usual.
Shay: so bad day at school?
Kelly: bad day at school
Shay: how long is he in for?
Kelly: three lessons I think then I'll pick him up. He'll ring me anyway.

Thomas pov
My first lesson is PE. Today we're playing soccer. We do some drills and I get bored. Me and Gabby's nephew Diego end up pretending we're playing football. Coach blows his whistle.
Coach: Gibson, Dawson 2 laps
We start running and I finish mine way before Diego. When he comes back he's panting like a dog. I start laughing.
Diego: How are you not out of breath?
Thomas: I'm built different
Coach: Gibson
Thomas: Sorry coach
Coach: Alright get in teams. Gibson and Dawson captains
We picked our teams and began playing. I was playing striker. I was dribbling through the players and played a through ball reaching my teammate who then scored. I scored a few and assisted a lot. It was going well until this boy called Harry slide tackled me. I didn't even have the ball. I got up and squared up to him.
Thomas: What the fuck is your problem?
Harry: You
Thomas: what just cause I'm better than you.
Harry: Fuck off
Thomas: or what you fucking prick
Harry: at least my mom ain't the local crackhead
He then pushed me so I pushed him back. Harry swung for me and I dodged it and swung back. It connected with his jaw. We began throwing punches back and forth until coach came and held me back while the other boys held Harry back.
Coach: Harry go see the nurse
Thomas: Get off me
Coach: Calm down
Thomas: get the fuck off me
My anger was getting worse and coach could see this. He guided me towards the locker room and let me go. He radioed for another teacher to come down and supervise the match. I was punching lockers and walls until my knuckles were bloody. The blood was dripping down my hand. Diego walked in and saw what happened.
Diego: I'll call his uncle

Thomas Jack Gibson-SeverideWhere stories live. Discover now